Thanks for thinking things through twice even at times three times @crypto.piotr. You have observed well, your friend, @crypto.hype. I would never say he did not do his utmost to satisfy the contestants, I would rather say, he failed to try and look at the aftermath of the contest already even before it started by considering different possibilities.
However, the reality is that, no matter how well you plan to do something like this which would pool different people of different nature or philosophy that in the end, some would still not badmouth the whole effort. But yet what matters is the figure of those who would praise the effort behind the contest and those who would do the otherwise.
My friend, dear... If 80% praised your effort and the rest 20% contemn you and all that. You have scored an A+. Go on rejoicing good soul. Sleep like a baby in bed. Lust with your wife and dream sweet dreams too. I am telling you Piotr, now, with emphasis, that that man who would satisfy everyone will never be born.
I am with you on whatever way you have or would structured or structure to distribute the fund to the winners to-be. I trust your resolves, now and always. God's blessings.
Sincerely yours,
@jodekss 😉
Thank you for your valuable opinion and your never ending support @jodekss
ps. Im getting married just in few days, as you already know it. Im so excited! :)
I am excited here as well my friend! Much more joy for you and her my dear friend! 😊😀😍