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RE: Meet Steem's #1 Author!

in #steemit8 years ago

@jerryanfield I think it AWESOME that you are shedding light on these things. Yes, their "earning systems" are smart. Yes, they are making big bucks but Not all are very "tasteful" nor "ethical" in their earning manner - not in my opinion anyway... BUT.... those things are always short lived.

The people on this platform that work hard at contributing quality content like @papa-pepper are the ones that will remain standing at the end of the day... you know what they say... "Easy come, Easy go..."

It is somewhat frustrating to see such things, (even for a minnow like myself) because I work REALLY hard at the content that I publish here on Steemit! ( I actually have a burst blood vessel in both eyes as I sit here right now, because of how long I have spent in front of my laptop on Steemit this week. hahahahaha) - no really! lol

But, I would rather continue in the manner which I have than try to make a "quick buck" out of everyone. It holds no value in this space. Teaches nobody anything, builds no relationships and takes you nowhere.

Your wallet can be full (for the moment)... but that does not necessarily make you fulfilled.

Great post - as always!!!


@jaynie keep doing a great job because we will continue here to do better making sure authors and investors collaborate to earn together!

Thank you @jerrybanfield - I believe that emphatically which is precisely why I persevere.

Another point to consider is that those scams that mine the rewards pool cost you money, since they draw down the rewards pool that your own rewards come from.