I'm new to these parts, so my opinion isn't an educated one, but I would hope it wouldn't turn off a curator to upvote one's own post.
Why post anything that you yourself wouldn't Upvote or even Resteem, depending on the level of quality vs quantity you're going for? If you believe in your value, there's nothing wrong with believing in yourself & tooting your own horn, despite what we've been taught... But make it worth it, if it's curators you're trying to attract.
From what I've been able to ascertain from my attempts to assimilate with this cultures, it's acceptable to Upvote your own content, though there seems to be a varying & subtle advanced & nuanced art to it.
If you're wisdom is called in & you are put to work, especially by the author, it seems to be socially acceptable to Upvote ones own comment, you were volunteered to work after all.
It seems to be tacky though to upvote one's own comment & assume a share especially before the author themselves chime in, although again there seems to be subtle variations based on choosing to do work for others.
The big no no seems to be self-upvoting value-less comments & not even giving a courtesy reach around upvote to the author, as seen in the recent "me too" that was evaluated at $60.
Anyways, I could be totally wrong but it's what I've picked up trying to figure this lovely complicated eco-system out. :P
But most curators are dying for a good read, so why not toss yourself an Upvote if you believe in the value of your words? If believing in myself turns someone off, then they aren't who I wanted to attract anyways, you know?
(Omg, too many words)
I do believe I have a solid grasp now. Thank you for your time that it took to type all that and for the amount of information!
If you're one of those like I am that talks through the typing process, I'm sure you had to feel like you were giving a speech. Ha! Great feedback though, seriously. Thanka again.
You grasp! There is more to it but this is sufficient. You will move very fast