Slowly connect to reach the target

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Building relationships can be likened to building a bridge.
Building a bridge is not an easy job. It takes so much money, time, knowledge, relationships, tools, technology, hospitality and other conditions of mutual support.
Technology also needs to work together, shoulder to shoulder to support each other so that the bridge can be completed on time.
Of that, the most important support tool is the support of friendship relations.






If the bond of friendship is owned, the constraints faced can be solved easily.
So also in the world of steemit, let's support each other so that dream dream of friend steemit can be realized on time as expected.

Send regards for success.

Pelan pelan menjalin hubungan agar mencapai target.

Menjalin hubungan dapat diibaratkan seperti membangun jembatan.

Membangun jembatan bukanlah pekerjaan mudah. Diperlukan begitu banyak uang, waktu, pengetahuan, relasi, alat-alat bantu, teknologi, keramahan alam dan kondisi kondisi lain yang saling mendukung.

Teknologi juga perlu bekerja sama, bahu membahu saling mendukung agar jembatan dapat segera diselesaikan tepat waktu.

Dari hal itu semua, alat dukung paling utama adalah dukungan relasi yang bersifat pertemanan.

Jika ikatan relasi pertemanan dimiliki, kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dapat diselesaikan dengan mudah.

Begitu juga dalam dunia steemit, mari kita saling mendukung agar mimpi mimpi sahabat steemit dapat terwujud tepat waktu sesuai harapan.

Salam sukses.