Well said! I am a women, and a co-founder of a blockchain-based startup and I can see the same thing. Same with our website statisctics - what Forbes is estimating is actually very true. And I dont believe that women or men should be present 50% in each industry. But having only 5% women is not a good idea either. Why? Because of what you said:
More and more jobs are/will be opening up for people who have blockchain expertise or knowledge and it would be great to get some women filling these jobs.
Becuase research has proven diverse team works best, because men and women focus on different things, they bring often different value to the company and it's good to have both.
At Trivial we are actually 50%/50% (not on purpose, it just turned out this way and we actually started with more women in the beginning funnily enough).
I am just getting into Steemit but I can see already now that I ll find lots of interesting discussions here.
P.S. If you want to find out what we are doing, you can visit us at www.trivial.co
Yes, I totally agree. I don't think every industry should be 50% either, but the 5-7% was just such a large gap... too large in my opinion!
Thank you for your comment and even relating it to your startup and what you experience. Also, that is amazing that your team started with more females.
Just checked out what you're doing and I think that is such a great idea to have one place where you can explore projects on the ethereum blockchain. Love it and will keep updated with all that you guys do. You have my support!