
Lol. Couldn't agree more, Kubby.

I'd say I lean to the left.

wordddd! wow so far mostly left in here lol .. where all my artistic weirdos at haha

Really @choogirl, I guess with a PHd you would think you are more left brain, but I see a lot of creativity in you too. Especially with your writing!

Haha thankyou !!! So what are you right or left ??

That is a tough question. I am a little but of both. can I pink right down the middle?

The Right Brain

Recognizing faces- Yes
Expressing Emotions-YEs
Reading Emotions-Sometimes
Intuition -YESS
Creativity - Not always

The Left Brain
Language -YEs, oi!
Logic- Yep
Critical Thinking- ehhh, sure!
Numbers- Sometimes
Reasoning- Most of the times.

There are more yes on the right brain, so there you go. lol