There has been a lot of evidence in recent days here at Steemit for a certain boost to the mass promotion of our platform to the public. Each one in your country, in your city doing promotional actions to publicize Steemit with the intention of attracting more and more users to our community. I think that's great, because if we really want to see Steemit grow to the same level as Facebook (which is our main reference), we'll have to have more people joining the platform in the 4 corners of planet Earth.
Thinking of mass membership and analyzing the reality that I live here in Brazil, I remember some articles that I read recently about the adhesion of Brazilians to social networks and the data are quite scary and encouraging at the same time.
According to research by a company specialized in digital intelligence called eMarketer, Brazil (that in 2012, today this number is certainly bigger) is a leader in membership in social media around the world, with a share of almost 88% of the Brazilian population present in the main social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc). That is a very large number. Just to not forget Brazil is a country with more than 200 million inhabitants. This news is also included in this news portal:
I'm thinking all this Brazilian adhesion to Steemit. Surely and without a doubt the Steemit here in Brazil could grow monstrously and this is the tip for the developers, investors and great whales is that they can invest in the marketing of Steemit here in Brazil because surely the return will be great for us all.
Being realistic, I do not believe that we can have, for example, 80% or 90% of the Brazilian population in Steemit, because here in the platform we privilege quality rather than quantity and many of those who can join Steemit may not adapt to this quality standard imposed by our platform and consequently can give up when they see that we are not a Facebook.
But if we managed to attract at least 30%, 40% of the Brazilian population to Steemit, the impact of marketing and advertising would have never been seen in the world of cryptography, and certainly the impact of that on the price of Steem would soon be felt.
Mas com a empolgação, vem as dúvidas e as principais são:
We have, financially speaking, the necessary contribution to be able to have these millions of people at Steemit?
Does Steemit really have a global growth plan, mass membership of our platform?
Não falo de projetos como o Curie que já vem recompensando posts em língua portuguesa com pequenas recompensas, mas baleias que curem realmente posts escritos em nossa língua de igual para igual com os estrangeiros.
If Brazilians dominate Steemit, will the whales curate the posts in Portuguese? I'm not talking about projects like Curie that has been rewarding posts in portuguese with small rewards, but whales that actually cure posts written in our language as equals with foreigners.
Will Steemit adapt to the local needs of users in all countries where it is present?
They are simple questions, but at the same time profound and necessary to be done, for there it's no use in attracting thousands or millions of people if we do not have the necessary space to put them together.
I want and I really wish to see Steemit expanding here in Brazil. Brazil is a great market not only for Steemit / Steem, but for the Bitcoin community as a whole. My city (Recife) is known today as "The Capital of Bitcoin in Brazil", here we have several poles of technology, conferences focused on Bitcoin happen here every year, we have bars, restaurants and stores that accept Bitcoin as currency and I believe that a social network like Steemit that can get here and revolutionize our economy would be something almost divine, but we have to have set goals for it.
Bom post, com analises pertinentes.
Obrigado @revelim
É sempre bom ler posts em português aqui no steemit. Espero que haja muitos mais no futuro.
Um abraço de Portugal ;-)
Obrigado @fxenakis
Grande post! Concordo plenamente! Espero ver essa rede crescer e estou aqui para fazer minha parte!
Valeu amigo, muito obrigado :)
Já conhecia o Porto Digital e o Cesar mas não sabia que Recife tinha essa cena bitcoin bem desenvolvida. Quem sabe isso torne mais fácil que outros projetos blockchain como o Steem tb tenham um crescimento na cidade. Valeu! Sucesso e boa sorte mais uma vez!!
É...tem uns bistrôs, algumas lojas que aceitam BTC aqui, acho que tá crescendo. A ideia de crescer é boa, mas tem que haver interesse deles em fazer crescer tbm. De nada adianta um monte de gente e os ganhos não seguirem esse crescimento. Abraço Wagner.
Tomara que não só o Brasil, mas também que os outros países de lingua portuguesa aderissem em massa ao Steemit.
Eu espero, sinceramente, que esta plataforma consiga chegar pelo menos ao nível do facebook, e que a comunidade de lingua portuguesa prevaleça nesta aqui.
Se cada um de nós der o nosso contributo para que isto aconteça, mesmo que seja apenas falar com amigos e conhecidos, já é um ótimo passo na direção correcta, e acho que este post é um bom exemplo disso.
Uma ótima publicação sem dúvida!
Continuação de bom trabalho!
Obrigado amigo @shaden, a ideia é essa. Abraço!
@jsantana.....gostei do seu post! Muito bom mesmo ....abraços da Holanda ;)
Muito obrigado @divaliciouss, estou sempre acompanhando vc aqui, boa sorte no Steemit!
thanks for sharing:)
good post...