How do you guys keep track of who commented/replied etc. in Steemit?
So far, I've only been checking manually stuff and need to remember what was the last thing I saw.
There must be a better way to keep track of notifications and the activity on your account?
At one point they used to have a little notification at the top-right, on your profile pic, to tell you that you had a reply, or whatever.
I'm honestly not sure where that went.
These days I mainly just monitor my steemd page to see if I've received comments, upvotes, etc. might have a better notification system - I haven't checked it out yet, to be honest. Mostly I'm trying to avoid using apps that sit on top of the blockchain, other than steemit, because they tend to take a chunk of your author reward.
The last sentence makes a lot of sense! I asked around in the Steemit Chat yesterday and some folks pointed me to You probably are aware of it and it does indeed maybe sit on top, but thought I'd share it for what it's worth.👍
Followed by the way!
Excited for the entrepreneurial, business and marketing content on Steemit! 👍
I’m constantly checking throughout the day.
Yea, I think I'll take that approach as well. As @rossdcurrie mentioned there might be some alternatives that sit on top of the platform, but they might not be the best thing. One of them seems to be, for what it's worth.
But yea... Maybe just manually keeping an eye out might be the best option. 👍