Giving up is like failure in life. Steemit do not have formal education for minnows. The facts about Steemit is that;
- Steemit is social investment platform - You have to invest in Steem Power before you even make your introduction post.
- Steemit is social investment platform - You have to invest in your post with steemit bots at
- Without investing your post, your post will never gain good rewards
- Good content only hardly pays on steemit
- Any content with investment pays high on steemit.
I will advice you not to give up but invest in Steem power and promote your post with Steem bots. You can check my recent post on "How to make profit with steemit bots". Thanks
Now I dig this comment, but that’s the scary part. Let’s say I did change my mind, then invested like $10,000, those whales (the naughty ones) would have a whale of a time raping my rewards and rep. Lol 😂 See what I did there... “whale of a ..” you get it. 😏😉🤙
😀that is it. Some whales are horrible but still there are profitable whales there. Thanks for changing your mind. Steemit with all its setbacks have good future.
Thanks a bunch. I have not doubt there are some Amazing whales, here, but it’s not just Whales it’s everyone. There are a TON of awesome people here, but they are missing out rewards that are going to waste. Whale votes to Minnows that made them believe otherwise. That’s not what steemit it about. It’s not why I joined. Ned said in a video, it’s a social network where people get rewarded for their quality content. Not one liners with a crappy thumbnail (we’ve all done it, it's the ones that make $300,$500,$1,000 etc...

Thus great step man, Never quit.
Thanks for your comment 🙏🤙