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RE: Beginner Basics: How to Format Your Posts (Using Markdown & HTML)

in #steemit7 years ago

please explain to an 80year -old.
italicise, enclose with a *. what do you enclose it with? [] or( ) or maybe {}
is there a space? between the bracket?

To bold, enclose with **. what are they enclosed in as above, I presume the answer is the same.

Hyperlink??? what is that???? maybe under a different name,
where would I use it???

Create numbered lists using 1. 2. etc. and unordered lists using * followed by a space then your text ????
Use the strikethrough feature on your words by enclosing them with ~~
Why? just delete the word
For the youngies that might mean something, for the doddery it just BS
please simplify so I can apriciate your work
