Hello, my dear Whales and Dolphins and others! I am a newcomer on this site so the maximum reward I got from my post is 41 cents. Of course I felt a bit envy at firrst to guys getting thousands for theirs. But today I` ve decided I am fed up with moaning and felling sadness, anger, any other emotions about how many votes my posts get. Even if I get nothing for this one I won`t care.
But I keep reading bitch posts of complainants "Nobody appreciates my posts" "I am so nice but they don`t understand" I will better go and drown myself in the river or kill myself some other way.
And I want to ask all them: Are you crazy? Do you realy think that steemit is the end of the world? Or maybe you think that the only way to be happy. What a nonnsence! Life is so nice at it`s worth enjoyng every moment of it.
Yes I can hear you crying " I am spending days and nights posting" "Even when I sit in the rest room I think about new ideas for my posts. " I undersdand. Everybody wants to succeed and I am sure you will!! Maybe even today. You only need two thing : keep trying and be patient.
One evident example. All of us were one year old kids. Maybe some of my readers are having their own of the same age. And you were learning to walk. You fell down, your were crying but continued your attempts untill you suceed. And what if a child thought after the first attempt No, it`s not for me. Can you imagine
So keep posting everyday. Maybe today you will get 1000 dollars, or tomorrom. Write me in the comments what have you bought for your first 1000 dollars earned on steemit.
Learn to wait. when people grow a bamboo they put seeds in the soil and nothing happens for a year or two. But after the plan grows 5-7 meters in one day.
How long you said you have been posting?
And the last thing STOP TRYING TO PLEASE THE WHALES. They created this social network to read interesting and useful stories, not to observe thousands of people trying to kiss their asses for money. Just be yourself and write about thing you are interested in.
Love and peace to everyone! Hugs to everybody
Thank you from heart