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RE: The Infamous @craig-grant has decided to leave Steemit!!!!! I am still in disbelief!!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

Is this 15years old kid for Witness?

I do not know how "wise" is that...

Boy genius now... A Serial killer later... LOL

I dunno he has that "crazy look" :P


About @craig-grant hey, if he hates money... Leave... LOL

I think he is an extra cool dude with the knowledge we need here on @steemit¨SOME NEED A NEW BRAIN¨


@theprophet0 is exactly that a boy genius!!!! He is the true meaning of a Steemologist.... Age is just a number...he witness is already ranked number 38...check him out

I did Mahh man!

Im very careful with them votes, only voted for a few till now!

Will do tho...

I think he does not like me too much hahah since I wanted to be "buddy buddy" with him, and spammed his wallet a few times...haha

At least I didn't send 0.001 to him, learn trolls :P

F%/& it, I had no idea the first few days what the hell am I doing here :P

Things do change... )
Cheers bro

I am gonna vote for him as witness as well

Yeah? I dunno... I'll wait until he's LEGAL age LOL

I know his pops is a cool dude also