My night theme of Steemit wallpapers for Steemians. Enjoy :)

in #steemit9 years ago

Hi, friends and good night, because it is deep night right now here in Moscow, and I am sharing my latest works with you and going to sleep )).

As I promised in my last post, where I've shared the light theme of Steem Wallpapers which I've created, here is the Night theme for those of you who like dark themes for their desktops.

This series I called "Games of Neon". Hope you like it!
Everything from idea to final renders was done by myself.

This is absolutely exclusive, only for Steem members.

Feel free to use them as you wish!

Neon01 (1920x1080)

Neon01 (2560x1440)

Neon02 (1920x1080)

Neon02 (2560x1440)

Here is the link to my previous post with light theme


If you like my works, follow me to get more interesting wallpapers for your desktops.
I also will be glad if you share with me your ideas for the next works ;)

Good night!



Very good work, just for asking this fact in Cinema 4 D? Thank you

No ;) Blender.
Check my previous works, there are screenshots of my work.

looks nice and clean :)

Thanks man! ))

Looks great!

Here is my latest work
Thanks a lot, @najibnoesis. Follow me for more interesting works.