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RE: Why Do We Bother To Create Content At All? Better To Abuse.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

You said I missed your point and you quoted me two of your articles. So I read both. You’re very smart. Well written. You make me smile with your talk of free markets, your nod to anarchism (steemit having “anarchist undertones”, love to hear it), and your understanding of the US financial system. You’re a truther. A resister. A freedom warrior, no doubt.

In my humble opinion, your fatal flaw right now is you’ve been stuck in the resistance for so long that you can’t recognize a free market, aka freedom, aka light at the end of the tunnel, when you see it.

You are in a free market right now. A real-life free market. I’m talking about the crypto space, and decentralized computing in general. The government can’t touch us. And if they do, via quantum computing, or what-have-you, we now have the wherewithal and enough people awake to adjust accordingly. Until the system falls, you and I and all our awake brothers and sisters will remain two steps ahead. If you have any doubts that this is true, you have not seen the bigger picture.

So you, as a free market proponent, should know what that means: we will win. But at the moment, things are messy, because it’s just the beginning.

The two posts you linked, plus this one here, are pointing out simple, and relatively mundane and temporary market inefficiencies. But you’re fighting it tooth and nail as if the poor people of steemit are being oppressed and taken advantage of. Dude, we’re making money to post on a website. Relax. Seriously, let’s take a breather here. You even compared this situation to the sword of genghis kahn and slavery.

Our relationship to governments are involuntary. There is a gun involved. They point guns at us, tell us what to do, and since the vast majority are submissive and obey in ignorance, you and I have to as well. Alas, we are oppressed, controlled, and manipulated at every turn in order to keep the masses from catching on to the fact that this is the true nature of our relationship with the government.

What’s my relationship with steemit? I post on it instead of Facebook, make money, and don’t get called a nazi. Yay!

You have legitimate concerns with the steemit platform. Shift your focus to that, and come up with solutions on how we can improve. Like the ‘selling your vote’ thing—that was a brilliant thought that lit a lightbulb on my head. Loved it.

But I want you to rest assured, in a decentralized environment, a free market, the few cannot oppress the many. The many will just leave and go to the next best thing. You of all people know that in a free market, your competition is not far behind you. Show me a better social platform than steemit right now and I’m powering down and moving my business over there ASAP. I have the freedom to do that because nobody is pointing a gun at me here. I’m just sitting here freely making money, talking to a bright individual like yourself. Let the whales jerk themselves off with thousand-dollar “placeholder” posts, while you and I have thoughtful discussions and get paid to do so.

The people are waking up. But in my opinion, you are being counterproductive and scaring them back to Facebook. But hey, to each his own.

If I were you, with all that Steem you got, and all that passion for Steemit being so flawed, I’d be promoting thoughtful improvements to the steemit platform.

Long term, the masses will demand the most efficient and honest social media platform on which discuss their ideas.

And let me tell you something: they’ll get it.


I love me some crypto/Steemit/Ron Paul. And despise dollars/Facebook/Big Brother. Keep fighting the good fight, gentlemen!

Ron Paul Nation! Stop the wars...all we need is love!!