I Dream of Cryptocurrency

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)


Two months ago, if you'd said the word "Cryptocurrency" to me, I would have had no clue what you were talking about. I'd seen the word "Bitcoin" around here and there, but I never took the time to actually find out what cryptocurrency was until sometime in the middle of May. Since then, that's all that's on my mind.

My goals are lofty; always have been. Others see spare change in cryptocurrency, but I see a healthy nest egg. I see a way to have that safety net we all dream of and free time to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Will you go on this journey with me?

Seeing as this is my first post on SteemIt, I figured that this would be the absolute perfect way to open; by inviting you all to take a journey through the land of Cryptocurrency with me (do I sound like Willy Wonka yet?). We can learn together, share our triumphs and even our faux-pas. What better way to engage in a community driven by Cryptocurrency than to use it as a platform to learn, share, and bond with others that have those same dreams?

Now, Cryptocurrency won't be everything that I talk about here, but it will be featured heavily. I have plenty of other things to talk about and share -- and I will, so I hope you'll take that journey with me as well. Let's make the most of this community we call SteemIt!

Who's with me?!


I too have found myself having dreams of longing huge profits, shorting out of nightmares, and all the glory.

What do you trade currently?

I just got into trading Dash/Darkcoin, there seems to be some pretty good profit potential there, or at the very least enough to sell and have a nice cushion of Bitcoins to sit on, which is my main trading coin. How about you?

Mostly btc/usd, btc/eth on margin