Steemit: A Social Engine of Change.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I have been thinking about the positive changes to society that the Steemit system can contribute. After spending some time in this social network; I have realized that it is my opinion that Steemit is a capitalistic engine at its purest most refined form.

All wealth is actually a store of information. A person with a skill, learned a particular skill set above the rest; no one person can be a master of all trades. The individual then exchanges this information for an object that represents someone else's skill in an area of expertise other than their own. Capitalism is the free exchange of skills and services in the marketplace.

Information on the internet is a collection of peoples experiences, ideas, and skills. This information is valuable in that it represents skill and effort. Steemit acts as a filter of the information cloud; refining information and categorizing it according to its value to the social network. This refining of information can be thought as a jewelers refining of Gold. The more it is refined the purer and more valuable it is.

But the Question is can this refined information given its ranking to the Social Network of Steemit be transferred to monetary value for the betterment of society?

One solution that I have thought of is to potentially monetize the best and most refined information on the social network through advertising revenue. These funds then could be then be deposited into a non profit Steemit holding company. A company with concrete laws; open and transparent accounting; made public and verified by third party audits. This company could invest in stocks of other companies according to the collective wisdom of the social network by use of Steem power voting. The dividends from these investments could then be used for socially positive initiatives. Goals decided and voted on by the holders of steem power.

This would form a virtual board of directors; with a broad and refined consciousness choosing where best to invest for social and economic betterment of the world.


I'm not sure how this company would work, but Steemit allows you to experiment. I guess you can show content from here with ads, but a lot of people come to Steemit to avoid ads and we don't really need them.

I was thinking that the non profit business would be an offshoot of the social network. Using the existing components of steem power; in order to govern broad overarching goals for the betterment of society.
Ads is one possible method that could be used to monetize the collective value added refining of information of the entire social network.

Sounds interesting. The issue with any business is building trust, but on Steemit your actions are transparent. I hope to see people try out new business ideas using Steemit and Steem.