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RE: Join me in flagging all *-trail accounts run by @instructor2121 and his scheme team!

in #steemit7 years ago

just a few days on steemit and there is just so much going on and many things like whale wars like people want to call it but i don't see anything wrong with many things going on and i definitely don't see a rape. basically the same steemians are on the trending page, so if anything was wrong with the trail, we should all start there. it is just like someone say the recent randowhale is a scheme, ofcourse, people can call it a scheme but i definitely wont cz some have enough investment and vision or business expertise to take full advantage of the possibilities of the steem blockchain and same applies to whaleshares. People basically have the steem blockchain and they bring their visions on it. i think the mistake is people are looking at blogging aspect alone but their are many other ventures that the steem blockchain affords. i have been seeing the trail accounts too but they do build community and they do have massive impact on community. they also have curators and the curators go around looking for people to support. i think the problem here is misinformation. regardless of how you want to put it, community is key on steemit and no doubt the trail do a good job. they have contests as well that implores steemit to create more content. they create an atmosphere that steemit needs no doubt and it is obvious. these are not bots. these are steemians follow a trail and many people have their trails. you will not blame someone for having supporters and have people willingly following their trail. These community supported accounts earning 300 bucks play a very huge rule and you may have missed out of the many curated authors that the trail have supported. nobody knows the bigger picture, so you can't say for sure where the funds go to. Talking of vision and investments, you can't say because money goes to poloniex, it is being siphoned, what if it is going into further development efforts to be announced in the future or what if it goes out to return into the steem economy. it is just like say people who earn thousands on their trending posts are siphoning money because they send money to poloniex or randowhale for instance, is it logical to ask, where its money goes to because you check its wallet and you find its money sent to poloniex etc or whaleshares. definitely no! becoz we can't know what the big vision is and if somehow, they bring it back into the steem community.
for the trail accounts, ofcourse, a portion of its rewards goes to curators and you can't tell if they are developing something to further bring value to steem. on steemit people get rewards by adding value to the platform and value can take different forms! i think no one has any right to say others or anyone is raping the reward pool except they can confirm outright that they have evidence of what happens to rewards after the steem goes to poloniex. all this talk of whale wars and rewardpoolrape is scary for newbies and reading the comments on this post, if people are afraid of getting downvotes, then how can the comments on this post not be one sided? looking at the comments here, people are afraid of you and really and it is scary, so community is definitely essential! steemit is a wonderful place and peace is want is required. where i am from, if i am to pry into another person's wallet, it is even bridge of privacy especially if one doesn't have the legal right to pry further and draw out more evidence. if you had gone to poloniex to ask them to who wallet the funds go to etc, then you would have completed the job and come out with a valid statement but you don't know these things. there is definitely privacy built even into the model of steem and this should be respected according to my views. this post doesn't have complete basis really because if it does, same kind of post should be done for many users on steemit! community is important and brings value to steem. it is not known how many steemians have joined steemit becoz of posts from the trail accounts alone. these facts are not known, until these facts are known and this post works but only until then.


I admit, I did not read that entire block of text. I will say if people are afraid of me, it's likely they're doing something negative for Steemit or acting like a moron.

Hear hear! (I am a newbie - it IS scary! And shockingly rude, some comments 😶)

bernie sanders doesnt like communities...he is all against them..if it were up to him, he would run everyone off so he could play by himself. this guy isnt your friend...he has used fear tactics on many good steemians, some have even left because of him.

he is upset because he has realized the steem community IS NOT ran by him..but ran by everyone. its a hard fact, but he is finally understanding. The Community runs the Community....not a bad acting whale! enjoy your day bernie

You still have not answered the question about what is being done with all of the funds being transfered to @trail and then on to exchanges. Why are you avoiding this question @instructor2121?

Developing websites for each community...ALL powered by STEEM.

You're so full of shit and we can all see right through you. It's time to put up or shut up.

Well, we have spoken to jesta about using chainbb for our collaboration. we really dont care what you think.

And you can, but I won't support posts that just summarize other people's work and then keep the rewards.

Why not have all of your trail accounts actually use chainBB to write the posts, use the post beneficiaries system I just released, and have ALL of the rewards distributed to the users whose work they reference?

Or use decline payout right? Seems so simple...

Thats an idea. Thanks man!

I've had a look and 95% of the *-trail post bring about 100$ per views. They are therefor completely worthless to everyone by every possible metric.