resteem and 100% upvote
but its wrong, they dont make 1000$, if they put in a big amount in bots to be upvoted (the even make net loss). You pay for visability. Otherwise there is no initial visability at all. The whole Cryptospace is anarcho capitalistik, nobody ever said its for making the people equal (thats wish thinking since 2015!) The cryptoanarchistic Szene behind bitcoin consists out of libertarians and anarchocapitalists and some unpolitical nerds.
The Algorithm decides what people do. Youtube in the early days was all about art (beeing funy, beeing free making nonesence) Now that you can earn money with it there are Rules made by the ones with most money (Clustering is a universal law not only in distribution of wealth) You have to, hack the system and not complaining. But thats just my opinion made on the facts I saw. You have to formulate your wish for fairnes in an algorithm to force people to behave fair (but incentives are nessesary)
but I like how bigger channels reakt to your post maybe they have fear :D?...
P.S. another thing ...If TA can be "good" (what ever this means) why nobody here has a track record, most people dont even have money for steem power which is proof that there is no proof at all (beeing a wale alone is also no proof...the "TA Magicans" are mostly the ones with big self votes ;), ppl can do TA but they are not critical about it and this is the sad part, ignoring lack of evidence and talking about good content. I like TA but not without beeing self critical)
Thank you very much for your comment @lauch3d your comment is full of words to analyze. In fact I have that idea too and I think it's not just the Cryptospace capitalist anarcho. The state of mind for me with TA, and when it says that most people do TA are not critical and it is a reality I as an economist know what to do TA of any graph that does a lot and that there are many " analysts "They make +10 TA per day. Which makes me doubt Since my publication came at the end of its "power spike" and I do not achieve my goal of reaching for less than 1,000 people but I am happy at least 2 or 3 at least. Thank you very much for your most recent comment on how much you have an excellent day.