
I'll take 3 hours gladly! That's almost half a work day not counting all the after hours I work!

However, thank you for bringing more light the problems here. I hope that this will bring some corrections here due to public awareness. I think it will but I believe it will be a slow, slow process.


A very relevant meme. I heart you.

imagine a public daily list of rewards and flags per user to double check if such things happen

There is a tool that helps you see some of this (I forget the link), but the fact is visibility is not the problem. Control of the "abuse" is.

" I hope that this will bring some corrections here due to public awareness. I think it will but I believe it will be a slow, slow process."

I hope your optimism proves to be warranted. Things seem to have only gotten worse in the last month...

everyone gets a day

lol @dzboston33 that was too funny. Not laughing at you though. Laughing with you. I am guessing you are from Massachusetts, based off of your steemit name. Yes its expensive living in Mass. I would be happy if I can even retire at 65 ;)

@mawit07 Haha. Nope. Last name, I live in Southern California though and it is quite expensive here! My wife and I, hope to retire before 65. Haha. But we will see!

Well anyway cool last name. California is not cheap either. Lets both hope our dream of retiring at 65 happens ;)

I wish I could give you a day, one day I'll be able to give you that day. Just you watch!

I'm sure you'll pay it forward at some point. I can't remember what your rep was a month ago, but I think it was lower than this! You must be doing something right.

I, in particular, appreciate your regular generosity.

Sorry for you reaching this <-> close state

This is not going to change (sadly) and will increase by the increase in SBD and steem values.

People are becoming even more daring with their abuse now. Place Holder, eh?

Shakes head!

Aww, thanks to your new avatar, I barely noticed you!

I'm glad to see you're still posting. Taking a month break and only tending to my comment backlog has done me good. I think I'll be posting again shortly.

I hope the drama has subsided.