Sorry to see this happening to you guys over one circumstance. People are too triggered around here over every single thing. Every single person on earth has made a mistake at one point or another. Can one person say that they have never made one mistake? So if your wife solved the situation.. and has been a fantastic contributer to the platform overall.. that contribution by far outweighs a one time judgement slip. Can you imagine if one parking ticket/speeding ticket meant having your license revoked forever? Or public humiliation/attacks/verbal harassment/public shaming.
For people that rant and rave about decentralization they sure create a very centralized environment on Steem... and moreover a very unwelcoming, uninviting space for the people out here.
There has been a major shift out here over the last 6 months. The onion layers are being peeled back over the thin veneer of Steem. It is no wonder they can't find big time investors and Steem remains on the shit coin list.
It had so much potential. A damn shame.
It is so sad to see fantastic people like you guys chased away day in and day out.
If they don't slow down policing people in such a volatile manner they won't have anyone left to bully soon. Not to mention the lack of new accounts.
Just my 2 cents man,
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