You a great guy! and your dance? ...hmm..a comment for my achievement post...
I have always admired you as a steemian and which is why i mentioned you in my intro post ... you are worthy of celebrating...
from your posts titled "Never Lose Sight Of Why You’re Posting!" to "I Saw Your Dance Video And Now I Know You're Rich!" et al, i knew you have something up your sleevs and Alas! you sacked your boss.
Well, you summoned courage to do this for over one year of being in steemit, and since from where i come from, we belive in out doing our fathers and as such, I plan to sack my own boss withing 4 to 6 months of my steeming hot!Congatulations @teamsteem
Thanks for this inspiration and keep steeming hot! while expecting me at the top...!
That's very kind. I'm seriously flattered. Nice comments like that never gets old.
Just updated a good health post in my blog and will need my mentors support... a post on natural remedies to take care of ear issues...thanks as always