I think what makes Steemit such an awesome platform is the ability to make connections and friends all across the world. So today, I thought I would highlight a special Steemanian friend of mine @emjoe.
(Here is his with his sister @nellyprecy)
Meet @emjoe, he is from Nigeria! We met on Steemit a couple months ago. I first noticed @emjoe because of all of the awesome comments he liked to leave on my blog. His comments were always so sincere, and I started to look forward to finding his comments. They always made me smile.
here.@emjoe really caught my attention when he decided to participate in @ramengirl's "Steemit Crush Competition." In this contest, you had to create a post explaining which Steemanian you would like to meet in real life. To my pleasant surprise, he wrote about my sister, @polebird, who is an amazing human being. I was so touched by his words, and I loved how he nailed my sister's personality spot on. To read the kind words he said about my sister, click
Our good friend @erodedthoughts also saw @emjoe's post, and ended up boosting his post, which made about $40.00! This was @emjoe's first biggest payout, and I was very happy for him.
hereTwo days ago @emjoe entered into @dobartmins contest, "how has Steemit communication's changed your life?" If you would like to check out his post, click . After, reading @emjoe's post, I was really overcome with emotion. I had no idea that the $40.00's made on his Steemit crush post, went to help out a couple in his neighborhood. He bought them a water tank, so they could have water. Seriously, @emjoe, you are an inspiration! It was so refreshing to see someone so compassionate and caring. Your community in Nigeria is so lucky to have you!
(This is the water tank he bought with his hard earned money)
In @emjoe's post, he did mention that he did not have a slider for voting. So, @polebird, @erodedthoughts, @acromott and I decided to surprise him. We pulled together some of our Steem power and delegated him enough money, so he could finally have a slider!
I thought I would share this story and hopefully inspire others! Steemit is only as strong as the community. If we lift each other up, we can all rise together!

OMG. Please you are making me to go teary with this Karen.
Jeez. I am going to SHOUT MY HEART OUT.
Can I handle this pleasant Embarassment? You just unleashed me to the World.
I am really short of words. I must be dreaming but don't wake me up.
Hehehe you just keep being your awesome self! Thank you for inspiring all of us with your kind heart and work for your community!
Thanks so much my 'steemitcrush'. I guess I got a little of my Awesomeness from everyone of you.
This weekend just got very interesting.
You guys are Awesome.
Hehehehe 😝
❤️❤️❤️❤️ I think you are awesome @emjoe!
I do too!
Just stay as you are and keep doing what your doing and people will notice how amazing you are 🤗 I already know that... Lol
Thanks for being my Steemit adoptive Mommy.
My pleasure and thank you for being my adoptive Awsome son 🤗
Couldn't get a better one! ❤️
I love seeing your happy/grateful reaction @emjoe !
Steemit is truly amazing and loving community. 😀💖 This is another proof of love that changes human lives. You are awesome @emjoe. 😀 You deserve to be loved and blessed. 😀 @karensuestudios really have a big heart. I am so happy to witness this kind of love and support. 😀💖
Awww! Thank you for the loving words! ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks to you, too! 😀💖
Hello @karensuestudios. I really don't know the right words to use to describe how wonderful and kindhearted you are. To put it succinctly, you are incredible, awesome and amazing. I gave you a million thanks for your love, generosity, compassion, care and kindness. The list is endless. We are truly grateful for all that you did for @emjoe. I also want to give a special thanks to @polebird, @erodedthoughts, @aromott, you guys are really awesome. We draw a lot of inspiration from you. I wish there is another way to express myself maximally. Thank you all for your kindness. I wish you all the best of best... Cheers!! Much love from me @beth147
Awww! I’m so touched to hear this. Thank you for the kind words! ❤️❤️❤️
This is such an amazing story, there is so much amazing care and support throughout this platform, it's wonderful to see people helping each other and supporting each other - and more importantly people doing real good work in their own communities. It reminds me of @aydayodeji and the work he has done to support his own community. So inspiring. #thealliance
Thank you so much for always encouraging and the kinds word. They mean a lot and drive me to do more
It is nice to have someone with likemind mentioned. here Baba nla, I doff my hat for you.
Baba after you na still you.. good to see you’re representing well
Thanks so much. We all have love in us. Exploring it is a choice we need to make.
AWww! I love our community to.
@karensuestudios you have spoken right. I have meet and spend time with @emjoe's and he is really an amazing person. Very generous and hospitable too. You are right about him.
The boss himself. Thanks for stopping by and your nice comment.
I think this is what Steemit is supposed to be about. You have such a beautiful heart. And it's not even Valentine's day, haha. @emjoe you also have a beautiful heart. Both of you give me hope for good in the world. It's so awesome of you to get your neighbor a water tank!
Awww :) you are so sweet! Emjoe is such an awesome guy! ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks @nomadicsoul. If Valentine's day represent Love, then everyday should be Valentine's day.
I try to leave my footprints in everyone's heart.
Hello @nomadicsoul. Thanks for your sweet words. We highly appreciate it.
This post is awesome. Am glad to have you as my brother @emjoe. Thank you @karensuestudios @polebird @erodedthoughts @acromott. I love you guys.
The only sister I have. Keep being Awesome and thanks for stopping by.
Thanks Bro
Wow.... So inspiring I think I am going follow this @emjoe guy. It is nice getting to know him from you. I noticed something on steemit, you have to put more to get more from steemit. Thanks for the inspiration once again
Aww Emjoe is awesome! ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for the commentThanks @adeuyi. Everyone is made for everyone. The world will be incomplete with no one to live in it.
Awsome post and @emjoe is the sweetest most humble person and I'm blessed to have him in my life 🤗 does so much for others and a true inspiration. You know I love you @emjoe ❤️
Thanks for loving my brother @emjoe
Well he makes it very easy because of who he is 😊 one of the greatest people I've met.
He speaks highly of you to so I'm sorry to say I don't know you yet but hope to.
Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers!
Wow that's great, it will be my pleasure knowing you. Have a wonderful weekend too.
My pleasure as well 😊 happy weekend
🙈I dare you to🙉
You deserve to walk with your head up high 🤗
I have no reason to doubt your love. Keep being awesome.
True only bring honest 🤗 I will stay Me and you better stay just as You are... Lol
Hello @saffisara. Thanks for the sweet words. You are truly a friend and an inspiration. Thanks for everything
Awww... Thank you so much 😊 really means a lot to me. Happy to get to know you all.
Happy weekend.
Hello @saffisara. This is so sweet of you. Thank you so much. We appreciate all the love and encouragement. Thanks once again
It's my pleasure and it's what friends are for right? 😉 thank you for your kind words.
wow that's so nice of him to do! big shout to @emjoe!! I hope you become a very successful person in steemit :D! Thanks for sharing his story karen
Really he is inspiration! Thanks for reading about his story.
My success here and outside of here depends on wonderful people like you.
Thanks for the big shout. I've had a full dosage of shouting myself. Haha.
Thanks @cobmaximus
That is extraordinary by him....
And your surprise was great...
Full slider for you on this one:D
Hehe! Xabi! You are also awesome. How are you doing? :)
I am f9...enjoying the rainy season...
Thanks for your supports.
Hello @xabi. Thanks for the kind words. We appreciate
@emjoe, guy you are too much keep the flag flying. 🚥
Thanks. We will get it right someday.
Thanks @okagurosemary
This is just too emotional, the post is making me to be in a mindset that only me could explain..... That is one thing I hope is making the community to work though...... And that is the connection like you've said here..... Again the post seems to be in a much of romance .....lol
Awww :) ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks @tifebaba
Thanks @tifebaba.
What you are doing is amazing. Leaving bundles of joy at the feet of deserving steemians. The Nigerian community deeply appreciate your efforts, both on here and on the steemitschool discord server.
Congratulations @emjoe. Keep up the good work
Thanks @fego.
Thanks @fego
Such a thoughtful heart @karensuestudios! 💕💕💕
You can say that again. She is too Awesome. Thanks for coming around
She is @emjoe. She's adding value to this community.
Hello @appleskie. Thanks for the sweet words
Hello @appleskie. Thanks for the sweet words
hi @beth147. Thank you. it's nice to see this kind of post here in steemit. :)
@karensuestudios Your fantastic performance or do I say spectacular displays really moved me to start checking your blog. I must have to thank you for the sp delegated to my in-law @emjoe and the upvotes you gave my wife @nellyprecy, you are a woman with a heart of gold. If everyone in this platform help newbies this way here will be a better place.
There will be no me here without you boss.
Thanks for everything
Thanks @theheralds
Pleasure is mine
This is beautiful @karenstudios. @emjoe you are doing great things. It is people like both of you that make me proud to me a human being.
I am honored by the contributions we make to you. Thanks and keep Steeming.
Steemfinity and beyond @emjoe @beth147
Thanks @daltono. Such a sweet comment is highly honored.
@karensuestudios thanks so much for your upvotes to my younger brother @emjoe. He speaks so highly about your kindheartedness and that of your sister @polebird. The two of you are too good
Thanks. I can't thank them enough.
Aww Emjoe is a special guy!
That's a awesome history. So kind and thoughtful of here .. Buy a water thank for your r the neighbours 🌟💙. She is a very good humen beeing.. Like you.. I will follow and support here of course... Have a wonderful weekend 🙏
Awww! Yay to making new friends :)
Have a lovely Sunday 🙏
Wow awesome!
Friends are part of us that makes life so easy and interesting, good friends though. @emjoe thanks for being real and being kind.
One love!
You made an amazing content, We sould connect and support each other by follow each other. I already following you, please think about it. I already upvoted you .Thanks and greeting from @chanthasam
@karensuestudios good gesture on your part ..
If there were in Steemit, people like you ... Steemit was better from the beginning. I have had help from two large
friendships that I met here in Steemit and that taught me a great lesson helps the neediest ... in the
I currently help 5 new Steemians ... with what I can since my vote is not very strong ... but with something that you start .. helping someone else makes me feel good .. I do not need to be selfish and masochistic since there is a lot here they publish and do not take the trouble ... not even to read the comments left by their followers are only interested in producing money no matter what others think ... sorry if you excite me, a lot in the comment of what I say is true .. .
I'm not saying that you're from that group ... but rather appreciate what you did for @emjoe.
awww :) this is awesome! :) Glad there are people like you too! :) Spread the love!
thank you..
This is super cool, this @emjoe has found favor before the sight of man...👏👏👏👏. Think @karensuestudios and @polebird are noticing some other Nigerian 'cause someone is ...lemme reserve it for next time(lol). Kudos @emjoe
It's always nice to connect people all around the world. It always nice to find the much needed love and affection. With help of steemit we can actually achieve it. Sometime its not always about the money but the message it can convey. It enhances our beautiful community. Thanks for sharing this post. Lots of love!
Oh karen this is so wonderful of you. You are a very lovely lady, kind and also smiling. You have a very good heart.
Thank you for opening your heart to accept others. Much love dear.
:) thank you @gloglo! Did you get your new laptop yet? :)
I love Steemit because its behavior is just life itself. I have found here nasty people, bad people but I found human beings like you all. people who cares about others, about life, about planet, about people. And I really feel optimistic about our future as humanity becaude people like you. Thank you for share love all around, greetings from Venezuela
:) aww! There are also so many good people as well :)
Yes it is amazning the way steemit is like real life but amplified.....I admire your haert and you a really inpsiration to keep growing and learnig and giving others. thank you @karensuestudios
I know I already commented on this but wanted to say two more things. I adore your jumper...it looks like one my mom used to have when she was young, so for some reason your picture makes me think of my mom? Haha and also, I didn't tell you the other day but I'm going to re-steem this post.
Wow very inspiring, that fuel my intelect, thanks gor aspiring us
...and this is the key thing on this platform. Nothing but joy to hear this from people like you. Your title got my attention then reading about what you did for @emjoe really got me. #Bless
Wow!! @karensuestudios...
I love your heart for Nigeria... Maybe you'd like to join us there one day. 😊😊
This is commendable.
@karensuestudios you really have a wonderful heart. Thanks for extending this great show of love to @emjoe. I believe he will use this opportunity well.
You do the best karen,,,
Great raltionship,,, im so proud of you,,,
Still do the best and happy everyday,,,
Im just see a great relationship @jerrybanfield and @yababmatt,,, now, i see your post,,, i feel the same happiness,,, make me feel much of happy today,,, all of you make me happy today,,, thanks for sharing,,, succes always for yours,,, @karensuestudios and @emjoe
Awww! Making friends on steemit is the best!
Yes,,, you can feel that,,, :)
Thanks for your kind words @rezack. Karen is miss UNIVERSE in disguise. She touches the lives of every being in the world over.