Are QR Tattoo's The Best Way To Protect Your Money?

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Being pretty new to this crypto world I wanted to make sure that I took the best steps to protect whatever money I invest into this platform. I'm not like a lot of people who are  simply investing for the purpose of trading and making a quick buck. I actually believe that it is a great store of value and I'm in this for the long haul. 

That being said I really looked into the best methods of storing and protecting your money (Crypto). Be it steem, bitcoin, one-coin, etherium whatever they all seem to have the same vulnerability and that is what is the BEST  means of securing your funds and protecting them from theft or garnishment. 


1. Cold Storage

I thought simply keeping money on something like Trezor would be a great idea and then I learned that in an incident where you're pulled over the authorities have the right to confiscate whatever they might deem suspicious or "could possibly be used for criminal activities".  This would mean that my Trezor could potentially be confiscated. Now I'm sure some would say "Well that's why you don't just have one copy of your money, and if they don't have all of the codes you have nothing to worry about" And I get that but what about the person that doesn't do all of that? Or didn't know that which I'm sure will be many people..

2. Paper Storage 

We all know the beauty and drawbacks of paper storage. It's easy to print and to load but at the end of the day paper burns and degrades easily. Not to mention it's easy to steal or lose. So it doesn't seem that it's the ultimate form of storage. 

3. Online Storage

Many people enjoy the ease of online storage. I for one am super leary of leaving my money in the hands of a 3rd party. This is why I'm interested in Crypto to begin with. Online storage can be hacked as we've all seen. Glitches happen as we have all seen. The ability to be able to control your funds outside of  "the system". If your money is stored online then it's super hard to argue that it's in the absolute BEST and most ideal form of security and protection.


It seems to me that one of the most ideal forms of storage might be something that is (for me) a bit extreme..QR-TATTOO. Now I'm not against tattoo's I just don't want one. But I'll admit I actually have considered it because of the fact that it gives me ultimate control. Sure I could get a ring like the one pictured above.. But in the end whats to say it couldn't be confiscated by the powers that be? Here's what I like about the QR tattoo idea...

1. No one can confiscate it without my permission.

With a QR tattoo the authorities cant search and seize your funds without your compliance... I mean think about it, if you have a tattoo on your forearm who's going to automatically associate it with Bitcoin or steem or whatever your preferred Crypto may be? Especially if you've masterfully disguised it... 

2. It's the best form of "Cold Storage" 

 Being on YOUR body.. It goes where-ever you go and whose going to hack your body? Until trans-humanism goes into full blast it seems to me that having your code on your body secures your funds in a completely mobile yet secure offline controllable un-hackable environment. 

3. It's secret

With a QR tattoo you can hide it very discreetly like I mentioned above..  If your tattoo is very well disguised no one would know that you have your entire bank account on you. Which leads me to the next benefit. 

4. You can have ALL of your money with you ALL of the time! 

If you're the adventurous type having your code on your person gives you the ability to have all of your funds in a completely portable fashion. With cold storage drives they have limits.. And you may need multiple or you could even lose it... You cant lose a tattoo! 

I want to be clear.. I'm not saying everyone SHOULD adopt QR tattoo's and start keeping their money on their person. I just wanted to share my thoughts and ask you all whats Your opinion? What do you think the best form of storage is? What do you think the most secure is? And what do you think of qr tattoo's ? Would you get one? Or is it dangerous? 

Thanks for your time and reading this post! 

C-u on the next one! 



How convenient would QR readers be , plus once you cannot access the web or the net goes dark ; what do you have left ?

Just a crazy bunch of dots ?

Smartphones have QR readers.. Bitcoin uses QR to transfer funds..I'm guessing it might be more common place if crypto really takes off like we all hope. Thanks for your response Yoda !