Let me begin with a humbling “THANK YOU!”“I stepped off the path!”, much of the sentiments I’m expressing are addressed in that post., to everyone as I reached a big Steemit milestone. Today I reached 3,000 followers. This has been the best ride of my life. I was swept up in to Steemit when @mada casually mentioned the premise of the site to me at @caffetto. Zero knowledge of Bitcoin, cryptocurrency or blockchain technology. Just another starving artist with big dreams, wide eyed and hopeful that my sacrifices would eventually mean something; that my work would matter. If you haven’t read my recent blog
Everything has exponentially changed for the better since finding Steemit. I’ve been able to live a fuller, more rewarding life. Like millions of other artists, musicians and creators dedicating years or our lives to posting on other social networks, I ignored the nagging voice saying “…you should be getting something for this!”. After all, I was the one sleeping on floors, tearing muscles in my back, getting sick and shuffling in to budget airline seats. Steemit has given me a platform to share my work with an audiences that appreciates, and deserves the personal cost in creating the art itself, and doing so without lining Zuckerberg’s pockets.
The foundation I’m building here on Steemit is the most important thing I’ve done in my career as an artist. I remember @lovejoy once saying to me as he pointed to the followers on my account, “…this is the most important number on the site! More than the reputation, and more than the money.” […sorry to say, pal, I beat you to 3,000]. I knew what he was saying, but actually marking this milestone I’m starting to believe @lovejoy has drunk enough fancy tea that he’s absorbing the wisdom of the ancient Chinese. Community and followership supersedes all on Steemit!
What do I have to show for my dedication to Steemit? Tools of my trade. Granted, yes, shiny and all adorning Apple logos, but I’ve furthered my art with the rewards I’ve made here. I’ve paid bills, even mortgage payments when things were tight. Prior to Steemit, when I was up against a wall by the end of the month, there were times I only had faith that “something” would come through. For the first time in my life, I have a savings […of sorts]. The unbelievable weight that’s been lifted from my shoulders as a father cannot be quantified.
This “should” be a big positive moment, and it is. I’m elated. I will say, though, as the vail of living in poverty is slowly pulled back from my eyes, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs reveals another step for me to climb. A bigger picture is coming in to focus. As an investor in STEEM and EOS, I’ve been watching interviews with @dan. The technical shit is great as I have an insatiable desire to learn more about blockchain technology, but it’s @dan’s philosophy on “freedom” and a decentralized society that’s consuming me lately.
Part of the “bigger picture” is my peers. Of my friends @tarotbyfergus has long been the most modest of annual incomes [poor]. What I respect is that he is gifted, and will work within those gifts, rather than swallowing down a 40/hr week job for Wells Fargo salary and benefits, knowing full well that is contrary to everything he stands for […I have a lot of friends doing just that]. I started on Steemit about a year before @tarotbyfergus, but given the timeline since his introduction post, he is almost exactly at pace with where I was then, respectively.
It’s such a dichotomy, because the world I’ve always known seems to be in a tailspin. As a young anti-authority punk, I thought “anarchy” looked like broken windows and flipped cop cars. I’m seeing now, that’s not the case. “Freedom” is just opting out of the gaslighting that is chasing something you’ll never reach. Surprise! This system hasn’t worked for me. I’m not looking to destroy it, or change it. Honestly, I just feel like I’m leaving it. Like that moment you turn your back on an abusive relationship…because that’s exactly what it is.
These are late night excerpts of a late night, after a long day. I’m endlessly grateful there are over 3,000 of you willing to stay up and read it. My freedom is pursuing a comic book/graphic novel that involves this new enlightenment. Stay with me. 2018 is going to be a homecoming of sorts for me.
Thanks for reading and following! For more thoughts on life, stories, photography and art, follow me here @kommienezuspadt!
congratulations @kommienezuspadt for this awesome achievement.
Thanks @munawar1235! It came up on me fast!
Congratulations on this great achievement @kommienezuspadt ...
Thanks @hms818! I’m pretty happy about it.
Wow ! Congratulations @kommienezuspadt ! I also hit that awesome number of 3000 a couple of weeks ago ! Cheers to many more followers and years to come on Steemit !! Just keep doing what you do my friend STEEM ON !!🎉🎊🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎈🎆🎇🎈
Congratulations on your milestone as well @karenmckersie!
Thank You !🎉🎇🎆🎈🎊
Congrats dude! you are one of my favorite content creators on this platform, Look forward to many years of good content from you!
Awwww, thanks dude! That’s a huge honor because there is so much good art on this site! I’m burning through my voting power so fast because every day I see so much work I can’t pass up. Thanks for the encouragement @steemitadventure!
Awesome news !! Your contents are amazing which entertains & allows more steemians to follow your blog. Keep up the energy going & you will soon see reaching another milestone !!!
Thanks @thetravel13! I love posting on Steemit. There are rarely days that it feels like an obligation, or “work”. It’s easy to stay motivated and find the energy. Thanks for coming along for the ride!
Congratulations, @kommienezuspadt! :)
Thanks @lighteye!
You are always welcome, @kommienezuspadt.
Great achievement
Best of luck
Thanks for the encouragement @shanishah!
Hmmm u r always welcome dear @kommienezuspadt
Congrats ! Keep It Up ✌️
congrats hoping you will get morre sucess
I hope I will get more success, too, @khaseem184!
#Time To Celebrate :P
Yeah! Celebrate good times, come on!
I am thrilled to be part of that number!
You’re the sweetest @gringalicious! <3
That is the best post in Steemit.. now I vote for you.. nice? :)
That is the best post in Steemit.. now I vote for you.. nice? :)
Congratulations! I'm proud to be one of your followers 😉
Very sweet of you to say @ananuaremere!
Congratulations! Hard work pays off, as a fellow artist, I know about the hardships... Things are also getting better for me and I think Steem might be a positive new aspect for my future too. I hope you continue to grow as a human, artist and father, and I wish you plenty more success and health along the way!
Thanks for the kind words @artzanolino! This has definitely been a year of personal growth for me. Things are getting better.
Fly and become a whale! How about a follow for a fellow artist fighting the good fight? 🤓 IMG_4236.JPG
Very inspiring @kommienezuspadt, hopefully one day I'll be able to inspire that many people with my art and beyond. I definitely want to hang out with you guys more outside of steemit.
Thanks, man! It was great having you hang with us last Friday at Gorkha Palace. @lovejoy and I have been talking about a Minneapolis Steemit meetup for a while now.
I'm down for that man (▽v▽)ゞI like meeting new people.
That is the best post in Steemit.. now I vote for you.. nice? :)
That’s very nice of you @doctor.steemit. Thank you!
wow congratulations
Thank you @arshi!
Congratulations for another milestone. You have skills in drawing, why not apply for graphic artists for games?
Thanks very much @gvincentjosephm! I’m more interested in doing sequential art but if you’re in to game and concept art, you should be following @catapanoart, @justmousepixels and @beekart.
Congratulations my fried!!
keep it up man it's just going to get higher!
:) lts so cool thinking about when we met couple of years ago and you were in a totally different state..but you had hope and that's the ,most important thing! lm so happy for you man, you're getting what you totally deserve, and lm even happier that me and @dressedtokillyou are part of it..literally!
Thanks @allangraves! I’m really glad you and @dressedtokillyou are here. This entire year as I develop the comic book, you’ll both be big parts of the story. It’s much better context for readers if I can just point them to you both as the real people the characters are based on.
Cool.... Soon you have 4000 :))
I hope so! Thanks @foxkoit!
Npr :))Soon you see .
Nice post thanks alot dude
Thanks @fixmod!
I wish your journey forward remains as wonderful and may you inspire more people like you have inspired me through this touching post
Thanks @svkrulze! Such a humbling feeling to know anything I’ve done has inspired another artist. Thanks for the comment.
Well deserved!
Thanks @lakeshorebrewery! Nice to see you active on here again.
amazing sketches nice wording u use i like that
Thanks so much @anus2199!
Congratulations @kommienezuspadt!!! I truly love reading your posts. They are filled with so much beautiful inspiration and you have a way with words and telling stories of your photography as well. Looking forward to seeing what more awesomeness you produce.
Thanks @polebird! That means a lot because I like to write, but I don’t consider myself a great writer. Glad I can add some context to the art. Thank you!
really amazing you get so many friends ,,,, to get followers very much certainly a lot of things you do the best for people around you hope you increase success steemit world happy to read your post
A milestone indeed.. 3000.. damn dude! :)
Though I'm actually sure in a few months you might have already doubled this.. If steemit picks up more.. just imagine what can happen to that subscriber number ;)))
I sure am still following you, your awesome photography.. and those beautiful drawings!
Keep up the awesome work mate! And thank you for the continous support!
Yeah, @beekart! It came up fast because I feel like I was just writing my 2,000 followers post. I completely agree that this is really going to explode as Steemit reaches mass adoptions, but it IS happening. A friend of mine just mentioned to me last month that Steemit was 1,600 on the Alexa ratings worldwide. I just checked it today and it’s at 1,299 for more visited websites on the planet.
Definitely love having you here @beekart. This year, I’m going to be doing 10x’s more illustration and comics than I have been, so I’ll be leaning on your counsel and tutorials a lot.
haha looking at your work i dont think there is that much to teach :D
But i'll gladly put you in the art school class ;))))
You do an amazing job! I think you deserve all the success and more! I have been a little more than 4 months to steemit and as it has changed my life, I had paid my dream to be an artist. To wear executive shirts and work in a bank, secretarial, etc... It was all so boring until I got here, it gave me the courage to continue doing what I loved, a little poetry that I really love... thanks for the support you have had with the artists of this community, I think your talent and above all your humility describe you as a person, many admire your work because you are a complete artist... thanks for the support!
Congratulations! You totally deserve it :D It is great to see so many people join Steemit.
I see you're working on a iPad Pro in Procreate as well, it's just awesome, right!? I love how you're drawings look like they were made with real pencils.
Congratulations to you, awesome as people like you when you focus on your things and are motivated to move forward. I think that every event you do will be supported by all of us. Continue so we will be here to support you a big hug for you. How beautiful is the Iphone X with your background profile.
And thank you for being such a great example and support in this artistic community. Steem on brother!
I am so happy for your accomplishment, your milestone, and for having met such awesome people as you, @vermillionfox your tiny Guthrie and my fave troubadour @tarotbyfergus :) I hope to one day be able to downsize my workload because due to my RA, my hands get tired easier and the part of my job that includes the hands on work (skincare) is getting more exhausting to do. Cheers and congratulations and may we all be celebrating milestones such as yours in the near future! Hugs sweet friend!
As another starving artist with big dreams (who's slowly realizing them) I congratulate you, @kommienezuspadt, and wish you continued success!
If you're interested, I'm an Egyptian poet, author 7 books. Here's my plea for World Peace and Global Citizenship: https://steemit.com/story/@yahialababidi/our-wounds-are-peepholes-to-see-the-world-wound-a-plea-for-global-citizenship
Cheers, Yahia
Congratulations, soon more successes will come and you'll even get rich thanks to Steemit and the cryptocurrency ;)
Dude I only just "met" you and I'm STOKED for you! I'm off the struggle artist persuasion too, and though I've been here a month I'm really starting to feel lost. I hope I find my place the way you did!
Dude, you are killing it on here. Congratz.
This is lovely am proud of u but please can u fo me a big favour just restreem my last post or any u find appealing so i get some followers am new and upvote.will very glad once again congrats greater height is my wish for u.thanks @kommienezuspadt