You've started a great conversation on upvoting and the comments have been excellent!
On my OWN POSTS, I up vote! Like many said, if it's worth your time to write it, it should be worth your ownup vote.
On my OWN COMMENTS, I up vote maybe 25% of the time. Honestly, most of the time I think others comments are better than mine and I might up vote other comments. But if I think mine has real value, I up vote to move it toward the top of the comments.
On TAG SPAM, I think that there is probably no need for more than 5 or 6 tags at the maximum. If I see a post with a ton of tags in Slack where I get posts from people I FOLLOW USING STEEMWATCH, I just ignore it.
I thinkI will upvote this COMMENT! I predict I will give myself between 12 and 18 cents. I have almost as much SP as you @blueorgy. Let's see how good my prediction is!