Hellllo everyone! I am super excited to tell everyone this that I had to stop to release this before my last Guatemala post!

If you’re a person who is always curious, wanting seeking education that YOU want to learn about or would like the skills to pursue something you wanted to try NOW is the perfect time!
This is a quick blog post to inform you guys that for another two days as of writing this post ALL Udemy courses are ~$12 (I know for sure that are $15AUD so somewhere around that mark). Now I am not writing this because I get any affiliate links out of this, I’m writing this because everyone can benefit serious value out of this sale!
If you wanted to learn how to brand yourself online there is a course for that! If you are want to learn how to improve your photography skills and help boost your Steemit post quality there is a course for that! If you are curious about coding and want to dabble in that.
Ok Jules stop with the sales pitch, there is a load of free content already out there!
I couldn’t agree more! There IS a lot of free content out there, however many of us are time poor! Finding exactly what you need in a correct progression to what you are learning is often hard and from personal experience, paying the difference to get the convenience of a structured course and not having to sift through hours of YouTube, Reddit or Steemit for the golden nuggets is VALUE in of itself!
The ability to memorise more and speed read.
Imagine being able to read books at three times the speed and still retain it? Wouldn’t this give you a massive advantage over others professionally and personally? The idea behind speed reading is often cool but is it actually realistic. Now I am a Tim Ferris fan boy but his blog and videos on how to speed read gave me headaches. The course I’m taking outlines that is one’s capacity, speed and retention we need to work on first before tackling to read at lightning speeds. Here is my experience so far!
This is the course I am taking right now and currently it is down from $160 to $15 (fucking bargain!).
So far my experience has been pretty positive and seeing small but noticeable changes in my memory. The first couple of concepts they dive into and you can easily too if this interests you are CHUNKING and MEMORISING FACES/NAMES.
Are you still reading and interested?? Cool!! Let’s dive into some FREE exercises you can try right now!
The first mnemonic technique to demonstrate is CHUNKING and everyone has used this at some point or another. Credit card numbers, mobile phones and student id numbers are just a few examples where you might find these. Our working memory works best when we chunk information into bite size pieces, hence why you often see this in the example I listed above. Like I mentioned before you will need working memory speed and retention.
These two chunking exercises are FREE and only need about 10 minutes per day total to get better at it.
This is the first one which requires you quickly scan the page and memorise the letters on the page. Use chunking to break the page up so that you can remember easier.
Exercise two gets you to look at 20 words. Your goal is to spend 1 minute memorising and to write down what you remember. Still use the same chunking technique! Use chunking next time someone gives you long verbal list of things and break it up into single words, clusters of 3-4 words. I like to pair words that sound good together like I have noted with an arrow.
Ok so the next exercise one no doubt everyone needs to improve on. Remembering names and faces! Saying you have a crap memory is a self-defeating dialogue you are telling your subconscious, snap out of it! Anyone can learn any skill with the right mind set, I’m going to show you how in a hilarious manner!
First when you meet someone
Say their name out loud!
Break their name up into syllables.
Let’s say Andrew. An…. Drew. Ok who or what comes to mind? It’s recommended you use famous people, musicians, and significant people or items in your life to break up the syllables because they stick. So I’m thinking Anaphylaxis and Drew Barrymore.
Next you need an anchor!
This is your visual cue when you see this person that you will instantly remember their name with the crazy syllable break up you just made! Ok disclaimer it gets quite crazy here but it works and many memory athletes use this technique and if you’re crap with names what have you got to loose trying!
An anchor may include a facial feature (mole, freckle), nose shape, hair length. My anchor for Andrew is his long blonde hair.
In order to recall his name in the future you need to be creative, very creative. As wacky and as vivid as you can imagine. The crazier the better! It will help it stick! So next time I see Andrew I’m thinking Drew Barrymoore is climbing up Rapunzel’s long blonde hair with anaphylaxis epi pens as ice picks
waooo, thanks for this share, its information is time sensitive
That's right, grab a few deals while you can! I got a few courses normally $200!