How to Comment on a Post

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

It has come to my attention that many new Steemit users seem to have no idea about the unwritten rules of forum etiquette, so I will endeavor to write them down here.

1. Be relevant

Don't just say, "Nice post!"

Say what you liked about the post, support the position presented, or offer a polite and coherent rebuttal to points with which you disagree.

2. Be civil

Don't call names, make threats, wallow in fallacious nonsense, or try to stalk or troll other users. Differing opinions don't need to lead to vitriolic arguments. Keep it simple. State your argument, cite your evidence, and be prepared to offer supporting arguments. Or just ignore the post altogether and get on with your life.

3. Don't beg

Don't request upvotes, follows, resteems, or clicks on your embedded links to your own posts. Quid-pro-quo upvote exchange demands are simply rude.

4. Embed links to your own work wisely

In fact, I advise against linking your own posts at all unless they are especially relevant to the conversation, and then ideally only when it's something past payout anyway so it's clear you're not trying to game the system. For example,

 I really liked your article on photography in New England.
 [I went to the same area last September,](URL link to blog post)
 and wondered whether you saw any of these same places?

This is relevant, civil, and offers the option to click the link only as clarification while stating it is not a vote-begging scheme.

5. Reply!

Respond when others comment on your posts, reply to comments on other posts, and engage with others who reply to your comments on other posts. This is where Steemit relationships are created.

A note on comments and upvotes

You can upvote comments just like you upvote posts. Upvoting people who make good comments as well as conversing with them encourages more good comments, and can count as good curation too.

I personally try to avoid upvoting contentless flattery comments, and have considered flagging some of them as spam, but I remain unsure whether that is the best course of action.

Input on comment etiquette, upvote/flag opinions, and other relevant matters are welcomed below. If you have written something on the subject, embedded links are also welcome.

image credit


If you like this post, please comment, follow, and resteem!


I think using the mute button is enough most of the time, heaps of new users around at the moment and watching some of them comment makes me cringe sometimes

I'm afraid spammers don't have time to read your post, they're too busy copy/pasting their incredibly original and engaging comment!

And that kind of behavior is what flags are for.

I'm new here and try to make thoughtful comments. When people make inane comments on my posts, I mute or ignore depending on what I find. I've muted just a few people and when I went back to check them just now - I am pleased with my decision. Most of those I muted are completely grayed out. So, far, I have a lot less spam issues here than on my other platforms. Very happy after 11 days :)

I read the post of someone who did use the flag on someone else and then regretted it. Taking someone from 50 - 30 - 15 was an unwanted power trip for him. I will reserve my flagging for violence or hatred. I have not seen anything like that yet. I have all the nsfw stuff completely blocked already because I am a prudish person compared to the rest of the world.

Nice post!
Just kidding :)
Everyone should take these advices seriously. Comments are meant to give more value to the post and make it constructive.
Thanks for posting :)

Valuable tips. The 'please follow/ upvote' requests are kind of annoying and totally redundant anyway. Post good content and the upvotes will come.
Have a great day!

yea, they add no real 'value' to the post at all. It's all part of the selfish nature of so many people in the world today; A vote should come naturally. If someone votes good; if not all good too -

YES, YES, YES! This is important info for all users!

I advise against linking your own posts at all unless they are especially relevant to the conversation, and then ideally only when it's something past payout anyway so it's clear you're not trying to game the system.

That was a great idea to add that bit of advice and provide info on how to do it properly!

Nice Post!
Hahah, just kidding.. Seriously, thanks for the info!
From now on I'll try to make more relevant comments.

I'm going to break all those rules in this single comment!

Or not.

Thanks for the etiquette review.

Thanks for not breaking the rules... yet, anyway...

THIS is what needs to seen by all the new users. ive tried to write something like this, but it escalated into something different during the process.

such subject requires good writer, and why not - a page on, where people could send new users daily.

Unfortunately, even the best introductory info posts tend to disappear after payout.

yes, thats why all the new users must go through making same mistakes. thing is, many of them aint aware of what is this all about, i talked to few of them, and they mostly dont realize at all they are doing it wrong. i dont flag them, but i can screenshot and upload an article like this one, and send to them instead of flag or arguing. i believe it could work with at least half of them. effective way could also be rewarding new users who doesnt fall for these mistakes. but i guess thats technically impossible.

Very nice tips for all members on how to comment. In case we don't understand the topic it is better not to comment rather than saying 'nice post'. Thank you.

Totally agree, with our young community it seems like people want followers for the sake of followers, the thing is that there aren't that many active users on here, like 20,000 as of mid may 2017. Meaning when you see those $2,000 posts don't be discouraged by their few thousand followers, it will get easier as time goes on and as people join the community we will all grow our steem power. Whoever is in now is an early adopter, we are all going to do fine once a few million people flock over here from facebook/twitter/tumblr/reddit.

This post is useful for a lot of new users. If I had seen this post when I stared here on Steemit i wouldn't be a vote/follow begger in the first days of my life as a Steemian! 😉 Good post! This type of posts is good for others to learn how to behave on Steemit (and other blogplatforms)! Thanks for sharing! P.S.: I like your writing-style!

Great post, I loved how you explained each step to becoming a good steemain.

nice post! lol
good information for beginner, this information must be very useful. let me share it.

I'll share this in the hope that some of these people will actually read it. I don't want to be wasting time on pointless comments. I vote up those that add to the discussion. Others get nothing

Good advice! Nice p..... ahhhhh, gotcha! :) It's all about outcomes, following your advice makes it more likely someone will get the outcome they would like. Our culture is evolving to have courtesy at it's heart. A marvelous thing!

I wrote a post recently about Acknowledgement (I'm not going to link to it) being an alternative to an upvote in the post HF19 world of rapidly diminishing VP.

There are times when a simple mention in a response lets someone know you value their input enough to highlight their name.

You would think it is kind of common sense to be relevant and provide well thought through feedback, otherwise why bother commenting?

My rule of thumb is if I can't come up with anything better to offer than nice or great, I just don't say anything.

It's sad that so many posts have to be dedicated to basic etiquette, unfortunately for the time being I do recognise the necessity.

This should all be common sense really but unfortunately there are plenty of people using Steemit who try to use these 'tactics'. I assume most of them are very new here and don't have the patience to actually build their profile slowly over time by writing relevant comments/posts. I'm sure most will either get bored or realise that spammy comments won't get them anywhere and start using the platform properly.

I normally up vote comments on my posts as long as it seems the person has actually read the post and written something relevant even if it's just a sentence or two. The people who write "nice post" or "followed, follow me" are missing out.

'new Steemit users seem to have no idea about the unwritten rules' - the irony of this sentence! :) - glad you have WRITTEN the code of conduct out, i can't STAND the people that post, seconds after i pushed post, it's obvious they never read the darn thing! :)

It's not like forums, bulletin boards, or blogs are especially new technology anymore. And it's not like the core principles are that far off from how you should behave in the analog world.

blinded by the lights, pretty new heights.

I am actually appalled at the amount of begging/soliciting here! That is just bad social media etiquette! If you are that good and you are commenting on my post, chances are, I will want to know a little bit more about this person that leaves me comments. (especially comments that are more relevant than "Nice Post") I am not trying to be offensive, but, I am a mere minnow and have only been here a couple of weeks. I do not expect to get huge $$ now, maybe never. But, I am with you on this one.


I do not understand why a simple , great post, good job, is discouraged !
Not everyone is a creative genius,and a brilliant author of thoughts!
the majority of people on this platform are never going to be trending or popular...what is wrong with a simple praise or complement!?
or is it dog eat dog and every one trying to one up everyone, greed is good ,and fu-- the poor disadvantaged . or simple common folk?
Pardon me for my opinion and thought!
are the thought police going to flag me?
what if I was a whale would my comment be viewed different!
feel free to give me any response! I welcome a simple thought, or try ignore the drama and hate..

Because empty compliments from internet strangers carry no weight, especially in a platform plagued with votebots and comment bots. If you're not a good writer, practice helps. Comments are a great way to practice better writing in short form, and if you feel a need to comment on something, why not make it relevant?

so by saying you did a good job and upvote a post I have not add value?
verses some one who creates a "valuable" comment and does not upvote?
or even if they do upvote because they understand that it makes them $...
would you rather have no comments ,than at least a single person who takes the time to say something! rather than just read and ignore....
give me 200 followers that say good job and upvote any day! instead of 10 people who have wit and charm,and are try to asskiss!
lol.. half these people wont even vote!
I do like to express my opinions, and sometimes that is a simple Good POST!
but if you really do not want that please let me know! (I guess you did) will try not to leave any simple praise or easy upvote! I will try not to add value to your to wallet or life...
but I would like to play nice if I can...
just a point of view, I hope I have added value to your views. :-)

I'm just saying that:

A. If you are indistinguishable from bots and spammers, no value is added and you become background noise, and

B. If you're going to comment, it should probably be something substantive.

I am not trying to belittle you or your post!
I found it worthy of commenting and have said my piece/peace.
I respect your choice of what you consider value.
I hope we can find common ground,in other areas, or be civil in or future talk/chat/engagements.
thank you for your time and point of view/ opinion. I enjoyed your post! and dialog.

Really, a lot of it comes down to good manners. Treat others the way you'd like to be treated. If you know how to carry on a conversation at a cocktail party, you'll do fine.

That said, it's useful to lay out these ground rules as you've done, because it's amazing how many people don't know how to carry on a conversation at a cocktail party!

I don't like cocktail parties, and I still know this stuff!

If I ever voyage to Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha we'll have to get together for drinks.

Can't believe I mis-read your comment. D'oh. Well we can still have drinks but just not at a party.

Pan-galactic gargle blasters, I hope.

You have read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, right?

What a great series. Douglas Adams was a treasure.

How about his Dirk Gently books? Have you read those yet?

I have - at least the first one.

How did you feel about the BBC America interpretation?

Great Post with the unwritten rules of the game that in my book is called: Have Respect for Others. Act in social media how you would act in real life. That is not throwing all your own stuff over to the other side. Many (new?) Steemians seem not to get that.

You write about commenting, I already wrote about how aggressive promotions of posts are done and the do's and don'ts. I get many private chat messages, with user publishing just their posts link, or sometimes they add something like "I'll vote for you if you vote this post". Although I engaged with them in chat before, explaining that this is not the way to do it, it becomes so much, that I just started to ignore those chats.

BTW, I dont link any old posts, if you like my comment, you can decide yourself if you like to go to my page and look at my posts :)

Regarding voting for comments: Yes! I really like to do that, and I generally upvote all comments. However, this leaves me with only small voting power for all comments and I want to start giving good comments 5 to 10 times more power than the rest. So I shall start not voting for "Thank you"and "Great Post" comments anymore. Still difficult to put to practise though, since I started voting for comments to show appreciation for reading my post (maybe they didn't, but I generally assume they did) and taking the time and effort to place a comment. But yeh, if the comment is very generic, not really something that starts engagement, the value of such comment is not that much and compared to meaningful comments maybe even less.

Lately I also notice quite a few comments to my posts but no upvote of the post. Somehow, I don't mind it, but on the other hand I find it quite rude; Especially when some post is promoted or a statement to visit their page is included in the comment.

The funny thing is that in my first months at Steemit I got so many more votes than views on my posts; Now it is completely the opposite: I noticed one of my recent posts having more than 250 views and only 50 votes. The World Upside Down within 6 months (I started in Jan'17 at Steemit). LOL

Super Post You Created and SO TRUE

Great post! :)

As a newbie here I appreciate these kinds of posts! I am seeing a lot of the footers with an image or statement of some sort asking for follows and what not. Being because I am so new I feel a little skittish about that but I'm sure that type of thing works differently depending on the type of blog! It seems innate to follow, repost, etc. if you enjoy the content but that's marketing for ya! Many times if you don't explicitly say click 'here' people won't!

There's nothing wrong with a modest footer for your posts that includes an embedded link to your profile. If you're artistically inclined, it also adds a personal touch to your post. I used the text above for a while because I am artistically inept in the digital realm beyond basic MS-Paint stuff.

This post has been ranked within the top 50 most undervalued posts in the first half of Jul 07. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $24.30 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jul 07 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Hmmm... I usually only make #unnice comments ;) but hopefully being a reflective dude I ask myself if maybe my signature gif is asking for too much? Care for your opinion?

You never learn enough I guess

Thanks for this post. I am new on steemit and this means me a lot, it's like I have understood what I have to do here! Thanks! Spamers sholud be muted

its funny bc i was googling how to comment on steemit post bc with the layout i genuinely didnt know how until i saw the reply prompt
