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RE: Steemit Noobs - Steemit isn't About Posting Content, it's About Making Connections and Engaging with the Community

in #steemit7 years ago

Yeah, I think stuff like that is frustrating. Seems like Steemit is kind of in a static phase with not enough development being done to encourage communities to develop. At the very least, I console myself with the thought that nothing written is ever wasted. I can always use content I produce on here to create a resource or a book. But, yes, in the meantime, some of this is frustrating.


Another thing I find frustrating is I've recently been thinking about creating a couple new accounts within specific niches to try to bring more of the type of content I enjoy here. The problem I run into is waaaayyyy too many dead accounts. Say for example I wanted to make an account about motivation/self help/personal development.

Every single name is taken @personaldevelopment @getmotivated @motivation @inspiration, etc, etc, etc. Few if any of these accounts have any posts on them, some maybe initially did a post or two and never came back. So many of the good handles are taken by dead accounts or seem to have been reserved by the developers.