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RE: How I Made $12,000 In One Month On Steemit

in #steemit9 years ago

listen carefully to what I say: WORDS ARE MAGIC.

IMAGINATION is a powerful word.

I MAGE NATION ~ MAGE = MAGIC - the MAGI - the magic of the third eye
Nation is a relative to a nation of all people, also of creation and action, movement, causing to become.

Imagination truly is magic. Dont be an athiest, be an A thiest. GOD is real, but God is not, and religion is false. You are part of GOD as are all humans, sadly most bicker over a name or form for the infinte that can never be named and is formless - the true A ALPHA and OMEGA. A = the triangle, representing again, your THIRD EYE. :) I hope this kinda tunes you in more to your own power. WONDERFUL article!


Neville Goddard? Is that you!?
Loved the kind words old soul

We are one so read the comment I replied to the person above. Notice how both your comments are similar? Very similar brain waves, all fractals of the same soul.

Much love to you, appreciation is reciprocated! <3

YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME haha. That's awesome, I actually just commented and didn't read all that much. Check out my post I just made about synchronicity.. you may like it

also, why convert steem to bitcoin to USD? Just get a shift visa and you can spend your bitcoin anywhere visa is accepted, negating the 3rd USD step and keeping it simple: STEEM -> BTC

Alan Moore? Is that you?

also, thank you for the genuine compliment. You deserve equally as much recognition, for without intelligent ears that hear and recognize truth, the words might as well not exist.

ha ha! Well said. I like it!

No, I am King Tyler. We are ONE so the resemblance is usually uncanny with awakened ones.

I am the first of many Kings here to cleanse mother earth from evil POLITICS. Politics = Poly or multiple and TICKS = Blood sucking parasites.

Who wrote the bible? Humans who claimed visions from GOD. If they could commune with GOD, then we all can - and most of my information is channeled from the highest of high. Our brain is merely a receiver :) Godspeed!

right on brother. The U.S. is a FREAKING corporation, holocaust gas chambers are a lie, Las Vegas Shooting was a shit show hoax! Pretty much EVERYTHING we KNOW is a LIE. Have you investigated Flat Earth? I am a born again christan from an atheist at age 47 WOOOWWWWWW!!!! in boble it says NEW EYES and a NEW HEART and me and my brother BOTH after lerning flat earth saw the WORLD DIFFERENTLY INSTANTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! The "THIRD EYE is REAL!