Let's talk about Steemit, NO I m not moaning I am discussing Steemit and the changes we have seen.

I have been here for nearly a year, I have seen many changes since joining, I was here when things went down hill with the payments and I was here when things got really good for everyone with having more power. There have been up and downs but still here and fighting.
Hardfork 19 brought a lot of us more power and higher earning posts but since then for some of us things have started levelling out with earning slightly better but losing voters. What I have noticed is the members who were doing good before the hardfork are doing even better after with still getting the same amount of votes but I have also noticed these have stopped voting as much. I used to see certain members in my voting list but lately I haven't seen them at all and yes I am still voting for them. I leave messages where as before they would always reply but now I hear nothing.

Are they saving there votes for higher earners, is that why there still doing so well.
I know members are scared to over vote in case they lose there voting power, I always have https://www.steemnow.com/ open when I am using Steemit, this shows you who is voting for you and how much power they are using plus shows you how much power you have left, I try not to go below 80%. I am still able to give a lot of votes out just using a smaller amount of power, something is better than nothing and if we don't use it while we have it we could possibly lose this if votes are down.
We need to look after each other, we need to support each other, don't stop voting just look at your voting power an slightly adjust it. You may need these members in the future if things change We are all here for the same thing and we never know what the next Hardfork might be up to.

Thank you son-of-satire
This is a very insightful post. Thanks for this. I think you are right. Following you!
Thank you :)
the up in power is great, working out how to use that power with less full hit votes is not so fun. I'm mostly doing 50% votes on posts with 1- 5% for comments. but it hammers my voting power pretty quickly.
I try and stick around 25 to 30 for some, sometimes I do go lower, Its playing around until you find what works for you :)
Third week here. I have stopped voting pretty much because it is only worth $.01 and sometimes not even that. I do like making comments and am greatly enjoying the community and all that I am learning. It is a wonderful place for me as I am a recluse and these last three weeks my world has expanded exponentially.
We are all here for the same thing...
What do you think we are all here for?
Friendship, tell our story, show our talent. I am housebound so Steemit has opened my world further than my front door, still vote, every vote counts :)
I am a recluse by choice, so housebound psychologically. I agree with your reasons, they are like my own, but my votes rarely have been worth more than $.01 and I think I even saw the amount received go down by $.02 earlier today so I have not been upvoting except as a way to show support for those posts I enjoy.
I am hoping that this will change because I like giving support to those who I find entertaining, amusing, thought-provoking, and able to expand my knowledge.
Steemit has certainly changed my mind these last 3 weeks.
Yes, my dear :) I think it has something to do with voting power and mine is crushed and really didn't have the time to recover. I hope that everything is well for you. Have a fantastic day ahead :)
Its getting to a happy place, I love to vote and can get carried away, I have learned t back away now :)
Your spot on great read I've noticed people commenting on a post very short comment not upvoteing your post but upvoteing there comment , cheers mike
Its all mixed up at the minute
LOL! I know you are talking about me. I try to upvote the comments, but I'm in the same boat trying to figure out how much to weight to apply to votes. What we need is a curated feed. So that I can make sure I never miss your posts - and a few others I follow. I'm working on that with a bunch of other stuff that is not related to steem and crypto.
Its hard keeping up with everyone but I do try, but find its always the same members who seem to never have any problems
I agree with you I find that if you are writing about crypto currency or steem related subjects you get high votes but what about us that know little about those topics ?
I know nothing about it, some posts make a fortune and the actual post isn't that
You have mine today as my head is above water
Thank you :)
Thanks for sharing your insight! As a new member I am feeling my way through everything. I figure I'll post and comment honestly and see what comes of it! I couldn't do it any other way! If my vote is only worth 0.01 so be it! Maybe one day it'll be worth more. Meeting some wonderful people along the way :)
Hi, your vote will be worth more as long as we keep the power we have been given, when members stop voting they might just take it back
My problem is I pretty much always vote at 100% for posts and 50% for comments.
So I can got through all of my votes before breakfast.
I have stopped voting for every comment (which I used to do) and now I only vote for posts and the occasional comment.
It seems to me that no matter ow they try to rig the system, it will always work out best for those at the top, and not so good for the rest of us - just like real life.
All we can do is keep on plodding along, doing what we can to move up the food chain. One day we will get there, one day.
And when you think about it, you can't really blame Steemit for not paying as much as we like. The fact that it pays anything is a bonus.
'm just happy that I get comments and interaction on my posts so I know at least someone is reading them.
I blogged for a whole year about turning 50 and got one comment from my cousin. That's it - one freekin comment for a whole year's effort.
So I guess it comes down to what you value - just the money, or the interaction and support from the community.
Even if Steemit didn't pay any money I'd still be here because it has the features that I really like -
I look at the money as something for later, much later. It cost me nothing but my time and effort, and one day the rewards may be worth something.
If they are not, then at least I've had fun, made friends and enjoyed my time here.
I love the community, its what brings me back and your right the people at the top always win, just don't want us losing the power we have been given
We look like soul mates, I have been following your works for a long time, the most things that affect me affect you and when I flee some minor change and it is favorable for you, it was also for me, good that you have made this post, I see Lamentablement does not happen to me alone, my head gives a thousand turns an hour trying to find an explanation. I share your opinion, my dear friend. @ Karenb54
I wish you a bad night
Oh that has upset me. I don't want a bad night :(
Thats a great little site actually. I haven't used it before. Very informative!
I have noticed the same. It's a strange thing. I am hoping that things fall back into a rhythm of sorts. The number of votes though is really strange considering that we have all gained many followers. I might have been absent for a while cos I've been away :O)
My voting power is pure pumped. and I dont mean in the America good way. Try as I might ,I keep voring things and it rarely gets above fifty percent
My followers keep rising but my voters are decreasing, my power is nowhere near as good as yours but its still worth a lot more than it was, I like to share seems others like to hoard lol
There are some hoarders! I have seen a few 90% voting power folk. I am like wow man, use some of that, lol
Some have so much power they could help a lot of members, they need to learn how to share
Or be beaten with a gnarly stick. I like where you are going with this!!
We can't be expected to work straight away our bodies need time to climatise, our stomachs and head need to adjust, if they want the best out out us we need time off to get over our holidays and we need full pay as thats just more anxiety for us
My voting power was usually around 60-70% before the hard fork and now it's down to about 12-17%. I haven't changed my voting behavior or touched my slider since the change took effect.
I haven't chatted my voting behaviour either but have had to use the slider or I think I would be at zero
Hope they come back to their mind, why would you not support someone who is supporting back? Ok I get maybe they can't as much.. BUT "MF" to stop for good is an insult... TROLL material, bye bye .. would be my thing prob
Unfortunately, HF19 has brough out the more selfish side of many steemians and you could feel this all around the platform. It's not harder for minnows and newbies to get votes because people are using their more concentrated votes on things they have a higher incentive for.
On top of this, people have started upvoting their own stuff, especially their own comments since that way, they guarantee themselves at least some income from their Steem Power.
I have seen one member upvote each of his comments giving himself €15 for each one, that's just greedy, I prefer to share :)
When the wrong incentive is there, there will always be people to take advantage. But we should try to battle that as much as we can with our own behaviors and reactions.
Thank you :)
@Karenb54 Thank you for sharing this :)) I upvoted and RE-Steemed . ::))
Thank you :)
@Karenb54 You're Welcome my friend ::))
Thank you, hope your feeling ok :)
You're Welcome and Thank You as well. Iam okay , ::)) Slowly coming around. I have been thinking about what my next Blog will be about . It will just take me time to put it together ::))
Ok, I'll pop over in a minute :)
Thank you ::))
Since I've seen that SteemNow app in one of your posts I started using it immediately!!
I'm still adjusting my votes to voting power and usually when I distract myself and it goes below the 80% I avoid to come to Steemit, a few hours are needed to recover the voting power ;)