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I have been on steemit for over 1 year now & after spending countless hours on steemit making post & reading blogs I am starting to realize this stark white background is hard on the eyes. Also the Stark white background can affect how your eyes see values in a photo or painting. (tip: frame your photos with a small black border before posting)
I would like to see an option to allow us steemit users to turn on/off a dark mode that would turn the white background into a dark gray background with white letters. I have this option on many of the other social platforms I use daily.
I'm not sure how this option would be implemented but I have seen it on steemit related sites like for example.
With it's wide use I feel it may be an easy implement that could keep users browsing longer leading to more use of voting power whilst also promoting Bloggers to stay on the site longer & post more content.
If you agree or disagree please state your case in the comments.
Help me @ned my eyes are Bleeding !!!

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I made a dark theme for steemit over a year ago now, but it doesn't work anymore with all the design changes since..
I'm sure someone would have made an updated greasemonkey script/stylesheet since , but you could also do a bit of a quick hacky fix and simply invert your colours when browsing at night :
How-to , chrome extension , firefox extension
That pretty cool!
I checked out that post! You were super new at that time. The post got you $0.49 ROTFL!!!!
Had you posted that today, it would be worth $500.00 with out a doubt! Funny when you are new to steemit, you are all inspired to make things and invest in the platform. After a while, you start making a little money and get complacent.
You might be the guy that has to bring this feature back. I am not trying to tell you what to do, but I personally think you should code this one up again and help the eyes of your fellow steemit friends. LOL
Aha yes I used to pour a LOT of time and effort into my early posts without building my rep/followers first and they went undervalued imo. Now things are backwards, whatever I post gets overvalued through sheer visibility and people autovoting for curation rewards so I've gotta make sure every post is awesome ;)
Heres a more recent one from 3 months ago that may work for ya (untested, but from a witness I trust)
Generally I moved away from trying to make my changes to steemit via greasemonkey scripts, because its bad to teach people to run 3rd party code on a site like steemit (with money and private keys to lose) even if I trust my own code.
Good point. Do you think that this is something that @timcliff or @dan or @ned would be interested in having your help with. (winking noise) I bet more than 50% of people on steemit would flip the switch to black a soon as it was available. We could call it the @ausbitbank switch. (sound of pixy dust falling on post)
Custom skins?
Dark mode.
Unfortunately I don't think switchable native themes are coming anytime soon. Would love to be wrong
I should have guessed :D
Great Idea ! I use a 32 inch 4K monitor and its like a Giant Spot light at Night lol
Right! I was sitting here getting a suntan from this brightness!
Haha yes I know what you mean.
Funny you mention it- i've just had to get glasses for the first time in my life. Too many hours looking at computer screens? Maybe!
Last year I had to get glasses. I think its the computer, iPad, and phone. Too much screen time. But when I go on road trips, my eyes get a little better by the end of the day. I might be getting old...
Well you have been quite the active steemit user & I'm sure the bright background doesn't help any :D My eyes literally hurt after making my art post earlier & I realized I use dark mode on just about every platform I use now. I"M MELTING!
Drawing all day then editing and posting at night- not good for the eye sight. Maybe you need to get your eyes checked?
Wouldn't be a bad Idea at all. I am getting old af now :)
Thanks for your valuable information
Thanks for participating. That's what steemit is all about :)
Great idea. Followed
Thanks for the follow, I usually speak in pictures so feel free to check out my backlog of art
yeah I hear you on that one, I write my posts late at night generally when i have some peace and quite !! But the white screen does hurt more at the time i muat say ,so upvoted @kidarko )