Today I reached 40 reputation and I was wanting to break 39 for such a long time so this is a big milestone for me. I decided to write a post about my three months on Steemit so far in celebration.
In January of 2018 I joined the Steemit site and started making a lot of friends instantly. When I first started I met @macchiata and @mightymillions who both helped me in my start on Steemit. A few days later I met @steemitqa at one of his link sharing parties where I pumped my bad dMania posts and made a quick couple of bucks. Right after the party ended I talked to @pranishg who was a member of the party and we started talking about one of the projects on Steemit he is building, @dporn, and I bought some shares of their asset for 0.004 BTS per PORND, which is at 1.000 BTS per now. Once I bought those shares he invited me to the discord. At the time there were only about 6 members. The leaders were @pranishg and @steemitqa and since I bought a lot of the asset they gave me a whale role (technically I gave it to myself since they had admin on for everyone) and since they did not know a lot about setting up discords they made me a leader of the platform so I could help with writing posts, managing the discord server, and running the social media outlets. One of the other six members was @rishi556 who has become a good friend of mine (and has a really good taste of music) and we would make a leader later on too.
My Second Month on Steemit
daysOnce we had set up the @dporn discord well we started working on the account. Firstly, we needed a graphic designer which is how I met @weberh8 who is now our main graphic designer. Once weber made our logo, banner, and post headers we started to write posts for the account. After a few of posting from the dporn account our discord had reached one hundred members which was amazing seeing as how a few days ago we had around ten. Once we gained that amazing traction on our platform we kept posting and posting and it just kept growing. After a certain point we had so many members on our discord that our chat rooms were constantly being used so we had to add some moderators. Our first moderator was @foxon and he has proven to be a very good additon to the team. Once we noticed how well we were growing DPorn SteemitQA and I started the idea of @platforms which is now a major community builder. We brought on @rishi556 , @weberh8 , and @foxon and started working on that project along as DPorn and both have proven to be big success. Now that I am friends with some big name members there are a lot of benefits. SteemitQA is the community manager of @zappl and he got me an influencer position in that platform which is very exclusive (to put it into perspective there are roughly only 20 of us and the zappl tag is an extremelyhigh ranking tag).
My Third Month on Steemit
The DPorn platform is going to be releasd in a few days and the asset it already up from 0.004 BTS/PORND when I bought it to 2.000 BTS/PORND. The DPorn platform now has major supporters such as @oldtimer, @airbud23, @holbein81, and @officialfuzzy who all have personally done things to make sure DPorn succeeds. My other project @platforms is now rapidly growing and already has a lot of clients. Along the way through all of this work people who support the platforms I run also have directly supported me and due to this I have risen to 40 reputation very quickly.
Congrats on the 40 rep!
Thanks man!
Congratulations and thanks for helping me get started on Platform.
No problem! I hope you enjoy all of the money it brings you!
Good post. Keep it up....
You are killin it @jglake
Awesome. I really do have great taste in music. @platforms is great, anyone who doesnt laready know of it shoukd check it out.
It is good times :)
I just add 2 more to your reputation and a few bucks. Keep grinding.
Thank you so much oldtimer. You have always supported the things I work on and it means a lot to me.