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RE: Stop Self-voting Your Comments

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I totally disagree with this. If you upvote your own comment, you're using SP that you have earned with your own sweat, tears, and money.

There are limits, of course. But should we really be wasting flags on someone who gets under a few bucks for their self upvote on a decent comment? I don't think so: not if it's an intelligent comment worth the amount of the upvote. If someone doesn't recognize your worth I think that you have the right to.

Self upvoting should only be demonized when the amount gained is not equal to the post. Almost everyone does it for their own posts... Why not their comments? Weren't you just complaining about the lack of activity on the platform? That's because most of us, some who have been here over two years, still make a pittance despite on our posts despite best efforts. If people feel okay rewarding themselves, I think activity would slump less in these crypto dives.

Also... People don't usually upvote comments. That's the culture here in Steemit. When they do, it's often not for much. When I make a comment that I've put a lot of thought into, I usually give it some time to gather the attention it deserves. It usually doesn't get it. If it didn't, I give it what I think it deserves myself.

Most of the people complaining about self-upvotes are the 50 SBD a post and above people in Steemit. Most of the people they complain about make less than a single SBD per self upvoted comment. It's a little like someone who's popular and has food left at their door every day saying "how dare that other person grow their own food. If they were really worthy, they'd get popular and get others to leave it at their door". But did it ever occur to these people that building yourself up in this way is actually far more difficult?

What people should have a problem with is shit posters who upvote themselves or give their comment more than it deserves.

Just the other day someone was trying to say your posts were getting more than they were worth and I was quick to slam that down. But main posts are the real thing effecting the rewards pool, not comments. That's part of the reason the rewardpoolrape tag needs to sure. There are pool resists, to be sure, but I've seen the tag misused more often than properly used. Even if I were to give every comment I made a hundred percent upvote you would still grow many times faster than me in this platform. That is simply a fact. I do not begrudge you this. The reason this is so isn't because I haven't spent the time... I've been in here a long while, longer than you. It's not an effort thing... I recently spent months on a post that made a little over 3 SBD. That was the point when I realized that if I didn't start recognizing my own worth on the platform, no one would.

I'm not asking for pity or anything like this. And I'm not trying to be adversarial. I'm asking that you rethink some aspects of your perspective.

It's time we question this ridiculous idea that people should make main posts for profit but comment only out of the good of their hearts.

You see this comment? It's had every bit as much effort put into it as your post. But I get the feeling that the upvote response to it is going to prove my point.

P.S. @dan himself has condoned upvoting of ones own comments. I'll have to do some digging to find the post or comment. There's a reason we're allowed to on the platform.


I totally get your point but why are we trying to build this community if everyone just keeps upvoting themselves in here. I see this platform as a place where you can reward people, content and posts that you enjoy reading.

I’m willing to look past a selfvote if the comments itself is good and worthy of it, but 99% of the time it’s something very generic or outright spam. I hate that those are the comments that then hang in the top of my comment section.

I don’t want to go into the topic of who should make money here and how and with what effort, because it’s a whole other thing. But I would like to translate a Finnish proverb here: ”Even if you believe in yourself, you can still be a total shit”

I started from zero, just like everyone else in here, so I do not take kindly when people imply that I got my ”popularity” handed to me. I did not buy myself to this point, I worked for it.

I know a lot of people disagree with me, but I am only expressing my own opinion about the matter, and everyone else is allowed to do so, and act accordingly.

Ps. There is a reason we are allowed to flag too. It’s a disagreement about potential rewards, not a disagreement about an opinion.

That's a good question. There are many potential answers, but instead I'll ask another: why does still upvoting bother you with comments not but with other posts?

As for "even if you believe in yourself, you can still be a total shit.", I'm not sure what you're implying here. If it's that my (and others) value of our work is potentially "total shit" if it's not acknowledged by the upvote of others... I'm not even sure how to respond to something like that. Couldn't the same be true of someone successful?

Also, I did not imply that you got anything handed to you. Disagreement about potential rewards is fine... My issue is that you seem to have a problem with someone rewarding themselves at all.

I'll give a second answer to your question: because the way Steemit is currently organized there isn't enough attention to go around. Posts get little, comments get almost none. If you're not willing to correct this in your own comments section with your upvotes (and who could blame you), then why do you begrudge people who will rewards their effort and insight? Let's make the conversation about quality comments versus crap ones. Do you really rewards every comment (or post, for that matter) where you find quality? No. It simply isn't possible.

You make good content. It's a shame we seem to have a hard disagreement over what the worth of someone who contributes to the culture of that content is.

Excellent comment, seriously. Following you now, and looking forward to more of your game and movie review posts in my feed. :)

Well said @jenkinrocket. Have an upvote!

I really thought of what I could say to contest your statement, and I will say contest instead of detest because I agree with some aspects. Really, @jenkinrocket put it into words beautifully, so instead of writing up a complete analysis, I will simply upvote, piggyback, and agree with his sentiment.

That being said, I think you are one of the most creative, artistic, and intelligent individuals on Steemit, and are a true testament to what can be achieved with hard work and dedication. @eveuncovered

I will exit with this quote:

“I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” -Evelyn Beatrice Hall


Much love,