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RE: From minnow to $1,000+ in one comment! A personal story.

in #steemit8 years ago

I think the "quick-cash" folks are starting to fade away, If I didn't think steem ahd a future i probably would too. But I tend to look further out than the next payout, hell I'm still Staking ORB, may never payoff , but there is that chance!
Your're right about the shift away from the makeup tutorials and travel posts that started ringing up the cash, you could almost predict that the next 100 posts would be travel, makeup and boobs, because that's what the new folks saw with the dollar signs attached.
Anyway, nice to hear a voice in the wilderness !
keep on posting


I don't know, there's a lot of quick-buck style clickbait posts yet. Just have a look at the "New" section, it's 90% junk. But you're probably right that even that has decreased in recent time. It'll take a while for all to stabilize, of course. But it's happening, surely but slowly.

lol the quick cash folks haven't even started to arrive. and to be honest what's wrong with that anyway?

i just spoke to a woman who has an instagram account of 13000+ and blog yadda yadda yadda... about steemit and the sales point was that she could make the same effort here and get some cash instead of Mark Zukerberg and some fat VC cats getting cash off her back.

facebook was "quick cash" so when it comes to the internets if you ain't making quick cash off your content... chances are someone else is!!

(love playing devil's advocate ;)