How to Raise the Price of Steem? Amen? Resteem?

in #steemit5 years ago

Resteem Religious Posts?


Besides upvoting religious posts. Well, I crapped and the price of Steem was dropping and so I should shoot myself? Inside the grave hole I dug years ago next to the dry creek at the bottom property because it looked like the end?

I dug the hole deep too because people are charged fortunes to get buried and I wanted to save my wife money. At the time I thought, surely they won't dig me up and charge my wife to bury me if I am down at the bottom of a 20 foot hole but I prayed to the Lord, the one that said he would raise the price of Steem and I guess that means keeping SBD around a dollar too, and they would dig me up and charge my wife no matter what even though the hole is out in the middle of the desert with no one but water denying evil DADADS invoking cattle barons the closest at 10 miles.

So, after I told everyone upvote religious posts and it all started to slip back down in price, I fervently prayed to the Lord, what I can I do to cause the price to continue to go up in comparable value to price of Facebook stock, Instagram, We whatever, VK you get the idea?

RESTEEM - came the word of the Lord out loud. He does those sometimes, which used to bother me until I said to him, The DADADS and its operators use that thing to control other peoples' minds I can't tell if it is you oh Lord, or them screwing with my head. This was a long time ago, maybe around 2010 in October after tge big truck wreck I was in and he replied, I will fix it so you know.


Thank God this battle against all evil that destroys liberty and the weather is out in the middle of nowhere and no one can see me because the Lord grips me in what appears to others to be an epileptic fit and I speak and - yes it's a lot like holy rolling in tongues but that's why I am glad he said Resteem posts about me and my word out loud!

Maybe that's finally over with after ten years and I can go out publicly again. But if Steem keeps going up who cares? Right?

Oh I should tell you, should I Lord? No save these tidbits for another exciting post! He replied. On how I will raise the price of Steem(Sadly this was in Holy Roller form it was like the time I was in Walmart and this gorgeous brunette at least 6'2" pushed her cart by, and the voice of the Lord came over me and said, She is perfect to breed with and make giants). I ran and she chased me through whole store trying to catch me because I am a lot larger than her. I had to leave the cart and my groceries and ditch her in the video game isles. You know the ones about 12 feet tall?

Oh yeah, just so you know, you really can trust what I say because( thou shalt save that for another exciting post on how I, the Lord thy God will raise the price of Steem- yes there was a holy roller fit with that too).

So don't forget upvote me as well because there is far more in raising the price of Steem than you're willing to admit. Resteem too!

Now I should probably write something religious from the bible.

Oh Lord please guide me(I take my finger and with eyes closed divine)

Page 1026, last of 8:11 and 8:12:

the residue of this people, as in the former days saith the Lord of hosts

12 For the seed shall prosperous; the vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these things.

Translation: oh yeah baby! It's looks hot. Sweet. The future is so bright I've gotta wear shades.

And now, let us bless steemit against the ravages of the earthly power and demonic powers and the use of alien powers by tyrants, despots, dictators and their minions such as government funded corporate overlords to stand fast prosper and grow(sign of the cross and in the name of...) Amen.


A rousing battle hymn against a DADADS anomaly destroyed two afternoons ago, original, guided by muse, including instructions on how to get started like yours truly in defending civilizations and the world entitled, His Grace Raised The Price of Steem:

Here I sat in my chair
While Precious and Ladybug barked like something was there
I arose ever so startled
Looked out the window to see
What traveled south into the high wind
I took a photo of the anomaly
As big as mountain for all to see
Oops that was Ladybug
I am so sorry
Here's the right picture
Without the sun's glare
It churned up the desert unnaturally into the wind
Called forth from a place of the cattle baron's rest
I wrote the acronym of DADADS
Upon the ground
With finger so practiced
Surprised not a stub by now
With a tap of a foot
Hand touching holy Elijah Rocks
Spelling the name Lord,
Son, and Blessed Holy Mom
It was as hard as a game of Twister and I almost fell down
I tapped with faith
A sure certainty inside did abound
The evil thing was stomped
The Earth it was saved
From mind controlling,
Weather modifying,
Pestilence calling,
Ravaging inferno spreading,
Secret radiation spewing,
Civilization undoing,
Totalitarian, authoritarian, people enslaving tyrant despots
By the Lord's grace we are saved.
Selah. Sign of the cross:

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

I can't really look at video but I voted you up anyway. I don't have enough internet to do that and although, it may seem I am farcical, satirical, corny, and irreverent - solely in search of money. I truly defend you from the thing-a-ma-bobber in the photos on a daily basis. But stay tuned to later posts