Steemit Meetup, Johannesburg, South Africa 24 September 2016

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I have been following the various Meetups around the world and it is time for arranging a meetup in Johannesburg Gauteng South Africa. I love taking the lead in making things happen and I have also learned that if you put these of thing of for too long, they normally do not happen :) so let's set the date for :

Saturday 24 September 2016 @ from 16:00 at the Brazenhead in Fourways, Johannesburg.

This is an invitation to all South African Steemit users which can make it. For those outside Gauteng, please see if you can get some specials on flights to join us. I would be amazing to have you guys and gals around :)

If you know any South Africans on the platform, please let them know about this meetup by spreading the word. If anybody from another country wish to fly in and join us it will be lovely :)

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@robertm , my business partner, will be assisting with the arrangements. I will discuss with @gavvet and other members of the South African community to assist by also advertising the meetup.

Why here?

The reason we have chosen the Brazenhead, is that they have "breakaway" rooms which can be dedicated to us and as a group for to ensure some peace and quiet. They have good food, good specials and a lot of beer.

If anyone have an alternative suggestiion, please make a comment below.

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A map to the Brazenhead in Fourways can be found here

Let's have a discussion around the Steemit and Steem platforms, meet each other and have a few drinks and laughs :)

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We will make a follow up post with pictures and feedback after the meetup.

Please leave a comment or contact me on to get more details.

Your comments and suggestions would be appreciated.

Happy Steeming


Aw man, that sounds like so much fun! Sometimes I feel like the only Steemian in Florida so a meetup would consist of me, myself and I. I'm certain all my personalities would get along until the whiskey set in. LOL

Jump on a plane and come and join us... It is only like a 100 hour flight or something like that . You can have a nice chat with your different personalities on the way here :) Good Whiskey on this side, and South Africa is well known for its good wine and beer :)

Maybe we could set one up in Florida. :)

For those who cannot physically join us, I will have a computer with a Skype or similar tool with conference facility at the venue, you can join us virtually :)

Awesome idea @jacor! might be able to join via skype! Will just have to check the data connection during that weekend.

Any meetup in Central Europe? :)

You can do it! Arrange one :P ..
There are many of these happening across the globe

This is perhaps the first meetup in Africa. I wish I can attend. Lotta awesome people over there. Wish you guys all the best

@infovore , Would love to have you join us. Jump on a plane, come down for the weekend? I am looking for business partners in Nigeria in any case :)

Ha! As much as I would love to. It aint as easy that. Need to get visa to S/africa and a lotta other docs ready. Always a hassle getting out of this country. And yep! I'm always in for awesome partnership. Are you on

Pity you can't join us, but if there is any way of us making it easier to visit our country please let me know. I can send you an invitation letter, confirming you have accommodation. Anything that will help ... This is one of the reasons I gave enough time ... 24 September is still 2 and a half weeks away... which leaves enough time to get a visa :)

great news :)

When same event my country?... I hope any doing here

You can do it! Arrange one :P ..
There are many of these happening across the globe

I would love to meet all the SA steemersHi @jacor

Hello @rynow

I totally agree! That could be very interesting

:) F

Good move !! Would love to be there... but would mean instant bachelorhood again !! And I too old for this dating stuff ........................ steem on @jacor

Awesome, Viva South Africa! :) @steemdrive, @thecryptodrive @bravenewcoin (all me, lol) are 5-6 hours drive away in Durban, really would love to be there but may be logistically difficult considering the time of meet I would have to stay the night as well.

I may try make it, but if I don't see you, please have a drink for me and don't drive after!

WOW! Awesome! Sure it will be wonderful meeting!
And I hope we'll see some photos later ... ;)
Good luck you, guys!