Life of a Senior HUMSS (humanities and social science) high school student

in #steemit7 years ago

"We take the naps, we think we deserve."
                                                                  -Anna Mattia

 Hola there! Guess who is back! Yes I finally updated after months of months of school works. Anyway for today’s blog I will just gonna share my slice of life as a very behave student. (note the sarcasm) 

Every morning started with the annoying sound of the alarm clock! Time check 3 am. Rub those sleepy eyes and exert all your force to push yourself out of your bed (the struggle is real tho). I then cook my rice then take my shower for 30 minutes or less sometimes. I then take my rice and cook my meals for my lunch at school.  I then silently eat my breakfast which is a banana oatmeal and on my hand is my reviewer. Multitasking is a trend for students. Eat and study, commute and study, talk and study. Hays hectic exam week and all those project deadlines are here.

  Walk straight to the mirror and look at my reflection and there good to go. Time to fight the morning traffic in these polluted and crowded roads. The jeep then drop me in the school and I walk fastly paced and enter the gate without forgetting to greet our bisaya guard friends.  

 “Maayong buntag dai. (Good morning) ” –Uncle guard

 “Maayong buntag pd nong guard.” (Good morning too) –Me 

Smiling from the warm greeting, I then saw my enemies. The high and long STAIRS in our building. Just a perfect thing to do early in the morning exercise. As I climb the stairs and cursing the it, I then arrive at our room. 

Sadly I enter my room as if my the room is for kinder students from all their childishness and loud voices. Just great.  Fast forward now the classes begin. In Filipino subject we have presented each of our trivias paired with our joke in front. Then practical research is next, the very tiring subject for me. I then meet with my members and again do some freaking research the I hate.  Lunch is here, and we are starting to open our lunches but halt in the middle on it as our next teacher is already here. Great just the exact time to eat our lunch.

21st century literature from the Philipppines and the world is next. In this subject we always perform dances and plays on a specific occasion of the history that is given as a task to us, We only differ in our technique on how we present it. So far we have presented 2 main dance and play which is a tribal coronation and salubong from a spaniard colonial period.

At 3 pm we go to our different directions and go home. I ride jeep and tricycle in my way home. I arrive at home throw my bag lumply at the coach and hurriedly lay in my bed exhausted and hungry. I take a quick nap to relax my body and brain to do my school works tonight and house chores. Waking up and taking dinner. Before I do my school works I first do my chores. After all that then  I started doing our research the whole chapter 1 and 2. I then study to prepare myself from our upcoming exam. I only sleep at 12am or sometimes 10pm. 

So I am very sleepy when I go to school the next day but when I arrive I have learned that it's not just me that gor sleep deprivation but almost everyone of my classmates. We even sleep in our room in those extra time we got. Being a student is tiring and all. However in all those expectations and pressure we get we can't just chillax there and don't prove to them that we are deserving to say that we really are HUMSS A students. Nonetheless every sleep deprivation is not worth on those thesis that we make and minutes of studies and practices. Nothing is worthy to deprive our self from sleeping. 

School is made to learn and humss track is just a kind of strand that define our skills. So I say  let's just relax and take it slow senior high school students let's not stress it out!. 

So that's how my school days work and that's how I realize that I just need to take a step back and look at my way of studying. I'm stressing everything up I just need to relax and not made some impossible expectations for myself. Reach high but don't push yourself to the edge. A lot of students are stress that end up suiciding let's not go through that far and unleash ourselves from our tight of expectations, Ok bye now I need to go to sleep now. Adios.

"May your grammars don't have any wrong grammars." (like mine)

                                               Roxy signing off

Tiredly we then clean our room and gather with our different groups in those different subjects task. We did meetings and idea planning on how we do our group project. Finally the school ends and now we are free to go home. Every friday me and my barkada (group of friends) will take some snacks and eat in those street foods vendors or ice cream bonding at the Mcdonald and Jollibee. /strong> (All the pictures are from me and my classmates.)


Sheezus that sounds tiring, but I can somewhat relate, it might not get much easier but you seem to keep it together and you'll find new ways that work for you in order to accomplish everything without draining that much

It surely does.