Your description of being away is exactly what happened to me. I loved it, and was doing really well with people being SUPER supportive (I'm a singer-songwriter), but then life got in the way/I needed and couldn't afford a new laptop. I trailed off, and basically ended up away for more or less 4 months. Very sad!
But I crawled back in just a few days before the insane crypto spike we are experiencing. And I'm finally totally plugged back in. I had forgotten how much I love the people and community here, as well.
Thanks for your post! It really is an exciting time--and a big congratulations on the success you've had here. It's amazing! Xx, Kay
there's no time for regets here, we just have to pick up ourselves and remember the good things that will inspire us to keep going. Life is never easy, am sure even for everybody, wealthy or not.
am happy to know you're back and don't loss hope, there's a chance to grow here, time will tell and our effort.
and thank you for your support, everything will be great in the near future, this is just the beginning.
Keep up the good vibes!