Steemit offers to help erase the boundaries between men and women by providing true equality in what can be shared by a man and a women combined with a transparent system for earning income. Today making money and treatment of bodies are two of the biggest inequalities faced by men and women. The great news is that advancements for either sex can help all of us. Here are the key points summarized and explained in more detail below!
Would you watch more in the original video or continue reading the post below because I will continue focusing on the amazing opportunities Steemit offers for women especially while understanding that the better women have it, the better men do as well even if the effects are only indirect?
Most Empowering Social Media for Women? Steemit!
On, women truly have equal rights to share.
On other social media networks, as a man, I can post a picture of myself with no shirt on and I'm not looking at any consequences, if a woman posts a picture without any shirt on, she is looking at getting banned from the website.
On the most fundamental level that is a very simple way that current social media networks do not give equal rights to women. I'm grateful that Steemit does, because equal rights for women is good for me. also is offering a lot more freedom for women especially, to share the truth. On social media, often, it's very challenging to share some of the most personal, shameful things and Steemit is providing an outstanding platform to do that.
Women on social media also tend to be way undervalued because they contribute a great deal of engagement in sharing, and on Facebook getting a hundred likes doesn't give you anything. On Steemit, upvotes equal earnings, this gives the ability for anyone to post and earn money.
Perfect for singles and moms
This is really good for women because of a lot of the biases in our existing system, and it is perfect for single women and for moms, especially.
Single women often put a lot of effort into social media trying to share photos of themselves, attract a man and doing that on Steemit actually puts you in a really good position to earn money for doing it. Whereas just posting photos on Facebook in your bathing suit or what you're doing every day doesn't earn any money, it just gets likes, and maybe will help attract a man or a woman, but more than often, it's just a lot of time and energy for no return.
That same time and energy on Steemit can be worth a lot of money. For moms like my wife who is freelancing online, this gives an easy place to start and allows for just honestly sharing the journey of being a mom and makes it easy to actually earn some income. Right now it's really hard to just go start a mom blog and to talk about your life, and it makes it a lot easier on Steemit.
Perfect for photos travel
I'm really excited about this, because it's also perfect for sharing photos and for traveling.
If you want to make a travel blog, Steemit is an outstanding place for it. I'll show you an example of a girl who’s made an amazing travel blog on Steemit, who started with no following outside of Steemit.
If you just want to share photos of your life, of the food you're eating, the recipes you're cooking or of the bikes you're riding, the sports you're playing, whatever it is, Steemit provides a place to earn some money for doing that. A place where you're not just wasting your time essentially posting photos to your friends, taking time you could be earning money with, instead, it puts hobbies together really well.
Perfect for hobbies blogs
It allows you to take your hobbies and monetize them, which with how men derive our egos so much from work, leaves women in a position that doing hobbies ends up becoming a choice between, do I want to do a hobby or do I want to have some time to work and make money?
Whereas, for men, we usually have time to work and do hobbies, and this gives women a chance to stop having to choose between doing work and getting to have some hobbies.
Hobbies like cooking or whatever your hobbies are, there are lots of cooking blogs that I'm about to show you on Steemit. The hobbies you normally do and are excited about can actually easily be monetized on Steemit. If you want to do a blog, there are huge opportunities, especially for women, to do a great blog on Steemit. Whereas, doing it outside of Steemit tends to be very difficult to make any money. Steemit's a great place for tutorials and tip videos.
I see a lot of women doing a great job with tutorial and tip videos. They are the main things I do and the nice thing is that Steemit provides a good way to monetize that. I've read tons of blogs, especially written by women of tips and tutorial videos, and it's really hard to make money off those. Steemit makes it a lot easier for me and everyone else.
Perfect for teachers and students
It is perfect for teachers and students if you're in school because it's really hard to earn money especially if you are feeling the pressure to participate in all these other parts of life like family or just to get good grades and to advance.
As a teacher or student, Steemit's a really good opportunity to just share some of what you're doing in life. There’s not a lot of students and teachers I've seen on Steemit yet, but the more that we keep growing Steemit the better is the opportunity right now for students and teachers to start sharing their journeys on Steemit.
I guess I'm kind of a teacher. 😁
Thank you for reading with me!
If you enjoyed reading this post, would you please upvote it and read the next one because if you are like me every upvote feels good and I will be sharing the list of my favorite women on Steemit next?
Jerry Banfield
"By comparison, building a following on Facebook requires converting that following to income outside of Facebook usually which tends to be easier generally for men because of our existing social structure."
I would love to see your data for this. The exact opposite seems true. Booty pics can get you hundreds of thousands of followers. There are women who literally do nothing but vacation and post ass-shots on social media, and they manage to fund their lifestyle this way. They don't actually have any marketable skills.
I've yet to see a single man succeed this way.
PS - I hope you had a chance to look at part 3 of my tax posts, where I broke down your tax liability on your large Facebook ad post.
Yes while it is easy for some to build a following on Facebook and Instagram, the key is that to actually make money off of that following is not so easy and brings in a lot of gender discrimination. With 2 million likes on Facebook, converting those to dollars is not easy. Meanwhile 8,000 followers on Steemit equals around $100 a post!
There's no doubt that Steemit's easy monetization for people's creative work is one of its great strengths.
Just commented on your new tax post now! Great series and in depth analysis regardless of whether I agree with it or not I know others are enjoying it a lot!
There are tons of male models on Instagram who do the exact same thing as the women you're talking about. lol
Which do you think there are more of? Who do you think makes vastly more money?
We both know the answer.
Social media is vastly more used by, and vastly more profitable for, women, all else equal. This is obvious to all who would look.
I'm sure if i were to post on my Vacations, I wouldn't get much upvotes as the ladies do. lol

@paso exactly women worth more on this platform LOL
lol same here!
I just had to upvote!! Love it
I guess i have a talent sense of humour :) thanks everyone for the upvote. Here is mine :)
You've got my upvote to help combat this gender inequality!
Nice one Paco! :-)
BOSS right there hahaha
Always interesting to see your different perspectives on things.....
i have something for you please check it and tell me what do you think
nice post @jerrybanfiel
Great post on an issue that doesn't get talked about nearly enough. Nice work @jerrybanfield!
@brandonp thank you!
Great topic choice, interesting read.
A nice balance for the posts I keep coming across that are borderline shaming the lady dolphins and whales on here by implying that we women have it easier because all we really have to do is show pictures of our boobs and we'll automatically be successful (gag relfex)
I super appreciate a forum where if a lady (or gentleman) decides to share themself in whatever way they desire, as long as no one is harmed, there is a space for the content.
Censorship sucks, and it is odd and awkward mosts places in the world that I can't be topless when I want to be, for my own comfort, because someone else finds the presence of my nipples vulgar and I am forced to pandor to them and the prudence society mandates. As if we don't all come stock with nipples. As if the existence of my nipples would surprise anyone.
@stirling thank you for sharing your thoughts here after reading because it is awkward for me as a man to even talk about these things for feeling like I do not really understand because I am not a woman! With your response, I feel the goal was achieved of the post!
Oh good! :)
I honestly think women are somewhat more valued here on the platform than make ostrich pants.
But at the end of the day we are here to deliver good quality content so if it's quality it will do good despite what gender post
"make ostrich pants."?
I would say attractive people are more valued regardless of gender, although that could also mean a bias in value towards women, its hard to know with out assuming but i would guess more people on Steem have a sexual preference for women.
I dont think its a simple issue where people have just decided to value women slightly more in general.
Steemit is a great opportunity but i think it is only for whales. I shared a very informative post few days back and there were only 3 views. The post was really awesome and I have lost my motivation after getting no response from that.
That's because you have no followers. You should not spend lots of time creating quality content with no followers. Generate high quality comments on POPULAR articles right when they go up, don't start slaving at authoring until you have a couple hundred at least.
It takes time to build a following and get noticed. Be patient and maybe make a point to post 1 thing per day and go comment on other people's posts too! I've put 2 hours into a post before and it earned less than a dollar but I enjoyed creating the content so that's what mattered to me.
There's definitely a learning curve here and I'm still pretty new to the site so I have a lot to learn. Try to Read posts from whales and dolphins that are directed at new people and learn about proper steemit etiquette too. That's what I'm doing.
Listening to me may be like the blind leading the blind but I have had some posts earn a good amount in my first week and I'm very happy about it. Go into this with the mindset that you're here to have fun, learn, meet interesting people, and share your experiences. The money will come eventually.
Good luck to you!
Life tends to work the same way where well rounded investments tend to pay off the most. Would you continue sharing your best posts on my upvotable posts like this on yesterday because this is where I upvote and follow new authors?
Honestly after earning as much as $1,000 a day on Steemit barely making $100 a post I feel the same way which is what makes Steemit a great opportunity for those that stay through the downtimes. If the price went down 10 times more like it was in the past I would be lucky to get $10 a post even with a $40,000+ investment. Persistence on Steemit pays the most and yes it is hard to get started without a following somewhere else. That said, it is nearly impossible to get started and make any money at all anywhere else!
Don't give up! It's always hard at the beggining but it will pass :)
I hear ya...hang in there, anyone can potentially become a whale if they put in the time and effort. Seems the general consensus is to start off making as many comments (as long as they are thoughtful) as possible until you have enough of a network built to appreciate your posts. We just discussed this here:
Give it another month at least, I say. Comment on other peoples' posts instead of posting. Get the feel of it. Then post. Best of luck - we're in the same boat (or net :-)).
You're SO right. So called hobbies can become very profitable opportunities. Another reason why I love steemit!
Thanks for sharing, Jerry.
You're welcome!
Good Stuff as always Jerry. Steemit is the perfect platform for the self employed
@eastcoastcrypto Steemit is only good if you can gain massive popularity like if you have 15k to 30k followers and you upload 2-3 articles a day you can make alot of money say you get like 120$ per you can make 200-300$ a day which is like 50k a year . but if you have 20 followers like me you wont make alot of money so i agree steemit is a great platform for self employed people, if they can gain or move from a different platform where they already have a large following. so @jerrybanfield is going to make quite alot of money as he has a large following (Nice article though jerry :) )
@Jackfitton, I understand your dilemma....this is why we started a group for early steemers to work together and help each other build. there are many such groups.
@eastcoastcryto Can i have a link to your group or is there not link?
Sure , here you go:
Jack you are right that a sizable following is needed today to make a full time income on Steemit, with the growth of the platform the level of following required should continue to drop as the price of Steem goes up while the part time income potential today is the best chance many people in the world have to earn some extra income out of writing a blog. Steemit certainly is not fixing all the income disparity of the world overnight but it does offer ten times better potential than nearly anything else I have seen in twenty years of working online!
Heard you mention that in one of your videos, and actually you @jerrybanfield are the reason I finally decided to jump into Steemit! I was a bit surprised to learn you had such success on Steemit fairly quick, but assumed that's because you already had a strong network before you arrived here. That, plus coming in with a bunch of Steem power helps too. Not saying you don't deserve every penny you earn, because I can see you give 110% to consistently put out awesome content 😄 Trying to follow in your footsteps here, but will definitely be taking things slower. It's ok though, I'm here like you are for the long term!
Our rights really depends on the network. Steem is decentralised but that doesn't mean there are no rules. The rules are just made by everybody as individuals, so there is still a lot of flagging as a means of punishment for posting photos of bare chested women for example. They are often required to tag NSFW if they want to avoid being flagged.
Certainly anonymity helps people to earn more in areas where they may be talking within and industry dominated by the opposite where people are more likely to listen to for example a man speak on the topic. Similarly for men, who would not get as much attention within female dominated industry, if they remain anonymous they can be considered a person like anybody else but if they choose to disclose their sex then it really depends on the network and the semi-subconscious prejudice of some people within the network.
Anonymity exist for serving a purpose. The purpose of freedom in a dominated society. I am highly impressed and motvated by your answer on anonymity. It's actaully very point to point. You clearly linked anonymity with freedom in dominated society. Many people find this anonymity a taboo, but the reality is opposite or may be it's just the matter of perspective. Your perspective is very good on this :)I completely agree with you @beanz. Steemit indeed gave us freedom but not for doing illegal and immoral things. Even plaigairism is strictly prohibited, I have even encountered flagging for just writing a simple quote from somewhere. So yeah, it gives us freedom but with a choice, to be good and legal.
@beanz you are right it is not a perfect system here and I think it is 10 times better than what is currently available to most in terms of fairness and opportunity! The great part is that we can easily agree to stop requiring women to tag NSFW on posts with a bare chest to end even that whereas getting that done on Twitter would take a mountain to move. My friend @wunderwoff posted full nude pictures and I helped him learn about the NSFW tag after seeing him naked for the first time after knowing him for eight years with no warning!
LOL I bet that was a fun little shock haha. Aww but I see no need to tag with NSFW unless there is something pornographic within the text / image / video. I would never consider the naked body to be pornographic. If people were used to seeing people naked for example, then nobody would flinch just because they saw their parents naked body. Whereas, no matter how much "porn" you watch, it will never feel OK to see ..... well .. that LOL.
I think Steemit has done a great job at creating a very equal platform. You have very flexible options, almost no real rules, and pretty much the least-limited platform I have ever seen!
Great job to the creators. Well done guys.
Now, let's look at the facts. If majority of the whales on this platform are men, then you cannot blame gender inequality, in terms of rewards. I have seen many times where woman are making easily over $100+ on their first few posts.
Then again, yes you can say that the content is decent quality, and well-put together, but you cannot deny the natural desires of a male LOL! If a woman is beautiful, the post will undoubtedly get more rewards. That's just the way it is. However, we cannot blame Steemit for this, it's simply the men in here haha! I won't deny that if I am browsing through a whole bunch of posts, I will most probably click on the thumbnail with a beaitiful woman in, than most of the others.
A good example of this is @Sweetsssj. Yes, of course she's very popular here, and has a huge following like @JerryBanfield.. But besides that, if you scroll down to even her first ever few posts, she still made hundreds of dollars!
Anyways, that's just my opinion :P Talk soon.
Agreed, I think Steemit promotes gender equality but this means that social media platforms simply need to have no restrictions (or obviously equal restrictions no matter the gender) to be categorized as such... seems pretty simple to me. (Not the gender equality issue, that has infinite complexities beyond the scope of our comments or this post of course, but it seems way platforms can be gender equal through a simple policy not to pose any (or equal) restrictions on everyone.
True gender "equality" will always mean things are "unequal". Men and women have different priorities and interests.
mmm good point, true
...And hence the self-inflicted ‘gender pay gap.’
Exactly :P
Yeah, exactly. So many companies and products out there are created so much more differently to the way most people's logic is.. I have seen this countless times. That is why I admire Steemit, because it's just so in sync with what people want. That's why I see this as the best platform out there, and will shoot to the top.
Intriguing how you wrote "it's just so in sync with what people want" - do you mean because of the payout concept or something else? If you have a lot to say on the topic, I'd encourage you to write a post :) And I'll hopefully be reading it since I just followed you.
I basically mean everything that people's interests are usually attracted to. So, yes it includes the payouts. Facebook doesn't pay you to post.. But I'm sure many people would like it! There is just so much more flexibility here. I mean besides the fact that there are so little on this platform, what about the fact that we can use HTML.. It's amazing the potential we have as authors/creators.
Thanks for the follow. I actually probably will make a post of it now that you requested :) I just made my latest post a few minutes ago, so I'll might make it tomorrow.
Nice nice! I'll be on the look for it.
You're right, with the HTML / markup there's way more fancy shmancy customization potential ...something I need to start looking into myself :)
Yeah, luckily it's just basic stuff. When I joined 30 days ago, I had absolutely no idea about coding or how to do it.. Just a simple read up, and a few hours later you can literally learn everything you need to know off by heart. Easy Peazy :P
Zane I love what you shared here because in my next post I will hope to show that Steemit is an awesome opportunity for women of all demographics with case studies to back my conclusions!
Well that won't be too hard. Simple.. 'Ladies, get your cameras, get your bikinis, and start snapping for them whales' :P
Haha but on a serious note, that's a great idea actually. Will be a very informative post.
Today's actually my milestone day @JerryBanfield! Made my latest post about my first 30 days here, doing over 3000+ posts :)
Exciting times. I look forward to connecting with you in the future.
When I first joined steemit a week or so ago my wife was telling me she thought it would be easier for women to make money here than men. After we both explored the site for a few days we realized this isn't the case.
Our originally thoughts were that good looking women would get more attention and a higher amount of upvotes (before we understood that upvotes' value is weighted based on the user doing the up voting and getting the right exposure is key). As I've looked through the more racy content on here I've come to realize that a lot of women who do post bikini or nude pics still don't make much money on their posts.
This led me to the conclusion that most people on steemit, especially ones who hold more influence, are looking for quality of content or something unique and interesting more so than just something pretty to look at. Being attractive certainly doesn't hurt, but it really helps if there's also some story to go along with it especially if it's something from the heart.
I've seen good looking women here that get mere cents in payouts for nude pics on many cases. I guess they're not getting the right exposure (pun intended) due to tagging method or because of the huge influx of newbies like me this month or whatever reason. I'm not here just for nudie pics...I'm here because I feel I have a lot of cool pictures, experiences, and insights that I want to share and I love learning. But back to the original point...
I'm happy to see that on steemit women are rewarded moreso for the quality of the content that they post than the way they look. As I said before, I was wrong in my original speculation (when I had just joined) about women earning more here as many of the top earners are men and it's because they post useful info and interesting experiences. But I've also seen some women knocking it out of the park as far as payouts go so kudos to them too.
I think you're correct in that steemit does promote gender equality in its own way whether it was intended or not. It's a beautiful thing. Thanks for the detailed and insightful post @jerrybanfield!
I wish everyone thought this way about this site being a site for equal rights. I have been attacked by someone in Chat just because I am a woman. I was so shocked because I have meet some really great people here and to be attacked just because I have tits and a vjay-jay is just crazy, and I wasn't the only one he attacked. I am gonna resteemed this because I know the man is stalking me, and he needs to see your post. Thanks @jerrybanfield for writing this, maybe after he reads it, he will think maybe I should treat all with respect.
From one of those middle eastern countries. How ignorant is this comment. No one should be attacked for their race, ethnicity or gender and I'm sorry you had to deal with it, but this comment shows a lot of ignorance and disrespect, exactly what you are complaining about
I wasn't meaning that I just didn't want to call out the country because I was trying to be respectful because I have met some great people from his country.
Then you should just say a man verbally attacked you, his race has nothing to do with it
You are right I should have just left it as a man and I have fix it, thank you for pointing out how it could look, but I wasn't meaning anything racial when I type it out, but I totally see how it could be taken that way.
Thank you for correcting it. By leaving race out it is easier to address the issue. People can be assholes regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or age. We need to do everything we can to combat assholism haha
@tecnosgirl thank you very much for your comment here and for contributing so much to Steemit in your first month as a user here!
Great post as usual I think Steemit is for everybody good I am trying to get all my friends and family on it so far I got 4 to use it :)
"I am trying to get all my friends and family on it so far I got 4 to use it :)" That is why I think Steemit is awesome and has huge potential because I am doing the same thing!
Yes that is what I think as well the potential is big and I love it to get very very good information about so many thinks here on Steemit. I believe to see Steemit in the future on the same level like the other big social media platforms okay Jerry have a nice day and keep up the great work you are doing on and for Steemit :)
@danyelk I told my family about steemit and they thought it sounded like a pyramid scheme XD
My wife has been pretty skeptical also but I finally am activating her account and I think she is going to give it a try!
Okay so just show them one day how it works with your account and that there is nothing to lose only to win like money, good information, new friends ..... maybe then they will understand that it is not a pyramid scheme. In my case some of my friends and family are very open for steemit and others are a bit sceptic. Don't bother just keep posting and enjoying on steemit have a nice day :)
@danyelk I will do its just finding the time everyone is so busy with everything all the time
Maybe on a Sunday when everybody is home :)
I say in some cases it's even easier for women to earn money on Steemit. Especially if they are good looking, flirty or like you say bear their skin. It might not be right but it is what it is.
That's how it is on every social media site and, basically, any job in the Western world today.
Women are simply game-theory correct to employ over men if the candidates are identical. A man can't sue you for gender discrimination if you don't hire him.
You are right in some cases it can be easy at first and fortunately that wears off because most of us are bored fairly easy! Steemit gives women a great opportunity to earn in return for sharing the body and then continue to innovate especially with heartfelt posts going forward!
lol that's good one
lol, that creepy look just sayinnnnn
And if the picture was real it would be me looking with a green screen behind me!
Haha that's funny to imagine lol
I Agree with On this @jerrybanfield. Strength is a great platform for Women's. No Doubt Many Women's are already Top Authors here. What a great topic you pick very well explained . Nice Work Jerry, expected from you. Have a Nice Day. 👍
Thank you I hope you have a great day as well!
Please less "Steemit inc" more Steem.
Do you mean in the title to use Steem instead of Steemit?
I want to see that list of your favorite woman on steemit! There are too few fully empowered woman out there.
Awesome that is up next just finishing it this afternoon!
Great! Looking forward to your next post then! You might as well consider the woman in my comment below
@mergesort, do you have a list of favorite women or a favorite woman on steemit? im pretty new and have been trying to find good quality authors to follow like @jerrybanfield
There are some: @heiditravels , @jacquelyne @sweetsssj @suesa @stellabelle and I do want to get to know more
Steemit is altogether perfect for everyone my friend @jerrybanfield. Everyone has the freedom to share their thoughts here. Everyone is welcome to post about anything they want. Both women and men have the same rights here. Both can earn equally. Steemit is great when it comes to freedom and the best part is we even get paid for it . People now can post about anything and everything on steemit. This is called the gender indiscrimination and I respect Steemit for that . :) Love you work by the way @jerrybanfield. You do a lot of hard work for making a post. All the best for your future posts.
Salman thank you for commenting again here and continuing to read so many of the posts I make each day!
Yeah, that's what supporters do my friend @jerrybanfield. You provide value to this platform and in return your followers give you back that value triple time. Wish you all the luck my friend. Keep doing this great work.
So... I've been reading a lot of your posts on Steemit, @jerrybanfield. But yesterday was the first time that I actually watched one of your videos on YouTube. Gotta say, loved the energy and the way that you delivered your message. Going to be following you on both platforms now!
Thank you very much for trying a video on YouTube and subscribing there also!
Well, steemit will be what the users make it, and it ain´t all pretty.
I would assume for example that the majority of whales is male, that means men have the power here.
Now if there were a lot of misogynist whales that would reflect on women´s experiences on steemit.
Somewhere in the comments here I read about one woman´s bad experience with some misogynist middleeastern minnow, so even the small fish are ready to abuse.
There is the potential that women can earn the same here as men and with some profile names you don´t even know if it is male or female behind it.
But there is also the possibility that in order to really make it on steemit you have to be one of the boys.
So for me steemit is a great adventure, of course not flawless, but pretty much a reflection of the real world.
Everybody has the chance to make it but not everybody will and not even everybody has equal opportunity. What you are describing @jerrybanfield is some idealistic view of what steemit could be.
What would the world look like if we all really do have equal opportunities and many of us think that opportunity must look the same for everyone?
I'm not single, or a mom, and I find Steemit to be extremely beneficial for me as an entrepreneur. I'm just a 20 something woman who's trying to escape the 9-5 through multiple side hustles. And what other crypto attracts as much women as Steem does? No other in my knowledge. Thanks for bringing this topic up - I agree with @brandonp that this topic doesn't get enough attention.
Lindsey thank you very much for sharing your experience with Steemit here and for joining us as an entrepreneur!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:Congratulations @jerrybanfield!
Sweet it looks like I am competing with myself on these hit parades :)
completely honored to be this group... grateful, humbled Jerry............thank you for being so kind and generous....
You're welcome and more to be shared in the next post!
bless you ..bless you ..bless you...
hi, just recently learned about steemit from one of your youtube videos and i'm really enjoying the experience. Just wanted to say thanks and keep up the great work.
You're welcome thank you for joining us here!
The Gender Wagegap is a myth... You should know that.
watch your daily routine on youtube... very nice Jerry.. love the smoothy combo.. I should make it too and share with my 2 sons.. :-)
Thank you for watching and sharing your comment here that you did!
Already watched the video on your youtube channel...all points were true steemit can really empower woman but sometimes its a bit tough in the crowd when you don't have much following. I am trying my best to get out of that phase! Thanks @jerrybenfield for instroducing this amazing platform to so many folks through your youtube channel.
You're welcome and I am learning that every response I make like this is the best chance to build my following which also works for everyone else!
Certainly...I also checked out some of your earlier videos...your self improvement journey is so inspiring, let me tell you are definitely in your best self now! Eating healthy foods, quitting alcohol ...all these changed you so much!! I truly felt much motivated today after seeing those! If I start working towards making myself a better person from today and continue doing so that is going to be so much worth it!
@jerrybanfield you truly well said man. They differ from broader notions of human rights through claims of an inherent historical and traditional bias against the exercise of rights by women and girls, in favor of men and boys.[1]
Issues commonly associated with notions of women's rights include, though are not limited to, the right: to bodily integrity and autonomy; to be free from sexual violence; to vote; to hold public office; to enter into legal contracts; to have equal rights in family law; to work; to fair wages or equal pay; to have reproductive rights; to own property; to education.
Thank you for explaining more of the issues here by name which I did not mention specifically that I hope Steemit will help with!
Truth is, the genders aren't equal.
Especially if you're saying one has to be "empowered" to be equal.
You look like one of these deluded ultra lefties who just repeats the same stupid phrases over and over again.
"Earning income tends to be much easier for men even when doing the same work" - are you really believing this nonsense?
"To believe it is necessary to hide the nipples of a woman, we would need to believe that men are such animals that seeing the nipple of a woman might cause them to rape because this fear makes the unfair treatment seem reasonable." - It's called evolution. A naked female breast is a secondary sexual characteristic while a mans naked breast isn't.
Sure, the male beard is a secondary sexual characteristic as well but widely accepted in the society. A naked female body is surely sexually more attractive to men (and some women) than a beard is.
If here one thing is to blame, then that society dictates you to wear clothes to cover most of your body. If we'd run around naked all day long, you could post pictures with female nips on fb and yt.
If you ask me, that has nothing to do with "Gender Equality". It's just how society works and accepts behavior. All this "Gender Equality" is totally bullshit. We have equal rights for quiet a while so please stop whining because you can't see some titties on YouTube.
As I said, if you would see naked boobs on the streets all day long but not on fb and yt, that would be a different story but their community guidlines are a reflection of the real world, not your dreamed up "Gender Equal" world.
They prevent sexualization. Thats why you can see videos and pics of naked female protestors but no fucking. Get over it.
"Sure, the male beard is a secondary sexual characteristic as well but widely accepted in the society. A naked female body is surely sexually more attractive to men (and some women) than a beard is."
Maybe I have been holding back my potential by never growing a beard in my life and seeing how much excitement in generates?
Jerry can you give us your thoughts on Bitconnect and Control-Finance? Would love to hear your thoughts on these services!
great article
Interesting and informative article.
Equality really?? woman looking for more than that....
As I am also a student and I have some wishes too, Which is kinds difficult to achieve without working, And no doubt steemit is an opportunity where I could make money to achieve my dreams.
Appreciated and upvoted Thanks@jerrybanfield Thank you so much for this post, this is really very helpful for many of people struggling to make some money,
I truly appreciate the steemit platform and the change its bringing to the world and i want to thank @jerrybanfield for the wonderful work you are contributing, i watch all your videos on youtube , you are a great teacher
nice post
Hello.., mr. @jerrybsnfield..
Amazing.. It,'s really helpfull for student's and teachers to share their journey here.. I fell the same as a new comer here.. @esteem @steem is very different with others social media..
Thanks to @esteemdevelopper @esteem @esteemit and to all @steemians
Please follow me back and upvote reesteem my blog.
" also is offering a lot more freedom for women especially, to share the truth. On social media, often, it's very challenging to share some of the most personal, shameful things and Steemit is providing an outstanding platform to do that".
-This part is quite funny! :P
Yes it does because women and men have an equal opportunity to create great content that everyone likes on STEEMIT.......Power Up Ladies !!!
Good to see you DAD and have a wonderful day today..............
@stokjockey, i agree if you wanted to you can be genderless on steemit have a name that does not hint any gender this allows everyone to remain unbias toward other genders. I think steemit is a great platform and i like the fact that everyone has equal oppitunities.
Steemit is perfect for everybody!!!
Hello. You look so funny on these
great post @jerrybanfield . Greetings from Cyprus
Nice post :)
This really Good to know. And I personally think we should all support gender equality!
I have to be honest and say I've seen some seriously patriarchal opinions here coexisting with the equality you write about.
What kind of "patriarchal opinions"?
Ideas about what "real" women should be like, lessons on differences between genders etc.
Ah. I can't say I've seen anything I'd call patriarchy here, maybe you have some examples?
Just to clarify, you do realize the genders are indeed fairly different, right? Your complaint isn't one of 100% equalism, just that you don't approve of the differences you say you've seen noted?
I'll drop one example I can now find, but then I'll drop this conversation altogether because I do not feel it is moving in a productive direction. Btw yes I am aware of the differences between genders, but some people are more aware, if you get what I mean. I'm out now.
Ok, I'll have to give that one to you. I made it halfway through the first sentence. That's out of another century.
Probably should have excluded 25-reppers.
"drop this conversation altogether because I do not feel it is moving in a productive direction"
Are these questions really so uncomfortable?
The issue is not at all if questions are uncomfortable or not, but that you and I have different views that don't seem to be becoming closer in the course of this conversation. For one it is obvious there is some level of disapproval on your part but you abstain from openly expressing your views. I don't feel like guessing what's behind - Are you somewhat conservative? Have you been harrased by militant feminists? Are you just too sensitive about possible criticism of the platform? Who knows? Who cares? I'm not feeling uncomfortable at all, I'm just unwilling to participate in conversation where you refuse to show your cards. Mine are open for all to see, here's what I think; it is highly unproductive to assume certain values to the platform per se, the platform is pretty much what we make of it. If we assume that it is promoting equality by definition we might be in conflict with the reality, either present one or some in possible future.