Let's get Gary Vaynerchuk on Steemit!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

A lot of people in various Steem circles have mentioned that there isn't really a "celebrity presence" on Steemit.

Gary Vaynerchuk. (image source)

First of all, most of the people I admire are not "big names" like Justin Bieber or Lady GaGa or any of that other stupid bullshit. I don't give a damn about Barack Obama. My "heroes," if I can use that word, are people like Larken Rose and Roger Ver. They are my "celebrities." Though becoming more and more well-known, if you say these names to most people on the street, they will return a blank stare. That really doesn't matter, though.

To me, when I hear the "we need celebrities" argument, I cringe a little. I get it. Someone with massive influence and more "mainstream" could be a huge boon to Steem.

That said, at what cost? Do I really want to read and upvote what Justin Bieber or some lying-ass politician writes? Do I want all the useless noise, eyeballs and controlling hands usually associated with such cults of personality to descend upon Steem? No.

Do I really want to see the valuable anarchist content, and well-researched socio-political content get pushed to the side for some vapid drivel? No. But it doesn't matter.

What matters is the market, and the market doesn't give a damn about my preference as to what should be valued. That is where I come in to engage the market and make my preference known, thus signaling demand. This is exactly what I am doing now, right here on Steem, via the price indicator of this post, and I am trying to convince you to join me.

Steem could use a "celebrity" with a massive following, high-quality content, and social media expertise.

Case in point--Vaynerchuk.

This guy is a self-made man, hardcore entrepreneur with endless hustle and a good understanding of the market, and how it works.
He calls himself a "day trader in attention" referencing social media, branding, and brand development.

His content is inspiring, practical, and most importantly, not full of fluffy, vapid inanity. Let's get him on here. I won't link to his vids here. Go check him out on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Snapchat, and BRING HIM BACK HERE!

Snapchat message I sent to Gary Vee.

I just snapchatted him a message about Steem. This is my call for fellow Steemians to do the same. Listen to his story, get inspired, and fucking do something. For you! That is his main talking point, DOING, and that is what I think Steem is all about, too.


image source

Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist residing in Niigata, Japan.


Woah, I never saw this (partly because of our time zone differential), but thanks for mentioning him. I had no idea who he was and now I will look into his stuff.

take a look at the followers of dollarvigilante, you will find Gary's name... and several other well known online marketers.. don't know if they are the actual people named but I happened to notice their votes on Steemstats for one of his posts.

What's the exact username?

I just searched Steem for an @garyvaynerchuk and an @garyvee.
No results. I am pretty sure he is not on Steemit.

These aren't verified, and have no posts.

no shyte Sherlock.. which takes you back to what I said in the first place. They could be or could not be

Great post . I am totally behind bringing Gary to Steemit. He could expose Steemit to a lot of people. The dude is perpetually viral.

I would suggest small invitations to join Steemit on his Facebook posts and live streams. He engages with fans on Facebook.

Great idea, but Gary will not answer at this message

Interesting claim. Any evidence to back that up? I have already talked with Roger Ver via Twitter PM, so I don't think getting a response is such a wild idea. Why would it be one of the most plugged-in people in social media today not answer messages?

Just needs a rework.
I am sure Gary will join one day

What needs a rework?

then the influx of wannabe entrepreneurs all selling crap or the same Online Self-Help coaching series that its spun content from Tony Robbins. Just adding a cynical take there.

I love Gary Vee too. People love to feel motivated, like he said. Some ppl just absorb his content for an emotional fix.