One of my favorite aspects of

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

No I am not talking about the ability to earn money from blogging and interacting on a social media site, although that is definitely a strong selling point.

I am talking about the ability to record one's life. 

There is something very compelling about the platform that goes right along with it being built on top of a blockchain. It has the ability to keep a record of my life.

If you are like most people, you want there to be a record of your life. That is why we love taking pictures and watching home movies about ourselves or our family. 

Ideally that record would be recorded by others because of some profound difference that we made upon the world, but for most of us that likely won't be the case. 

That is where keeping a record of our own life comes in. 

Being built on a blockchain, has the ability to record all the little (or big) things about my life that I can look back on whenever I choose. It's my own digital memory bank.

There are currently many social media sites out there that provide that same benefit.

However, for me personally, I don't have any other forms of social media any longer. This is the only one that I have. Besides that, there is one distinct advantage that this one has over all the others: 

This one saves all your data on the blockchain, forever. 

It can't be altered or deleted or edited in any way (at least at this time). That means that many years from now I can go back and look through my posts and it will be like a walk down memory lane of all my trips with my family and my different fishing trips and basically all the events of my life that I chose to record here.

What makes it even more intriguing is that it will theoretically still be there for my kids or even my grandkids. That means that if some time in the future they want to learn about dear old grandpa (me) they can go through my blog and read about my life and what I was interested in or they can see what we looked like all those years ago. 

For one thing, in the future it will make writing biographies a heck of a lot easier! ;)

The efficiency it provides is awesome!

Having everything stored in one place is a lot more efficient than keeping pictures in an album or a shoe box or even storing them on some other social media site as there is no guarantee they will still be there many years from now. 

I can just search for my blog and bam, there is everything, I don't even need to be logged in or even need to be a member of to read the articles or see the pictures. Something many other sites don't offer.

Also, if your account on one of the other social media sites were to be hacked, information could be altered and posts could be deleted. Making potential memories lost forever.

When all these life events are stored on a blockchain it makes for a great scrap book of one's life. That is one of the more sentimental values of the site in my opinion and something that I think has tremendous value that is often overlooked by many people. :)

What is your favorite aspect of Steemit or Steem?

Live well my friends!

Follow me: @jrcornel


Couldn't agree more! I hadn't planned to do 365 Days on Steemit but I'm so glad I did. Firstly because as you say it's saved forever but also because I think the community is far more interesting and interested than most. Thank you for sharing.

Great points about the steemit community. But really? You did 365 days on steemit already. Where you here from its birth, that is intriguing. Even post each day could be considered superhuman. Happy commenting!

hahaha no not quite! I started a blog called 365 Days That Count at the beginning of this year, I'm on day 85, but for the most part I do post every day :)

Gosh! and you are sticking to it! That's greatness! We will visit your story soon!

I am indeed. I fall behind occasionally and sometimes I'm lazy and don't feel like writing but for the most part I love it and it's achieving what I intended - making every day count for something.

Great points and I agree! Thanks for reading!

@jrcornel Great post I can relate!

What is your favorite aspect of Steemit or Steem?

a lot but mostly the interactions
here.. it's more real than elsewhere isn't it?
except for the possible catfishing or is it possible when everything is public ?

The greatest thing for me is that this represents a return to "social blogging," which was very popular around 2001-08... unfortunately, Facebook tore that down by stripping the "social" aspect... while blogging took a turn more towards "serious desktop publishing" with most of the "social" parts gone.

I was never very happy with that development... nor were a few million of my peers. Sure, Facebook was "just OK" but a useless place for creative expression and writing. Sure, I never stopped blogging (and have several successful niche blogs), but I missed the active interaction of 30-50 comments carrying on a conversation.

So, for me, that's the best thing about Steemit... and I am starting to contact "old friends" and selling them on the idea of Steemit though precisely that angle.

That's fantastic! Maybe there are others out there besides your group of friends who are feeling exactly they way you are... perhaps that can be a selling point?

It does seem hard to attract new users without them being almost entirely interested in the money making aspect of steemit... which creates disappoint for them if they don't start earning decent money right away...

I could share more on the attraction of new users of the "right" kind than could possibly fit here... but I strongly feel the approach has to be "community" and "content creation" rather than "money." You can bring people in with the money angle, but it creates no lasting value...

Xanga was the most popular social blogging site, and it peaked around 27 million users before there was MySpace and Facebook. Diary-X was smaller, but also had a dedicated following. It's a pretty good bet that 10% of those would at least look here, because they are sick to death of memes and pictures of people's dinner, and "tailored" content that limits what you get to see.

Only... right now, we need some more "social features" on Steemit (messaging, photo albums, video, maybe a crowdfunding utility, a Steem based peer-to-peer marketplace, communities, better sorting/presentation of content) in order to make the platform "stickier" to newcomers. If we HAVE those, the rewards can become more "coincidental."

Somebody send this to ;)

I have been considering turning this into post and "tag spamming" Ned, sneak and a few others... ;-)

Preserving memories on a blockchain was an idea giving to me by @mammasitta when I visited Steemfest. It blew my mind back then. Before that, I just saw it as a 'normal' blogging platform. Thank you, for spreading this idea to more users. And awesome pictures, especially the top one, lol!

Haha thank you! I will have to look back at that picture when my daughter is asking to borrow the car when she is older... too bad she can't stay that age forever :)

Great pics. I was thinking the same myself the other day that sons and daughters would be able to look up what their parents had written. It's an awesome thing and has so much power.

Yep, I am assuming it will last for a while, at least in some form... if it does it offers some great benefits!

Hopefully it endures in whatever shape that the stuff will be there for a very long time!

Of course i can imagine some wishing the exact opposite!!

Your kids will get to see how great you have been to so many of us!!!

I will have to start self censoring lol!

Don't do it lol

My favorite aspect of Steemit is the ability to do what I like. It is also an opportunity to discuss with my friends the development aspects of my community and the Steemit community as a whole. Learning a new, a lot of walking and traveling to make wonderful photos, it brings pleasure, and it's super! Great post! Thanks!

My daughter (5 years) says dad go work (meaning Steemit), knowing that every evening I sit down at the computer and expose the article. Maybe someday she will read what I'm writing today :)))

Haha perhaps she will! That would be wonderful. I imagine perhaps one day my daughter will as well... (she is just over 1 years old right now).

Interesting thought. Yes, Steemit and some of the social media are the new evolution of the scrap books in paper. Sometimes I love to think my daughter or my (next) grandchildren will see my contents , sometimes I need to print them and touch them ;)

Haha there you go... I have thought about doing that with a couple of my stories. :)

@jrcornel, I have to premise that I'm totally "integrated" with my laptop, but there are 2 (and more ^_^) things that I need to do using the "old way": writing on my paper agenda and pull the photos out of the drawer to create scrap book pages :D

The pictures don't go into the blockchain, only a text link. If you really want a robust recording, you'll need to take a hash of the picture and embed it in the post, and store the picture elsewhere on some distributed storage (Interplanetary File System works really well for this).

Steemit should integrate a system where user doesn't have to go through extra tasks to do this.

Interesting. Thanks for the heads up! That will be something I will have to look into...

Awesome info once again. Thanks!

a happy family, and a good story. I like

The Kid knows what's up, lol!

You did a nice job on this man.


  • have a nicely flagged week like the rest of us LOL


Following you! Started using steem it last week. It's amazing

Thanks! Glad to have you! Let me know if you have any questions!

lovely post ....

lovely post ....

great post

Living the Arizona Dream! I'm down here in Tucson! There are a decent amount of Arizona Steemians!