If Steemit Did Not Have Money Rewards

in #steemit7 years ago

For one, I wouldn't be here. Neither would you. I wouldn't post my random, unedited, grammatically horrid thoughts so I can get a few bucks and play with shitcoins. I would be doing something different.

There can't be a sense of community when the creators are whales and insiders. Period. People swarm like flies on shit and then the bot comments begin "Very Nice Job", "You Are So Valuable", "Let me have your sperm inside me if only for an upvote good sir, ok thank you bye". It's shit and it is intolerable. Petty and pathetic.

It's fake. Yet, it is still better than Facebook where I would pretty much vent the same bullshit and still get zero rewards. When something better than Steemit pops up (and trust me it will) the fattest whales and cheerleaders here will vanish along with the scammers and douchebags they support whether is the bleached tinfoil Berwick or Trevor James or any other moron that shills Steemit and its price. Chillax boys. We got the bull market push and the Korean scammers sustaining it. It is not "adoption". Quite the opposite happens. Engagement has dropped dramatically.

The whales create their own standards whether that is steemstem or ocd or art guilds or whatever they want to hide the scheme behind. People post for the money yet surprisingly enough after almost 2 years we get the same shit on the front page and the same people. Now some got even greedier and got bored giving shits. Why suck on randomly when you can suck up selectively by building your own witness?

Content doesn't matter. Views don't matter. Nobody is reading. I have 6000 "followers" (not really) more like 5, and the engagement I get is from pajeet-bots "thank you come again". Same shit goes on in almost all posts. It is laughable.

Thing is, you can't call out these stuff if you want some upvotes. Whales won't like it. You would be popping the bubble of delusion. In their closed groups, they will decide who dies and who lives. Who makes Steemit look "legit" with the half assed article that also has "references" and "sources"...you know, because that covers the copyright part...mmmright?. Medium, a top-tier content page doesn't even need that but ponzi guilds do....mmmmk...

If Steemit did not have rewards there wouldn't be any guilds. There wouldn't b any sucking up. The "leaders" would move onto their next shitcoin scheme. This place wouldn't exist. The only thing that makes this exist is because of the elaborate money grabbing — and really — because it is the only functional crypto-reward coin that needs zero investment. Even if it is breadcrumbs a suck-up can get a few dollars and get bitcoin. The process is worse than being a street whore but it works, for some at least. No other scheme other than faucets have figured this out but at least with faucets you have more self-respect since no one is watching you manic-clicking.

I don't follow anybody but I turned on my bot back-up. I seriously don't read anything other that some people's posts, sometimes. The content is nauseating and pretentious but I don't mind the few steem I get. It is an investment after all. Not saying that my vile, arrogant and hasty posts are any better or worth anything. I would write my own trash down anyways, maybe not as often though. Steemit is more like my half-arsed diary so that I can get my daily thoughts down.

Never forget that the creators, developers, community leaders and so on are millionaires already. They don't give much fucks about what is going on and how they keep generating profit. The "fights" and "flags" are more like cocks interlocking and that is for attention. The swarms in comments are cheerleadings carefully so that they can get some upvotes. They don't really give a shit.

You don't need Steemit to write a good post. You can post it anywhere on the internet. But since no one will pay you (or me) to read your crap Steemit becomes the only gateway. After that it becomes a snowball of degeneracy. Some carefully craft their posts so that they won't upset the whales and get a steady income. Some post 5 times a month but have a guaranteed guild/whale upvote. Some post every day. Some don't give a shit and post every few hours. It all depends how you foreplay that whale pimp that sponsors you.


This post was an inspiration from a dear friend @schattenjaeger that wrote I'm Taking an Extended Break from This Shithole .

If Steemit is to grow we need people like him and not what is trending. Remember guys. Whales are people who had some bitcoin and made it during the past massive bull run. They are not necessarily good people, content evaluators, smart or even good developers. Don't take yourself too seriously or them. Sure, abuse the system while you can, set up your own scheme but rest assured that when something better comes up they will move to the next money making project before you can say "scam".

There are 2 pages

Competitors are coming, for sure.

One of them is https://www.narrative.network/

There will be less freedom, some ads, brands and tribunal. 😀

sounds like sour grapes to me.
even so it's pretty damn depressing reading your stuff.

truth is often depressing

btw. case in my point. check how many fake comments this post has

Spam is all over every website ever created, Steemit is totally open though and it's a miracle the site is 100% spam bot vote farms that post randomized fake content... You really should be touting this as a massive success.

You are upvoting your own comments by shilling steemit. You are making my point.

Yup. I'm here to make money to help pay for treatments for my autistic son, are you here to try and feel superior to others and complain about them then curse them out when they disagree? If there's anything wrong with the world at large it's insufferable children like you. Good day, I will be taking good use of the mute feature, another excellent invention.

I mute the spammers and they disappear.

Based on @johano's comment history, he is actually making a statement or suggestion and not simply spamming you.

Honest people say honest things.

I hope that woman who was interested in steemit didn't buy steem or sbd at the prices you recommended.

you a bot?
machine intelligence with the concept of honesty?
who'd a thunk.

Agreed on that lol

It would certainly not be the same thats for sure lol

Im in it for the #money!!!

Oh good grief, another butt hurt poster. Did the bots get programmed to cry today? If you think a few bux is enough to change your life go flip some burgers. Maybe you haven’t heard but try posting on the other major websites—lebbit, fackbook, fritter, or pimpstagrsm. See how fast you get banned for not promoting their agenda.

Okay, I'll bite.

It's true that Facebook, YouTube, et al. will quickly ban you for not pushing their agenda. This is where the demand for Steemit comes into play, and I've been promoting it since day one that Steemit could be an awesome answer to those antiquated platforms. It's my understanding that it was the original vision. The decentralization and censorship free nature of Steemit was pushed at the beginning. But it's all ancient history now, and that's my issue.

It did, in fact, become about the "few bux" and little else.

Maybe it's just a temporary thing ? How could this be changed ? Who has the levers to change it ?
There is a lot of potential, it would be a pity to just abandon the ship. My opinion.
But anyway few bux are good, few bux make the difference. There are all these people from Venezuela and Aceh who might not be producing great content (at least not all of them) and mostly bugger for upvotes in order to scrape a few bux together but here's a platform where we can interact with them and maybe inspire them a little bit ? Even, excuse the arrogance, teach them a thing or two ? I don't know of any other place where I can influence (positively, I want to believe) someone living in Aceh, Indonesia. Certainly not on Facebook

Crying post?

Listen noob. Just because you are shilling steemit while you know exactly how fucked up it is, doesn't mean it is right.

A few bucks won't change my life because I am retired. I don't need to write on Steemit. I am writing what I write as genuine expression of opinion.

So shut the fuck up or crawl back to the shit you came from. I already mentioned that Steemit is the best platform even if the others suck.

On point kyriacos. I also read schattenjaegers post and strongly agreed. I left a comment even though he said he wasn't reading them probably lol.

I agree with everything you say. This place does suck. There are only a few who seem to care anymore and it sucks.

The whale orgy is sad. I noticed that OCD had a bid bot. When the curation groups and minnow support groups have a bid bot. Things are fucked up.

I have also just been writing down my random thoughts and lately they have been along these lines.

Thanks for my profile image once again. I will be here until something better comes along too, if you find it before me, be sure to let me know.

I did read them, but had shit to do, and now I'm going to bed soon. I'll reply to them in the morning. Happy to see people like you sticking around.

Ya you just had said in your post you maybe wouldnt so I wasn't sure. Glad to see you sticking around too kyriacos. If both you left on the same day that would just be a shitty turn of events. Schattenjaeger , if you ever have some wisdom and you want someone to hear it. I will still be here following you and wanting to read what you say. Like kyriacos said, it's good to just write down your thoughts and vent sometimes. Even if it is in these scam infested waters.

glad to see you are still around man.

It's only because you had such inflated hopes. In your heart, you thought humans were as noble as you. Well, wake up to the reality: this place is populated by average humans and it reflects them. They are not a pretty bunch to behold. It's just the way it is, but take a mirror and look in it: YOU and @kyriacos and many others (not as many as you might have hoped) are working to better it ! Don't let down because nothing comes without effort and perseverence. This place has got a number of things right, the glass is also half (or maybe one-quarter ?) full !
If somehting better comes along it will probably be better until the human locusts notice it and come to suck it dry. Then what, you are going to jump to the next things that comes along ? Don't you fear this periodic jumping will leave you frustrated and with a feeling of emptyness ?
Wouldn't it be better to not let down and keep writing great posts and do whatever you can come up with to better this place ?

Does ocd have a bidbot? I had no idea

Yeah it doesn't matter if it's Steemit, Facebook, world peace or any other thing: People are shaping it and unfortunately many influential people on this planet don't care a lot about others.

And people don't change...

Anyway I found a few people here on Steemit and I highly value their opinion because they enhance my thoughts and change my life in a positive way.

E.g. someone posted about the current "information based economy" may change to an "idea based economy" in the future and that our kids may not be prepared with the current school system. I don't want my kids to become working drones.

It's always the same... some really great stuff but also tons of crap.

EDIT: I'm not sure if this behavior can change and how but I hope it changes otherwise the future would be pretty bad, not just for Steemit.


Its true most people on Steemit are in it for the money but I know of those that are really passionate about blogging. The cash is just an extra incentive.

"Very Nice Job", "You Are So Valuable", "Let me have your sperm inside me if only for an upvote good sir, ok thank you bye"


I’m honestly tempted to try the last one, just to see what happens then. Lmao.

Hahahah I love this, but please allow me to prove you half wrong (while you are undoubtably half right). You are right that to a large portion of users, including the ones who ultimately decide the direction of this place, a lot of what goes on here is utter bullshit masquerading as whatever-the-fuck, sometimes malicious and sometimes deluded.


Real community does exist here, perhaps in spite of the overall design which also caters to the less flattering side of human nature. Hoping for payout and being genuine are not mutually exclusive though. Some of us believe that you can offer your thoughts and opinions and outlook honestly and still be rewarded for them, and that the compensation doesn’t neccisarily make them any less sincere. If you pay attention to the right people (instead of the trending page, or the new page), you find a lot of people posting things which knowingly will not attract the most possible payout, sometimes risking being flagged by users who could crush them.

Some of us have used steemit as a means of self-assessment, allowing us to question our intentions and pushing ourselves to become more honest. If you want a list of those people, I can give you some of their names, they’d very much appreciate your upvote and probably haven’t noticed this post because they spend more time in discord getting to know each other.

I’ve made amazing friends here and I’m continuing to build together with them to see what good we can do here, recognizing every minute that self interest will always need to be kept in check, but confident that my interest and the interest of others don't need to contradict, and feeling no guilt about profiting from my output and experimentation here.

It’s important to recognize the problem and I could applaud you for doing that but you might see it as kissing ass. Instead I’ll say this, the same thing I would say to you if you were a tiny minnow, rather than sitting around and feeling like shit about the state we are in, that the place is hopeless, ask yourself what you can do about it. Due to the trickle down economics of steemit it should be easier for you to do something than a measly minnow, but even a minnow should try, because (you said it) this place is better than Facebook.

You don’t need to doubt whether I wrote this comment with the intention of getting an upvote. I will tell you outright. The answer is “I did and I didn’t.” I can be entirely honest about a topic which is of interest while still hoping for my own personal benefit. I try to have faith that even if most of the whales/dolphins don’t give a fuck, some will care enough to support what the honest ones among us are doing even if it’s not always in their direct personal interest to do so. Eventually more people will come to see that the well-being of the collective is in the best interest of the individual. When actions are both selfish and selfless in nature, they are neither, theycjust ARE.

The longer you are on this platform the less you like it because you start to see through it. If you are not a new person who just came here to write a few posts and make some money then you know this place is getting worse and worse every day.

It's not about content and how good it is anymore, people can just pay for the upvotes.

Steemit would be so great with different whales up on top. Sadly I can only think of @officialfuzzy right now. He had some great ideas how the whole community could help the world and popularize steemit/steem at the same time (rewards for good grades, books for poor kids, money going towards curing illnesses, gridcoin mining and so on). Steemit could be such a beautiful place, but till people like Haejin will be on top I know that nothing will really change here.

He setup a ponzi scheme that links with buying tokens through bitshares.

not exactly a solution man. still buying upvotes...

Ah, what refreshingly bitter cynicism. Like a strong black coffee which stings the tastebuds, but also startles one into awareness. I can't really dispute any of what you said except to point to the generous payout you received for saying it. Indeed there's a mountain of shit here, but it's speckled with diamonds, you just have to be willing to dig.

in all that you are right ... here in Steemit there are many people who comment trash ... like: wow, excellent publication, I summarize and resonate that comment that has me with a headache, I do not even read them ... and about the whale that there is a very strong scam where only the beneficiaries are them. I have never seen positive votes for their followers and the stupid ones continue to comment on each of their publications to see if a positive vote is obtained that, unfortunately, never comes. I do not waste my time with them. It's rubbish. As you say in the end, you should use Steemit as much as you can.
You are sincere when you speak and that is good .

I feel lucky that I am able to see things from a variety of perspectives. Yes, I may be relying on Steemit right now as my only hope to get out of debt. I also can see everything that you mentioned in this article going on. Especially the part about whales being our pimps. That is exactly the case. Luckily mine gives me a steady allowance.


I put a lot of passion into my posts, however nobody ever seems to really interact with them unless I bid on bot-votes. Then MAYBE once I am at the top of a few popular tags I will get a couple of meaningful comments form some minnows.


All in all, I still have positive hopes for Steemit as a whole. It has given me so much so quickly. I just hope that it all isn't taken away from me just as fast. I will be busting my ass to reap as much from this platform as quickly as possible, because you are right. We really do not know the future here.


This post of yours may have some people uneasy and upset, but I am very much the type to go with the flow. You made me laugh a few times, that in itself earns you my respect. Keep it up yo!

I believe a lot of people would not be on here. I know however that I would. I've wanted to blog for a long time, and this platform is extremely fluid for use. It's not WordPress, I can develop tools using steem.py, not many capitalize on that part of steem. It's powerful.

This is a wonderful website that I would rather be on then reddit, Facebook, Instagram, whatever man. Snap chat. Gross.

I want to intelligent conversations, discussions, and be proven wrong, learn from others, meet others from all over the world, and so much more.

There are people that are genuine here. But you're right that a lot are not.

Steemit has it's faults. As a platform I'm hoping it will evolve and improve.
One good thing I've noticed from Steemit is that I've learned things that I wouldn't otherwise have learned by reading content I wouldn't usually read. Yes I was tempted by the small reward of a comment vote, but I usually read with the intention of leaving some constructive or interesting comment, especially if I've found the article interesting. In some ways I think that's more important for the author than the upvote, interacting with someone on an article that you've spent a couple of hours writing is worth more than a $0.01 upvote.
I remain open minded and relatively positive about Steemit for the time being anyway. It's a step in the right direction, and that direction is a move away from the corporate controlled alternative media channels. That can only be a good thing.

"One good thing I've noticed from Steemit is that I've learned things that I wouldn't otherwise have learned by reading content I wouldn't usually read."

Yeah that's right. It's just a small number of people with content that e.g. gives you new thoughts / ideas but there are certainly some.

yeah, but this is because of the money. you were chasing the money and along came the "content".

that is sad

Why sad? The money isn't the only motivation. I mean really, chasing a few cents isn't my priority in life. I've got bigger fish to fry (excuse the pun). It's partly about content creation and consumption and partly gamification (building steempower, reputation, followers etc.) In short I enjoy it.
I don't know, like I say I remain positive to the overall evolution of steemit, it's definitely a step in the right direction.

It's hilarious when people are passionate about something to the point where they almost have a stroke when they see someone trying to profit off of it "unjustly".. It's like they are selective capitalists. You should see the retro game and vhs tape collecting communities lol.. If you ever try to sell a game at a price someone thinks is too high you will be railed by some lunatic. There's NOTHING wrong with wanting to make money, if there was would we spend most of our lives at school and work?

Yes the most for sure.

There are a couple people where I believe that they do it for the content... maybe.

Steemit's innovation was always advertised as its reward system so that shouldn't be a surprise. As far as content, I think almost any social network, blogging platform, whatever is at least 90% crap. Maybe the difference with Steemit is that so much of that crap shows up on the trending page but I never look at that page anyway...

Steemit has been a good faucet to me and I imagine for others as well. Now there is spam here with the desperate souls, there are shit posts most of the time and of course politics as we will never avoid them.

But it is still better than facebook... pure shittola there, youtube I have had a channel for over 10 years, virtually no money in that... DTube you can gain more in a day than years on youtube.

So really as a new venture this is good as it created a direction, it will also keep attracting more from facebook and youtube... so content aside the platform will still grow.

I have learned somethings here about this new paradigm (crypto), but also generated great income by using proceeds to purchase further into the space outside Steemit, last year was huge...my meager earnings here catapulted holdings outside massively. Thisyear may even be better,so I leave with a thought of an old expression...

Make while the makin's good.

It won't and it doesn't because the 1%'s increase their stake exponentially while the rest get cents. It is as disheartening as watching pleb videos on youtube get thousands of views. Same effect.

Also here you're free to post what you want for the most part.. Some just want freedom without the cost of dealing with spammers, scammers and beggars.

You have so many bots following you. You are a scammer. so stfu

I'll be perfectly honest. If steemit don't have any rewards, then there's no reason to be here. Isn't the objective of this social platform is to reward bloggers or anyone who writes content? If there's none then what's the sense of not using Facebook?

Surely this post is the most realistic, sensible and sincere I've read in those 1 year and 6 months I'm here at Steemit. We need a dose of reality and sincerity to face the problems that exist here. Congrats @kyriacos, this message must be released and my resteem this post deserves.

ur post is very detailed and "sharp" :D
seems i agree with your opinion
its all about reward ...

I get the feeling of what you are trying to say.

Nobody gives a shit here, that's true unless someone wants to downvote you it doesn't matter whether you are writing the best content or the worst.

In real internet world blogging, people earn money because they post content that is either useful or interesting.

But when I see things on steemit, I can't find out sometimes even one post that I will pay 1$ to read.

It doesn't matter to me how much anyone earns here and by what means because it is not my money they are getting.

But I can't stop wondering sometimes that if by some accident, steemit fails, what will happen to all these people who were surviving from last one year by posting here.

I hope for their sake that steemit doesn't fail for some time, till they find something they actually want to do.

They will move on to the next scam or the one they were doing before.

Just read the @schattenjaeger post:

And I left a reply there that I wanted to share here too:

You are one of the few people who speaks the truth here.

When I joined steemit, my sole purpose was to earn money by writing any shit I could. I even plagiarised because the content never mattered to me.

I got flagged and I stopped writing here. Steemit never gave me any inspiration to write good quality content. It just appeared to me that it is an easy way to make money.

So, after a while, I made some friends on discord and steemit chat and 2 of them were professional writers and bloggers.

And when I saw their work, I enjoyed them, adored them and I wanted to be like them.

Only after that, I thought of writing some good quality content, improving myself every day and maybe one day become a good blogger and writer.

And the thing about good writers and bloggers is that steemit has very few of them.

Both of my friends left steemit after 2 months, they were writing professionally for more than 10 years.

I could not understand it then why they left when they could make money easily because they were such good writers, as steemit is all about writing, they should be on trending page and earn good amounts on each post.

But I understand it now, they did the right thing.

let me make a better summary.

You joined a jerk circle with some whales and they decided to upvote you and that gave you motivation.

congrats. this is what everyone hopes in doing.

It's more of a line than a circle. It's a bunch of people with very little steem power taking turns jerking off the whales hoping to be blessed with some of that sweet, sweet whale sperm (also known as upvotes). Sometimes they get covered in enough whale jizz to become a dolphin, which allows them to form a new line and start receiving a few of the handjobs.
This analogy got out of hand.

The most brutal and sexy part was the whole post put it in a nicely tight package for the suckers.

The creators are long gone ready to pump out the new shiny SMT's (Shiny Money Tokens) That can attract the bigger fishes.

I saw @schattenjaeger's post and commented...
The truth be told... I won't be here if not for the money. But aside the money... I'm building myself up gradually and I've learnt few things from steemit and still learning.

I read your posts @kyriacos!
Your frustration is tangible,
your disappointment understandable,
do you have any solutions that are amenable?

Steemit is fun!

In the distribution of wealth or holdings in any natural system, the tendency DOES go towards the top 1% holding 90% of the material; wealth or otherwise.

It ain't right, it's not fair, it's just the way it is.

The Universe is 99% nothing.
Then you come upon a planet, or even a sun!

There's all the matter, collected in one spot.

How can we correct this?
I like your honesty and straight-upedness, do you have any ideas that might be implemented to make Steemit better?

I think we're still in beta...

I love your passion, however no sperm thank you. 🙂

You can't correct this. The model is molded so that the strong become stronger. it's pointless.

I perceive this as the place to learn and improve my english skills enchanting my imagination and letting me engage with others. Works quite good but yeah, when you start really looking on what's happening it somehow discourages you. (or me).

I wish everyone reading this have a wonderful time today! Words are spells!

As a minnow, I can relate to most of this. But then, I have met a couple of great people on here and I am still relatively new. Maybe I joined cause of the rewards, which right now I don't get but I honestly don't think I would have known the people I know now if not for this platform.

I love this post because it's spot on . But, it doesn't matter to me. I wouldn't be here either if it were not or the potential of rewards. I was a big blockchain fan and Steem seems to be a working example of what it can be. Nevermind that the ecosystem is totally fucked up. But if the prices rises and it turns into something I will have some based on a small investment.

Spot on. This ship could well be sinking, and it's like some of the big players don't think further than "I'm glad the hole isn't at my end of the ship".

Indeed, the follower count has been something that has been broken for a while. My follower count has tripled to 1,000+ but the number of votes per post has barely budged.

Maybe they just follow to get an update when i have new shitty content so they can shake their head in disappointment.

All of this got me thinking.
I love Steemit, But it's still far from perfect. It's going to take a lot to change things. I like that opinions are openly being expressed like this. If we keep being "Fake" Nothing will get fixed.

I think all of Steemit is overwhelming. We all have visions of what Steemit could be. But ultimately I think we need to make Steemit one or a couple things, Instead of everything in one go.

I'm really unsure on what we necessarily could do, But I do miss the old days.


The same people constantly "Trending" Is probably something more permanent. If you look at other websites, It's set up in the same way. Ultimately us "normal" people, Won't have as much of an advantage as those with a big following. That most likely will never change, And we can't compete. I'm sure there's gotta be a great "happy Medium" for the bulk of us.

You miss those 300 upvotes kaylin. nothing else changed.

I think you might be my spirit animal. I've held off from making my first real article to take time to learn the ends and outs of the platform. It's not pretty. However, with YouTube and Facebook leaning so far to the left and violently swinging their censoring ban hammer and sickle, people are looking for alternatives. This year could be huge if we can disrupt the giant circle jerk. Keep an eye on minds.com, they are about to introduce crypto and that platform is way ahead on the way it presents content.

Mostly true but are the profanities really necessary ?


Still, when I think of it, Steemit has such a huge potential ! There are so many things that can be done, that can go right ! I can't bring myself to be pesimistic about it. Yes, the current state of affairs is not glorious (you might call it dire) but it seems to me that it would be so easy to turn things around ! I take it that it's just a matter of time - whoever neds (sic!) to get around to do it will at some point in time get around and do it ...

You're right.

You're kind of a cunt, but you're right. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for being paid in crypto.

I don't even consider myself a minnow. More like a plankton -as I've said a hundred times- so nobody probably gives a rats ass what I think. But there's nothing wrong with moving here to get paid. The stuff I've learned here could have been learned anywhere else on the internet. But I made ten cents talking about it here because someone thought my questions and answers were valuable to them and the discussion.

Yes. If something better pops up, I'll go there. You mad that we don't use a floppy disk anymore? Cause it's the same thing. The market moves to something better. Some people mooch. If note them. Some people are richer than you. If they don't provide any utility to you, ignore them.

Steemit without rewards would basically be Reddit.

I'll offer you the once in a lifetime opportunity​ to edit my blog posts for the sheer unadulterated joy of pleasing the syntax and grammar gods:D

You going to be taking an extended break too???

At this point, I will take this over facebook censoring the hell outta me. The spiral is building ever upward...

Thing that bothers me about Steemit the most are the people running upvote bots who take money from people, and actually go back and undo their votes because they dislike the content, and don’t reimburse the account.

Nobody is profiting from bid upvote bots unless the ROI is at least 250%. Even then the profit is negligible because of the way SP is paid out. Basically, anyone using bid upvote bots is throwing their money in the garbage. Even if it gets your post trending, most accounts votes aren’t even worth one cent, so unless a whale upvotes your post you won’t make up the loss you had by using bid upvote bots.

So basically, we have Whales here stealing thousands of dollars from people, who then go on to write posts about how they are thieves that rip people off. To make the entire matter more scandalous, people laud the thieves for stealing in the comments. If the same thing happened using actual dollars, the person(s) commiting this fraud would be facing jail time, and probably still could. I for one hope they do.

Interesting post, @mathiasian

I feel sorry for you, though, that you feel you have to keep downvoting me for something I've done, cowardly, without telling me what it is that I've done to upset you. If I've written something so wrong, why don't you put me in my place with an intellectual argument? You could even enlighten me. I'd be so grateful.

You want to be remembered as a bully-boy & a coward, then? Do you have your own children who some day you'd like to remember you this way? (I assume your online persona reflects your offline one. I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't.)

So, yeah, I do feel sorry for you. Just probably not half as sorry for you as you yourself feel?

Awww. Well yeah, it's definitely not a get rich quick scheme here.

Want another write and earn site then? Lemme know. I'll drop a link. 😁

That is true..... it is a get rich very slowly with great effort.

Yeah, am not thinking of getting rich here at all! Lol.

I earn more with YouTube monetization but I have been there for over 10 years now. I did well with Steemit in the 1st 6 months but definitely slowing down. I use it as a place to store my artwork on the Block chain.....

spot on friend,that's the truth....

great your steemit post

keep sharing.such a beautiful post.go on.hope people will be benefited on this.go ahead

This is quite informative, I know you can do better. The whales today started yesterday, good work


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