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RE: Feature Request/Suggestion: Steemit needs Seperate NSFW, PORN, CAMGIRL, CAMGUY, CAMTG Tags to allow people to find they content they are seeking without having to see content they don't want or find offensive.

in #steemit7 years ago

Tags are created by the users, by us, mostly, and people steal from people all the time all around the world and that is capitalism and you have to compete and please do not fight against the freedoms to steal and compete. I know people don't like it but prohibition creates even bigger problems


That's NOT capitalism that is theft. Capitalism is about creating a product or service and selling it at a profit to fill a need or demand. True capitalism is about being of service to others and helping others and profiting from it. It's not about profiting at other peoples expense or detriment. That way of thinking is why the world is such a mess. Capitalism is not the problem, lack of ethics is.

There is nothing good about stealing someone else's content they spents hours on and profiting from it. Only a person that produces nothing thinks that's ok. And I don't know what relevance your statement has to this post. This post is about tagging posts and creating new tags that will be recognized by Steemit.

nspart, what you described is communism and socialism because what you described must be enforced through an excess of too much governmental control and regulations and laws and rules and it becomes tough to be protected through insurances and laws and copyrights and unions and other things too.

You live in a dream world like Obama and you are arguing for more government that can help protect you from others who might steal your work but you must protect your own stuff. Grow up and become more independent because that is how you do it.

You are pretending to promote capitalism but you are not telling the whole story and you seem to believe in Obama Magic.

Bullshit! And you're defending the stealing of other peoples work for profit by thieves.

Which means you probably have never produced anything of your own talent and skill. If you think stealing other peoples work and profiting from it is ok you are ethically bankrupt. And you seriously need to educated on the subject.

Because I did not describe socialism or communism those are not even remotely close to what I described.

In fact Communist China has your view, that theft of intellectual property is ok. You have no clue what you are even talking about.

Theft is not capitalism and anyone that thinks it is has a perverted view of what capitalism is.

End of Discussion and you're Muted.

Haha Joey strikes again! 😂