
nextgen_kushed_chat_compc7124.jpgIt's called the gift economy, something you would know nothing about considering you've gone rogue and now are actively abusing your power by flagging all of @ats-david's neutral comments and posts. Since NextGen has censored ats-david's comment, I'll repost the image here for all to see the comments and plans to abusively flag and attack ats-david's neutral comments:

Capitalists give gifts.

Very true. It has to be voluntary to be a gift though. Can't force it. ;)

The definition of a gift includes the fact that it is done from the heart, when applied to the gift economy. I am not talking about bribes here.

google "definition gift" The two qualities giving must have to constitute gifting is willingness and lack of payment. Sentimentality (being "of the heart") isn't a requirement at all. It's not that I don't understand gifting, it's that I understand it better than anyone that refers to it as being purely altruistic or part of an economy. The reason I felt the need to point out that it has to be voluntary rather than forced is that your original proposal suggests an involuntary redistribution of wealth and that wouldn't be a gift at all. More like theft.

People here don't seem to know anything about the gift economy.


Please explain how the above suggestion isn't meritocratic.