
Clearly i get that they will have other uses but as of now steem don't need people to come here and make ICO tokens.

And he even says that is a use case
So in future people will be able to make ICOs as STEEM tokens that will be fast and cheap for everyone.

How much do you have invested in steem?

why does this matter.. o i am so waiting to find out what you reason behind this question is. if i got 10$ or million $

It matters greatly.
You're speaking your opinions on something that would raise the value of steem.

It shouldn't matter tho if i am a small investor or a big investor tho.. i love steem and most ideas behind it and i see this can be beneficial but the crypto market does not need more places to create ICO tokens. Even more so tokens that can be created

But in saying that then you're saying you don't believe in the strength and beauty of our blockchain.
If you did, you'd want every great project to use ours.

I do and would love it if we got some awesome legit things maybe not icos but fair distribution but lets face it the ico market is gonna crash soon. So to me if we can get legit companys to use steem blockchain thats be huge. i would change my mind but i do know people are creating fake ico tokens on waves to scam people and we all know eth icos are gonna crash hard...

But the fact idk if true you can create a token for 1$ thats the same price waves used and thier was alot scam tokens made.

So i get the idea is great but not a fan any random making ico tokens.

Now i also have not read the white paper but have read in a post ypu have to vest steem to have the token work on the blockchain then this will help stop scam ICO