Banned from Facebook. The Need for Censorship-Free, Decentralized Social Media

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hashtag: "Zuckerpunched."

I've become too dependent on Facebook in regard to networking.

This was driven home last night when I tried to share an article I had written here on Steemit, and was promptly notified I had been banned from the social media site for 24 hours for "violating community standards."

Someone in the "commune" had it out for me, apparently, and chose to report an image I had shared as "hate speech." Of course, I shared the image as an aid to my commentary in a conversation with a friend. I don't believe that "white men are terrorists."


My social media presence on Facebook is not insignificant. It is one of the main hubs for Voluntary Japan, I have over a thousand friends (mostly voluntaryist/anarchists) and I rely on the site to spread the message of Voluntaryism and also for sharing content I create here on Steemit.

It is time to decentralize my social media presence,

and also to switch over to encrypted mail and messaging services as much as possible. If I can be reported by any Tom, Joe, or Sally who has their undies in a wad or doesn't particularly like me as a person, for "hate speech," and said report can result on the termination of thousands of hours of work, then it is clearly time to take some eggs out of that basket.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


well you have to admit, you not agreeing with that woman's (?) shirt was a huge microaggression and you needed to be silenced for it. they had to put you in time-out

Unbelievable lol

yeah everybody knows all white men are terrorists. my neighbors baby is only 8 months old and already i see him throwing his toy airplane at things

I'm just glad I was reported. I had no idea I was a terrorist!!!

yep, and you better never forget it again! #kafkanarchy84isaterrorist


  1. I'm white.
  2. Had an obsession with throwing paper airplanes AND shouted enthusiastically as they flew.
  3. I threw lots of snowballs to the side of houses when I was a child.

It's all clear folks. I'm a terrorist too. But wait... the papers and the snow were white so... 100% sign of a white supremacist.

ya god damn nazi

i bet he gathers his excrement in some sort of cloth too, instead of just depositing it into drinking water like the rest of the civilized world. Can you really trust someone like that??? Gives new weight (and smell) to the term "dirty bomb"!

Agreed, great idea. Never let the bastards grind you down!

Hello @kafkanarchy84,

This is a fantastic post and one that has come to my notice at a perfect time. I don't often use terminology like cosmic, but it's definitely a synchronicity and I feel that we are definitely not alone in this.

I have just told someone sat next to me that I used to say that the main tool for control is division, but I have updated it to 'centralisation and division'. It's uncanny timing, as I wrote it down today, as a reminder note, to write a post with the same heading - 'Centralisation and Division - The tools of mass control'. I still might :).

Facebook, YouTube and Google share analytical information and sell 'you' to yourself. If you haven't got a product to sell, you are the product, but there is much dearker, more insidious workings afoot, as you have described in your well put together post. I have a very small issue with youtube videos being shared on here, with a single sentence comment, by someone who didn't create it, and without giving any credit to the creator, but I am a patient man, and will wait until the wheat and chaff stand separated by their indifferences.

The demonetised YouTube accounts that have been obviously attacked for their content and their content hidden from searches, would be not only wise, but not stupid, to move their accounts over here and to bring their subscribers with them.

I say here, but I mean D Tube and all of those channels should start making their videos fro D Tube and not YouTube. YT has done all it can to close itself down, but the masses that are indifferent or just aren't too bothered, will keep the stagnant pool as is, to tread water in, for time immemorial.

I used to have a mild issue with monetised YouTube accounts, but only because of the compromise between being an independent reporter and a supporter of commercial product placement and the advertising of companies that you might not ethically agree with.

Anyway, I have waffled, as I do, but had to comment. I am here for good and only recently (before joining Steemit) used Facebook, after 40+ weeks of non-use, to share a water scandal, involving Nestle, as Facebook seems to be where most people 'live', but I feel that this was an error, although we did get 11,000 signatures in six days.

but I digress and after the horse has bolted :). Thank you for sharing this and I hope your move is realised as the genius idea that I feel it is and that Steemit helps your organisation to grow in more ways than you first thought possible.

All the best.

Thanks a lot. I enjoyed reading this.

Much appreciated, and much obliged.

Looking forward to that post on decentralization.

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, your post was uncannily timed and was like an echo of my thoughts. The post I mentioned is on the list, with 'Fighting the system with the best weapon ever created - Cryptocurrency!'

I am sure these have been covered somehow, but the angle of perception can bring new light to issues, and this is the place to share thoughts, feelings, ideas, ideals, etc.

All the best and I look forward to following your posts.

Enjoyed this reply and while I can agree and relate to the topic at hand, I had to also mention that I've already had a seperate moment of synchronicity on a phone call today. I love those moments in life where things are so perfectly timed with one another, allowing 2 seperate experiences/conversations/pieces of information to mutually give each other a better sense of context and purpose.

Hello @ectodoobie,

With you saying, "and while", I was waiting for the "but" :). Nice comment and I have a feeling that the synchroicity that you mention does not arrive at the table alone. I feel that we are at an unusual point in time, where there may be aliens among us, lizards ruling the planet, which isn't a planet, but a flat earth and where the actions of bankers, leaders, movers and shakers, makes all of the above, easilt believable, by comparison of legitimacy.

I like synchronicities. They make me laugh and in this world, you have to find your own entertainment, talking of which, here we are :).

Thank you for the comment and I look forward to growing with you and many others.

What a stupid reason to ban someone.. The problem with Facebook is that so many people use it that the masses don't care about other platforms like steemit. And that's how we stay dependent on Facebook too. It's like a vicious circle where everybody is waiting for each other to get in contact through other means but only a few dare to think about it. Luckily a lot of anarchists are already on steemit and maybe it's time to promote it more on other platforms. We can't stay dependent on centralized platforms where free speech is not allowed if you don't agree with the mainstream narrative.

To be honest, It's FaceBook. The same facebook that tries to shut down anti-abortion groups, while allowing Muslim pages to post beheading videos. It's the same site that uses Snopes and the ADL as "neutral Moderators," while also agreeing to stifle the free speech in places like China.
It's Orwellian and the real name should actually be 1984.

It's the same site that uses Snopes and the ADL as "neutral Moderators,"...

LOL. Good point.

Farcebook is just such a swamp of inequity... I only use it for business-- wish I didn't have to, but I have a couple of pages with too much following to just abandon them.

Sometimes it's automated (generated by an automatic image search that somehow "links" content as controversial or somehow against FB rules) and sometimes all it takes is one unhappy camper to say "I didn't like what that man said!" and report it... and it's "ban first, ask questions later."

Sometimes, simply breathing makes you a terrorist. To someone. Somewhere. God forbid someone could be offended.

I think it's a mere game, some of people want to destroy your strong images. Nothing more than that, no body can stop us from doing the right things.Thanks for sharing, have a great day friend, resteem.

Well you learn as you go. You know where to post sensible things dont you? Im just simply dont waste your time on insignifant platforms. Where would you rather network steemit or facebook?

Steemit, of course, but the said reality remains that Facebook is still more of a central hub, even for Voluntaryists.

thats right bro.

These Facebook bans are hilarious. A bodybuilder was banned for sharing a picture of an insanely muscular Indian bodybuilder with the caption "Sikh gains". As far as I remember the reason was being offensive towards Muslims, while the guy on the picture was an Indian Sikh. Go figure. :D

The biggest social media sites will become echo chambers with no free speech. They will have big problems if they continue this. As we can see that with many companies who act like Facebook. For example, newspapers that become propaganda machines and because of that losing profit. They will eventually go down the drain.

Excellent points.

They will eventually go down the drain.

I agree.

You are in the right Place sir.
Your on Steemit.
Your on the right Raod to success.
Glory for the future.

Man its crazy to think they can ban you that fast for such little reasoning . . . Can you appeal?

I did, twice, but have yet to hear back.

My youtube channel content is constantly be demonitized. The leftists demand free speech, but doesnt grant it to anyone who disagrees with their unified message of hate. Youtube and therefore Google seek to silence any voice that speaks against them. This is still America. they have a right to their voice and so do I. This troubles me greatly

Facebook is the devil, they do not understand Hyperbole or debating... they suck.. good job and I am following you as I am a fellow voluntarian.

It is the way of the future, especially as robots come online and take all our jobs, we need to develop a better system before shit hits the fan.

I am not sure whether I should laugh or cry about something like this... It's just simply idiocracy. Fuck Facebook, and screw those easy butthurts.

Auto-block photo algorithms. Happens all the time on facebook. Not only for public posts but even in private dialogues. Sometimes it's really unfair..

I'm pretty sure photos like this won't cause a ban for people who believe what's on that shirt and post on Facebook accordingly.

Really? That makes sense, I guess. I didn't know Facebook did such a thing.

I only use Facebook for saying the occasional "Happy Birthday" to classmates from the third grade. YOUTUBE is no better. Twitter is just ridiculous. The halfwits have taken over popular social media --- but the fringes, as always, belong to the thinkers.

Yeah, Twitter is even worse. Downright spooky, the control scheme there.

Depressing how easily we are persuaded to spy and squeal on each other, no threat or coercion necessary.

this is the kind of facebook bullshit i was talking about in my article/rant. i don't find that image offensive. nor do i find your disagreement offensive.

Ironically this "hate speech" nonsense will likely punish those who wish to implement it, its oppressive.

I think I find moral supremacists more obnoxious than any kind of racial supremacists, as one of them requires and often forces others to adopt their values or else they are punished. The racial kind just go on rants about how much better they are and I don't have to listen to them.

I think I find moral supremacists more obnoxious than any kind of racial supremacists, as one of them requires and often forces others to adopt their values or else they are punished. The racial kind just go on rants about how much better they are and I don't have to listen to them.


I enjoyed this post, following.

facebook is a struggle. Part of my wants to abandon it entirely, but the other immeasurably values the direct connect to my network of friends and family near and far. I could do with some mental control exercises to stop myself from mindless checking in with facebook and wasting valuable time in my life.

I still naively (or willfully) continue to share "alternative" content on facebook, that seems to go on deaf ears... with the hope that somewhere out there something resonates with someone and makes them think about things from a different perspective.

It is so tedious to filter which content is most appropriate for which social media platform

A lot of people that use Facebook, if not every one of them, has a mobile phone. I keep seeing people with mobile phones pressed against their heads and if they look on their phone in the contract, it tells them that the microwaves are cancer causing, but they do not tell of how bad it really is, but to have to put a warning on, says it all. But, they all have a way, besides physically, of keeping in contact with each other and the use of Facebook, after business, is claimed to be able to keep in touch with folk. This is a bigger than personal thing and a contact with people all over the world and not just in the local area, but even though this is such a useful and valuable social tool, we know that Facebook is a negative place. We sense that behind the scenes, something is going on and it isn't a jelly and custard party for the little ones. Could it just be the adverts that annoy us so much, or is it the type of adverts that we see? Most of us have read, seen or both, 1984.

The thing is, what do you get rid of. The television is a no-brainer. Phones are too useful, but being aware of the damage that they can do, will limit the damage that you could potentially suffer. When it comes to sharing things on Facebook that you feel are very important and need to be common-knowledge, I found that people used to block me, back when I was trying to elucidate with regards to the world situation. I also found people enjoyed playing Devil's Advocate and this is a dangerous game to play. Others unfriended me or just came out attacking me, because they didn't want to see a picture of a dead animal, such as a rhino, elephant or tiger, nor a picture of political attrocities or social injustices, whilst they ate their steak and two veg.

Facebook ostracises folk and I used to say, "Facebook - If you haven't got a product to sell, you are the product". This is one of the strengths of Steemit and the reciprocal feelings that doing so provokes. Facebook is just too convenient and useful, and in a slowed down, dumbed down world, full of deception and subterfuge, it is no surprise that Facebook became so rapidly the all controlling force of the internet. The crack cocaine of the technological age. The All Seeing Eye, in cahoots with YouTube and Google analytics. You speak on the phone of fancying a Chinese meal and when you go onto Facebook, an advert for local Chinese cuisine comes up. This is a concidence, not a synchronicity. They know we know they know, you know :).

I am being slightly flippant, hopefully accurate, but such is my way. Apologies-ish.

There are a ton of people on Facebook, and that is a hugely attractive thing to those of us who have a message. Love your username, by the way ;)

Did you see that Austin Petersen was recently banned from Facebook?

It's a similar story, except he is running for the Senate seat in Missouri and received a 30-day ban. These sorts of bans will ultimately lead to more and more people coming to Steemit, IMHO. At least, I hope that we will see more people looking for an alternative. I think the tipping point could happen when a celebrity finds Steemit and starts promoting it on their Facebook or Twitter. Right now we are a bit of an echo chamber, but soon, my friends, very soon, that will change.

Steemit is the future.

But that is not acceptable ..Its very inhuman .How can someone ban us from expressing our views ..I have visited your FB account two days back but there also you have shared your voluntary views....but yes, there are millions of people following social media and we cannot satisfy all of them.

Glad to see you're trying to "live the solution," @kafkanarchy84! Unfortunately, most libertarian/ancaps are giant hypocrites - don't expect them to follow. It's a lonely road out here off the reservation...

Just keep doing your job , don't give a damn to the one who is not contributing to anything rather creating a difference among us. I support you.

Cheers, thank you.

I really dont see much point on wasting time on facebook or twitter or any other traditional social media... At least for the vast majority of us common people those social media bring zero to nothing into our lives... I can understand that some users with a lot of influence in those nets can take advantage, but those are just a little bunch... Decentralized social media such as steemit will bring benefit to the vast majority of their users, not just a little bunch...

There might still be some value simply due to the power of numbers - Facebook reaches more than ONE BILLION people daily. Even if you have a truly subversive world view, is it not worth attempting to share it with that huge audience and change some of their minds?

I think that even so, Facebook and other big ones like Youtube have lost their value thanks to their greed...

7 years ago i use to have a steady growth on my facebook and youtube followers, but suddenly it stopped, and i realized they introduced publicity campaigns to make me gain followers, so i must pay to get broadcasted. They continuously changed their code so your content wont be displayed at all... Neither my YouTube followers get my videos on their timeline...
So probably i will get thousands of views if a post a meme in my facebook page, but if a post a serious music stuff it simply wont get printed to my friends
Mark my word, those social media will collapse in the future... Blockchains will take over!

Maybe, but... Facebook is still growing rapidly. They reach more people per day than any other network by far. How can we really say they've "lost their value" when, in economic terms, they are generating as much profit as ever, and in social terms they capture more attention than ever?

I understand disliking Facebook, but it seems incorrect to say the site is in any danger at this time.

They are generating profit for themselves, not for their users... I cant say when they are going to fall, i understand its the first social media out there and they are still strong, but i dont see them lasting much as blockchain technology continue growing...

Remember MySpace?, they where pretty big, but once Facebook got viral they pretty much died from one day to another... I think exactly the same will happen with Facebook, and the fall will be even more painful...
I actually think that the owners of these social media know this, and they are getting ready, in the way of taking as much profit as they can now... They try to charge us (content creators) all the time...

MySpace, at its peak, had less than 100 million active users - I believe this is based on monthly active users.

Facebook reaches more than one billion active users, daily.

I don't think we can compare the two. It is tempting to assume that blockchain will slowly devour all the giant centralized services... but, what evidence do we have?

The only evidence i need is the fact that i get more benefits from blockchain in 1 month than any giant centralized service in 10 years... Its just logic to assume that centralized stuff will soon or later fall...
Surely Facebook can reach billion of active users daily, again, how can you benefit from that without paying to Facebook?

I'd hate to burst your bubble but even STEEMIT does the same thing. I'm having posts hidden daily now. It's getting annoying because I see the same similar posts with the same topic and links. Mine gets hidden, big users get treated different. I'm not sure if it is flag abuse by a competitive user or general preference by the admins here. I came here expecting to be treated differently than when I was YouTuber or on FB. If you think it's different you're going to be seriously disappointed. I like steem because of the cryptocurrency aspects, but it's pretty much the same as any other social media when it comes to censorship. If the admins don't like what you're talking about, they use the bot army to vote your posts down. That's about as horrible as censorship can get.

I've been here over a year. It's different. Who is flagging you, and why?

I don't know who. They're saying my referral links could be spam. So I checked other content and found not only similar links from my exact partner site but in banner form as well. Not sure why the system is flagging me and not the other users. So I have a theory that it is a competitor in the same program being a douche. If it is flag abuse that's lame. It's a flaw in how the flag system works. Currently, I have to go through some process to get it reviewed each time a flag comes about. That is a "trust" system that is flawed. If you give people the chance to do this without proper review than it just becomes a headache I don't want to deal with daily. If on the off chance it isn't flag abuse and the system is singling me out for doing what is common practice, then that is just shady. 2links one is mine both refer to the same site. The other users is much bigger than me, so they let his slide and take mine down and blacklist my link. Mmmm... I don't see how that's different. It's quite a shame in my eyes.

Flagging is not censorship. @sku77-poprocks, your posts are all still there and anyone who follows you and wants to see them can. Yes, there are hidden, but a simple click reveals them. With a Facebook or Twitter ban, you lose the ability to post completely. Also, the decision to flag content on Steemit is made by the community, not an all-powerful, free speech hating platform.

Last time I saw that, I deactivated my Facistbook account. Have not looked back....yet.

Last July, before I discovered Steemit, I was obsessed with Fakebook.

I used to go there once a week (on Fridays) for 10 minutes. But since Steemit, I just can't be arsed looking at it anymore.

Without Fakebook, life online is all over...

LOL. 10 minutes once a week is such an obsession.

Here are my thoughts about facebook! Fuck them no lube hard with
the largest unwashed sex toy ever invented!

I think matter of fact its time to create a fully decentralized social media outside of the control of the oligarchs and Plutarch's. A place where neither money nor politics count. I dont know about steemit Im new here. But in my opinion the sooner we cut the ties to the fascists media, the better.

Nothing is suprasing from FB anymore!