The Crypto CARNAGE is Upon Us, But This Viral Poem Will Get You Through it!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hey Everyone! As you know, the Crypto Carnage has continued today and we've seen the valuation of many coins bleed like crazy. I personally have just shut away my blockfolio and other trading apps and am taking some time to just re-evaluate everything and not worry about how my crypto portfolio is performing. Afterall, these types of market moves are just temporary. Please don't get too upset about them.

Anyways, I was checking some emails and came across Tim Ferriss's 5 Bullet Friday email that he sends out on every Friday (if you aren't subscribed to his newsletter, I highly recommend it. In fact it's one of the two newsletters that I actually read on a regular basis).

In the newsletter, he shared a link to an "upside-down truth" poem that really carries some deep meaning in general as well as in these "dark times" of crypto valuations dropping.

I hope you read this poem and recall the good times of crypto and how we will return to those times eventually. All things are just temporary, so don't take it too seriously. Just have fun with crypto and take this time to read, think and reflect rather than constantly update your blockfolio and curse your favorite projects. Go out for a nice meal, a drink and a movie and enjoy life. This is the greatest time to be alive and worrying about your crypto will not make the price go up!

The Poem:


Original Tweet
News Article
Tim Ferriss Blog

Here's the Question of The Day, don't forget to post your answers in the comments!

What will you do to take your mind off crypto for a few days and enjoy life? -- I'm taking a short vacation (don't worry I'll still be posting every day 😊)

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave your thoughts below and I look forward to seeing you in the comments!



"Read from bottom to top...." What a great life philosophy. It was blogs like this that kept me engaged in the beginning and kept me following your posts. I'm glad you are not discouraged by anything but appreciate every breath of life you have. I remember reading a Sesame Street book when I was 5 with the title "turn a frown upside down" and I began to look at things differently.

Earlier today I posted a blog called, "Bet you can't make me laugh." Viewers posted a lot of comments that made me smile. They are wonderful trying to make me laugh but this upside down poem gave me a laugh even though I think I read this poem before. Like you said it is a viral poem but original idea related to crypto corrections.

Thank you. @khaleelkhazi is always welcome. Things are under construction because of the dolphin school. Sometimes I say things in quotes that I could use in a post and then I forget like this "turn a frown upside down."

I agree, it's a great philosophy to live by! These are my favorite posts to make and I love being able to share these types of ideas as they pass through my life! That sounds like a great challenge, I'll have to check out your post! Thanks for sharing @mineopoly!

Time in the market beats timing the market... patience patience patience, loved the poem first time seeing it xD

Totally agree!! Patience 🙏🏽

I can't remember if it was you who would Warren Buffet...I think it was! We are the patient and that will bring us wealth. I am going to spend time hoping and everything to get mind off of the temporary adjustment! Enjoy your break!

Yes, I talked about Buffet recently! Patience is the key to wealth. So many people these days are super impatient to get wealth (especially in the crypto markets)... people need to remember that in the regular stock market, they’d see only 10% returns (if they’re lucky and amazing at trading).... in crypto it’s almost like people get 100% returns in 2 months and then forget about all those returns when the market drops 30%!!! Patience patience patience.

Thanks @sequentialvibe!

Pretty creative... Today was the best day in a long time for #cryptocurrency. On the surface, it may have seemed bad but if you ride it out and buy buy buy, you will be rewarded. It is pretty much a guarantee.

Agreed. In the moment it seems like doomsday but if you look at it with a birds eye view and understand the context then you can see that the hodlers are earning massive returns regardless of these little corrections.

What will you do to take your mind off crypto for a few days and enjoy life? -- I'm taking a short vacation (don't worry I'll still be posting every day 😊)

Started trying out Dlive and Dmania. Lol.

Lol that’s a great way to spend your time! I have to try them out myself!!

He He He, I will be surely going off too to take a vacation soon. However, as I love writing I will be sharing the post whenever I will travel. For the weekend, it will be couple of visits to friends and talk about technical stuff unrelated to crypto though 😂

haha that's great @devilonwheels! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!! I've been having a great time not thinking about crypto and just enjoying some time away!

I really had fun over the weekend though was finally able to talk about Steemit to close off the weekend and help my friend onboard in this awesome community. So, a weekend well spent off the Steemit as well as for the Steemit :D

Phew!!!! That's some creativity. Must have taken him lots of wasted paper to achieve this.
Am new to the crypto world and I don't understand if this reds is normal for the beginning of the year... I have tried to keep my eyes from the news and coinmarket app. But am sure we'll pull through just find. Thanks for sharing this poem, it helps put a smile on my face.

Yeah, it’s a really well-thought-out and well-written poem! I admire this level of creativity and wisdom!

Yeah people speculate that crypto is down because of historical prices for the beginning of the month, I don’t fully subscribe to this idea... I think there’s a lot of rational reasons for the price drop... just ensure that you’re hodling and you’ll pull through my friend!

wow..!!!!! what a nice post @khaleelkazi . i like your The Crypto CARNAGE is Upon Us, But This Teenager's Viral Poem Will Get You Through it! post thanks for share the post

La inversión en criptomonedas en la actualidad, no ha sido fácil por la gran fluctuación que han tenido, pero las criptomonedas debemos verla como inversiones a largo plaza para que no nos enfermemos por las fluctuaciones, y saber en el transcurso del tiempo, las criptomonedas triunfaran.

Amazing, nice post. Thanks for this. @yzah

Thanks for reading!


ronniejoice Ronnie Joice tweeted @ 22 Jul 2015 - 13:10 UTC

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Roses are red
People who bought BTC at 20k got REKT
If you ask Carlos for advice


That's' pretty awesome! thanks for sharing... very clever

It’s super clever! Thanks for reading!

The poem is great. We should be optimistic in every challenge that may test us. Maybe its just a bad day, but it doesnt mean we have absolute bad life.

Enjoy your break


The poem is amazing. And yea, probably it was bad for people that already invested but it was amazing for the new buyers. And whales probably too. But hey, you probably bought crypto for long term, so dont worry what happens in short.