life coaching - lifestyle design - happiness

in #steemit8 years ago

A great purpose is the perfect fuel to our fire, it narrows our focus and creates immense internal drive, so much so that we don’t need outside verification we are moving in the right direction.

A misaligned or out of date purpose drags us down into mediocrity and roots us in place or causes us to flail about in chaos trying to change everything at once.

A great purpose makes life seem effortless and smooth, we float through life letting the challenges and obstacles just bounce off us as we continue to move forward.

A misaligned or out of date purpose is like walking through a ton of traps, every one that goes off stops us as we try to correct it, we step around one that is visible into an invisible trap, we’re always stopping our progress forward.

Are you living an aligned or misaligned purpose in your life? Are you constantly stopping and restarting or are you making smooth strokes forward each and every day?
Are You Constantly Frustrated In Life?

One of the biggest sources of frustration is we continue to live a purpose or career that served us well for the first half our lives, but as we grow and mature, we tend to find other interests, our true talents and what really fires us up.

You continue to ignore the signs, believing that its’ just not possible, especially now with all the obligations you have built up around you.

Frustration starts to overwhelm us and we lash out at others and blindly start changing large portions of our lives. Unfortunately without a solid action plan and strategy behind us, we end up in almost the exact same spot.

We’ll wait a year or so and do it all over again, I’ve seen many people that hit 40 and spend the next ten years flailing about trying to figure out what to do only to give up at 50 and resign themselves to muddling about in their life until they retire. Once they retire they’re so burnt out they have zero ambition left in their lives to enjoy their golden years.
There Is A Different Way To Ensure You Live Your Purpose

There is a different way, knowing how the future will pan out is a blessing (and a curse.) You know that as you approach (or have crossed the threshold) of 40, you’re in for some serious changes in your life.

Have you identified the impact you want to make in the world, what you want to contribute, how you will make money, what really fires you up daily? 90% of you don’t get fired up about your job or where you’re living, you’re dreaming of something and somewhere else.

Do you have a plan to get there? My imagination tells me no, you’re just hoping and wishing it will happen. Look around, how many of your peers, friends and family are wishing for a different life, have they made any significant impacting changes in the last few years?

Do you want to end up just like them? Will you be happy with their results?
Master The Steps To Master Your Life

Creating a vision for your future is the first step, it’s a map you put into your mind that will direct you in the direction to go.

Once you upload the map, you have to outline the strategy or streets you’ll take to get there. These are all the avenues you can take, but not necessarily should take.

As you look at all the possibilities you now have to match up wher eyou going with the right avenue for you, which one is the fastest and best fit?

Each and every day you have to drive that road to your new destination. Somedays you’ll take a wrong turn and go backwards, somedays you’ll be climbing uphill and somedays you’ll hit the express lane. Doing the actions and review on a consistent and methodical basis will help you reach your new destination (purpose.)

Then you can really start to grow.
Stop Hoping And Wishing For A Better Future, Make It Happen

It’s not enough to wish, dream or hope for a different future. The differentiating factor between those that really achieve the life they want and those that look at it from afar are those that do a few things differently.

  1. they decide what they want their future to be like and about.

  2. they define the path(s) they can potentially take and then analyze each one for how it fits them

  3. They then outline the initial actions they will take and adjust after each step.

  4. They log their journey, this becomes their best resource to draw inspiration and action from.

If you’re frustrated, overwhelmed or just plain bored with your life and continue to dream or wish for a different one, it’s time to step up to the plate and start swinging.


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