Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 6

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hi this is the sixth part of, "Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques"


Clearing your limiting beliefs

Remember you want to feel good in the present moment. You want to be positive and not to have any worries or fears that could be causing you stress and blocking your desire for the perfect soul mate.

Mindfulness and meditation


Source: Pixabay

Mindfulness and meditation are a good tool set to have in your practice of using the Law of Attraction to attract your perfect soulmate. These are used to help you take control of your mind.

Meditation is to help you learn how to concentrate, gain clarity and be at peace with yourself. Mindfulness is the practice of putting yourself into the present time. You spend most of your time thinking about the future, worrying about what could happen, fearing the unknown.

There are many different mindfulness techniques which will help you be in the presence of now.

One technique you can do is mindful awareness. For example, when you are drinking either hot beverage or cold water. Notice the smell of the drink, notice how the liquid sits on your tongue, when you take a sip, notice how it feels in your mouth, notice how it goes down your throat. While you are doing all of this, you are in the presence of now.

Another one is mindful breathing. You need to be sat down for this, preferably in a quiet place and where you can guarantee a few minutes of peace. You are concentrating on your breathing here, and you start by breathing in and out slowing. Notice just your breathing, if other thoughts appear just let them go, let them disappear.
These mindfulness exercises do not have to be for very long. You could start with a minute and build yourself up to longer periods of time spent in mindfulness.

There are plenty of different mindfulness techniques, and many books and YouTube videos you could watch, to find the perfect technique for you.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is another method to clearing your limiting beliefs and any blockages. This method is about tapping on your energy meridians to help move any blocked negative energy. This method was first developed in the 1980s by Dr. Roger Callahan to help patients overcome phobias. It has now been developed more and is often used by practitioners of the Law of Attraction to help raise energy vibrations and clear negative thoughts and beliefs away.

There is a set pattern to using EFT. First of all, you start by looking at the negative mood or negative feelings you having right now that could be blocking you from your perfect soul mate; then you move onto appreciation and gratitude for what you already have in life.

You must do a setup affirmation phrase, which always begins with, “Even though……... (fill in the blank, with your fear or negative emotion), I choose to deeply and completely accept myself.”

Using two fingers from your left or right hand, find the karate chop point of the opposite hand. As you tap, say the following. “Even though I haven’t found my perfect soulmate, I choose to focus on all the good things I have and completely accept myself… Even though I don’t have someone to enjoy a date night with, I choose to deeply and completely accept myself....Even though I haven’t found my perfect partner, I choose to deeply and completely accept myself.” (You must state the positive reinforcement at the end of the sentence, this is saying to the universe you know there is a blockage but you have accepted it and now you are ready to change the reality.)

Then move onto to just above the eyebrow, keep tapping and say the following, “I haven’t found my perfect soulmate.”
Then move to the side of the eye, while tapping saying the following, “I haven’t found my perfect soulmate.”

Then move to under the eye, keep tapping with your two fingers and say the following, “I haven’t found my perfect soulmate.”

Move to under the nose, and above the lip, all while still tapping and say. “I haven’t found my perfect soulmate.”

Now go to the chin and while still tapping say, “I haven’t found my perfect soulmate.”

Move on to the collarbone while still tapping say, “I haven’t found my perfect soulmate.”

Now focus on the underarm with your tapping and say, “I haven’t found my perfect soulmate.”

Finally, go to the top of the head, keep tapping and say, “I haven’t found my perfect soulmate.”

Go through the cycle again starting with the eyebrow rather than the karate chop point.
Once you cycled through twice and felt your pain or blockage, we need to change our statements to more positive statements, while tapping on the same points as above.

Starting with the eyebrow, remember to continually tap while saying the positive statements. “I love feeling happy with my perfect soulmate.”

Move on the side of the eye, “I choose to feel good all the time.”

Under the eye, “I love spending time with perfect soulmate.”

Nose, “ I love being grateful that I found my soulmate.”

Chin, “I am happy in my soulmates company.”

Collarbone, “I appreciate that I can spend time with my soulmate.”

Underarm, “I love it that I can share my abundant life with my soulmate.”

Now move on to the head, “I love feeling abundant in love.”

Repeat this second part, again reinforcing the positives of having a perfect soulmate.
You don’t have to use the above statements, and you can create your own. You must always begin with the setup affirmation. “Even though…………..(fill in the blank, with your fear or negative emotion), I choose to deeply and completely accept myself.” And follow the sequence the same order.


Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian technique that is used for forgiveness. It first came to international prominence when a therapist by the name of Dr. Hew Len used this powerful technique to cure an entire ward of criminally insane patients without ever meeting them or talking to them.

What you need to do, is say is 4 powerful forgiveness statements, either in your head or out loud. These statements are said to raise your energy vibrations and put you in ailment with yourself by creating a feeling of forgiveness and love.

I Am Sorry.

Please Forgive Me.

Thank You.

I Love You

Can it really be that simple? 4 Little statements. The answer is yes. Keep saying these statements and try to add more feelings when you say them.



Practice the clearing exercises yourself


Tomorrow I will talk about the importance of loving yourself.

If you missed the previous posts:

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 1: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 2: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 3: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 4: Click here

Finding Your True Love Using 7 Powerful Law of Attraction Techniques. Part 5: Click here



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