One for the Ladies: Why Steemit is the Best Crypto on the Planet!

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

To all of the wonderful women that are contributing and making Steemit into something amazing – thank you!

Head over to any other crypto-community and hang out for a while. Notice anything? Yeah. Dudes. Lots and lots of dudes.

99% of the membership is male... and even a token 1% non-male members is optimistic. There's nothing wrong with a lot of man-love if that's your thing, but a community comprised entirely of men is destined to be a one-generation wonder. And it will smell awful.

In the space of a few months Steemit has attracted a beautiful and vibrant community of female contributors.

No other crypto enjoys the blessings of the fairer sex to the extent that Steemit does today, and many cryptos have been around for years. Female Steemians are creating content, voting, commenting, earning, transacting, investing, cashing out. They are engaged and it is wonderful.

The Steemit community is infused with feminine energy and thriving because of it.

For many Steemians, Steemit is their first exposure to crypto-currencies and crypto-communities. They may not realize what a unique place Steemit is in the crypto-universe. Where other cryptos are caught up in finding clever ways to shuffle numbers around, Steemit is becoming a destination. A place full of interesting people doing interesting things, a village that welcomes exploration and connection.

Steemit is fortunate beyond measure to have the attention and participation of humanity’s better half.

I’m amazed every day at the things I see happening on Steemit; we are all witness to the beginning of something very, very big. But Steemit would not be what it is, and it would not become much at all, without so many wonderful women creating, contributing and caring. Thank you for being a part of Steemit, and Steem On!

#steemit #life #girlpower #motivational #steemthought #newbie #life #philosophy


Yes I have noticed that the ladies are doing very well on Steemit :)

As have I, and it's fantastic!

Thank you johnsmith ...... your respect is appreciated.

As is your comment, cheers!

Im speechless very good post quality one . keep it up :)

Well, thank you! And it's a post that is long overdue... Steemit has a lot going for it, but nothing more so than adoption by both sexes. I wonder if any of the other crypto communities have noticed yet?

Btw that ms.jennifer is bot . she/he posting and upvote every post . that quite annoying but good effort.

Wow, I got owned by a bot. This is awkward! And thank you for letting me know. Are you real? ;)

Yes im real person , if im a bot trust me , you dont want to dealing with thisbkind of bot . i wish i can make a bot just like myself so i dont have to doing hard labour . :p

Ha! Well thank you for confirming, and I also wish I could make a bot just like myself. Wait...

Beautiful post darling ! Johnsmith for President

Why thank you! Now, as a fellow Canuck I'll see your President and raise you Prime Minister. But I'm not nearly as good looking as Trudeau... so that would make a lot of people very upset. Like a downgrade. President it is!

This is awesome! Since steemit is my first exposure to crypto-currency, I had no idea the others were lacking female contributors. I've definitely found a lot of quality female posts in my short time here.

Why do you think it's lacking elsewhere?

Oh wow, well, I've been around crypto for a few years and can vouch for the extremely small community of crypto-gals prior to Steemit. Candidly, all the other crypto in the world is neat but you can't do anything particularly interesting or fun with it - yet. Steemit is the first 'killer app' that does something people find useful and can engage with. Steemit is pulling in a much wider swath of humanity than any other crypto because it is not like using crypto at all. How ironic is that? So the answer to your question is that women are smarter than men, and didn't bother investing any time into crypto until it was worth the effort. :D

girl power!


You're on the right track with using coconut oil for the popcorn... have you tried truffle oil?

Or... mixing the butter with honey? :D

I have not, but they both sound good. Especially , honey butter!

Oh my... no honey butter! You haven't lived. Friday night is your night!

Agreed! It is definitely a very welcoming community here, to all people!

Yes, the positive vibe here is amazing!

Diversity of people and opinions is one thing that sets this platform apart from other cryptocurrencies and which primes it for success like no other.

I just wish that it wasn't necessary for cleavage and breasts to be displayed in order for the ladies posts to do as well. Don't get me wrong, I am no prude. Just that I want the content to shine through and be rewarded on its own merits.

Sure it's a competition here and looks are obviously important, but as far as I can tell I've not seen anything other than "the beautiful people" do well, for the most part.

If more average looking people were promoted, I think more average looking people would take to this platform. This is assuming their content is strong. But, it's up to the whales to make that call. They dictate what others value, so.

That's my 0.002 cents

Great comment, thank you! This issue is a big part of the motivation for this post - I'm hearing a growing number of community members voice frustration that their posts make pennies for hours of work, while an attractive woman can post a selfie and make thousands. I've certainly spun a bearing or two watching a bikini-clad traveler be showered with rewards for doing little more than typing out an itinerary! But here's what I've learned:

  • Humans have always accorded beauty far more value than its utility would otherwise justify. It is frustrating but will never change. So you may as well enjoy the view and be happy the recipient now has a little more freedom to pursue their dreams.

  • People are drawn to glamour and beauty. Steemit needs a lot more users to hit critical mass. As unfair as those huge rewards might feel at times, the 'beautiful people' may well be integral to the success of Steemit. We know for sure all the other communities are just sort of getting by with neckbeards... so it can't hurt to try something new.

  • While there is no doubt that many/most/all 'beautiful people' won the genetic lottery, we can't discount the amount of time and effort that goes into 'beauty'. Most of those people are extremely driven, exercise religiously, eat incredibly healthy and spend a lot of time maintaining themselves. You can argue the value/utility this sort of thing has to society is marginal, but looking good takes dedication and hard work. So there is that.

  • If you had the looks, you know you'd do the same thing... ;)

  • Rewards will even out as the community grows. Whales are rewarding a lot of 'beautiful people' cause they know Steemit needs buzz to survive. A lot of happy, attractive people buzzing all over social media is going to do that.

Thanks again!

Right on all accounts.

Except the joke about "if you had the looks" ^^. I'm damn sexy! Well, compared to other minnows, perhaps.

The only thing I would add, and I said it already, is that it would be nice if more users could understand that it's ok to have people "whining". If the comments of the whiners are totally misplaced, then it should be easy to explain the error in their thinking. If it turns out the arguments are not convincing, then maybe the "whiners" have a point.

This place needs to promote civil discourse in order to have it be something special. We all loathe what has happened to other social media sites so to have a site that pays you immediately for your work AND to have it a nice place to be. That would be big and that is what I and I'm sure others want this community to turn in to, no matter how large it is.

If you're a nasty twit, you won't get rewarded (hopefully), but if you are a constructive devil's advocate trying to show others a different viewpoint, and you have solid arguments to back yourself up, I personally think that should be somehow rewarded. Just living in our separate echo chambers makes for a boring and less dynamic environment.

Changing gears. It would be great to see not only more women, but other nationalities, ethnic groups and such. If we want to have as large a community as possible, we need to include and seek out everyone.

We can't keep this place like some crypto world version of A Prairie Home Companion forever.

"Well, that's the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average."

Keep up the nice work.

Well then you need to cash in on an intro post with some sexy pics! Should be worth at least $10k... ;)

I agree the user base seems to be mostly english speaking/western. Only a matter of time, marketing and language support until other cultures hit this up. Especially where the buying power of Steem Dollars is much greater. Imagine some African or south east asian countries being able to make a few SD a day? That's the difference between poverty and doing well.

Absolutely! I'm really hopeful that some, lets say, less than interested in the downtrodden users will finally be able to give some charity to others in foreign countries without having to actually "give" anything. If people could see what even a little chump change could do in developing countries they might be more willing to give.

Would love to see some of us with first world problems do something worthwhile for other humans. Really, I don't think a lot of us here have any understanding of what it's like in the rest of the world where people like us don't take vacations.

Full disclosure, I don't give charity either. So I'm talking to myself also. I'm no holier than thou!

Thank you for this great post and your respect for women @johnsmith

Thank you for bringing your wonderful travel blog to Steemit! I'm now following and look forward to you next adventure!

Thank you @johnsmith for your kind words! Much appreciated!

 9 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Thank you! And if you're new, welcome! It looks like you haven't yet made your first blog, I'd love to upvote your intro post.